Camms.Connect | June 2022
Camms is pleased to bring you the Quarterly Product Release Note for Camms.Connect.
This quarter we've got a number of exciting new features and enhancements to improve your user experience within the system, which will be available in your Test environment on 11th June 2022 and will be available in your Live instance on 25th June 2022.
1. Creating Compliance details and Action detail records in Camms.Risk Compliance |
Introducing APIs enabling you to create one or more Compliance details and Compliance Action detail records in the Camms.Risk Compliance product.
Type | Name | Description |
POST | /api/v1/ComplianceActionDetails/BulkPost | This API will let you import one or more Action records to the Camms.Risk Compliance product. |
POST | /api/v1/ComplianceDetail/BulkPost | This API will let you import one or more Compliance records to the Camms.Risk Compliance product. |
2. Creating Custom Object details and Linkage details in Camms.Risk Compliance |
Introducing APIs that will allow you to create Custom objects and Linkages in the Camms.Risk Compliance product.
Type | Name | Description |
POST | /api/v1/ComplianceCustomObjectDetail | This API will let you import Custom Object data to the Camms.Risk compliance product. |
POST | /api/v1/ComplianceCustomObjectDetail | This API will let you import Compliance Linkages such as Project, Risk, Hierarchy, Obligation, Authority Document, Policy, Incident, and Controls. |
3. Retrieving new Compliance information in Camms.Risk Compliance |
Introducing APIs that will let you retrieve Linkage lists, Action lists, Location lists, Action details, and Linkage detail information from the Camms.Risk Compliance product.
Type | Name | Description |
GET | /api/v1/ComplianceActionDetails | This API will let you export Compliance Actions details data in the Camms.Risk Compliance product. |
GET | /api/v1/ComplianceLocation | This API will let you export Compliance Location data in the Camms.Risk Compliance product. |
GET | /api/v1/ComplianceAction | This API will let you export Compliance Action list data in the Camms.Risk Compliance product. |
GET | /api/v1/ComplianceLinkageList | This API will let you export Compliance Linkages such as Project, Risk, Hierarchy, Obligation, Authority Document, Policy, Incident and Controls. |
4. Retrieving Goal details and Outcome details from the Planning Hierarchy |
Introducing APIs that will let you retrieve Goal details and Outcome details from the Planning Hierarchy.
Type | Name | Description |
GET | /api/v1/GoalDetails | This API will let you export Goal data from the Camms.Strategy product. |
GET | /api/v1/OutcomeDetails | This API will let you export Outcome data from the Camms.Strategy product. |
5. Retrieving Directorate details and Business Unit details from the Standard Organisation Hierarchy |
Introducing APIs that will let you retrieve Directorate details and Business Unit details available in the Standard Organisation Hierarchy.
Type | Name | Description |
GET | /api/v1/DirectorateDetails | This API will let you export Directorate data from the Camms.Strategy product. |
GET | /api/v1/BusinessUnitDetails | This API will let you export Business Unit data from Camms.Strategy product |
6. Retrieving Location details from Camms.Risk Incident |
Introducing an API that will let you retrieve location information available in the Camms.Risk Incident product.
Type | Name | Description |
GET | /api/V2/IncidentLocationDetails | This API will let you retrieve Location data available for Incidents from the Camms.Risk Incident product. |
7. Retrieving Project Currency object details from Camms.Project |
Introducing an API that will let you retrieve the Project Currency Object information available in Camms.Project.
Type | Name | Description |
GET | /api/V2/ProjectCurrencyObject | This API will let you export data from the Currency object of Camms.Project. |
8. Deleting User Permissions from Incidents, Compliance, Policies, Authority Documents, and the Flexible Hierarchy |
Introducing APIs which allow you to delete Incident, Compliance, Authority Document, Policy, and Flexible Hierarchy user permissions.
Type | Name | Description |
DELETE | /api/v1/staffcmspermission | This API will let you delete staff Compliance permissions from the Camms.Risk Compliance product. |
DELETE | /api/v1/staffimspermission | This API will let you delete staff Incident permissions from the Camms.Risk Incident product. |
DELETE | /api/v1/staffauthoritydocumentpermission | This API will let you delete staff Authority Document permissions from the Camms.Risk Compliance product. |
DELETE | /api/v1/staffpolicypermission | This API will let you delete staff Policy permissions from the Camms.Risk Compliance product. |
DELETE | /api/v1/staffhierarchynodepermission | This API will let you delete staff permissions available for a specific Hierarchy Node. |
9. Deleting Staff Linkages from a Flexible Hierarchy Node |
Introducing an API to delete Staff Linkages from a Flexible Hierarchy Node.
Type | Name | Description |
DELETE | /api/v1/staffhierarchynode | This API will let you delete a Staff Linkage from a Hierarchy Node. |
10. Supporting multiple Risk Assessment criteria |
Currently in the Camms.Risk product, Risk Assessment criteria will fetch values only for one instance. This enhancement will enable you to retrieve information related to multiple instances from the existing Risk Assessment criteria API.
Type | Name | Description |
GET | /api/v1/GetRiskAssessmentCriteria | This API will let you retrieve information related to multiple Risk Assessment criteria instances. |
11. Updating custom fields of Strategic, Corporate, Operational, and Project Risks |
Introducing APIs to update custom field values of Strategic, Corporate, Operational and Project Risks.
Type | Name | Description |
PUT | /api/V2/RiskCORPORATEDetails | This API will let you update custom field values of Corporate Risks. |
PUT | /api/V2/RiskOPERATIONALDetails | This API will let you update custom field values of Operational Risks. |
PUT | /api/V2/RiskProjectDetails | This API will let you update custom field values of Project Risks. |
PUT | /api/V2/RiskSTRATEGICRDetails | This API will let you update custom field values of Strategic Risks. |
12. Introducing the Whispir Connector |
Camms has now introduced an out-of-the-box Connector that integrates with the Whispir SMS Communication Platform. This Connector can be used to send notifications from the Camms.Risk Incident product, in the form of SMS notifications.