Compliance Settings – Object Configuration Settings
This settings page will let you configure fields in various register types, for its standard and custom objects used in a workflow. Custom fields can be created for standard objects if required. Additionally, define if objects require a sign-off or approval, its visibility, display in My Quick Updates, and more. Furthermore, within an object you can define a field’s label, visibility, sequence, and mandatory state.
There are nine standard objects within the system:
Compliance Object – This object will enable configuring the field available within Compliance details page which the user will see when they enter a new compliance record. This will contain the preliminary information about the compliance.
Action Object – This object will enable configuring the fields available in the action page. Action page is where the user will enter information about action that is linked to a compliance.
Controls Object – This object will enable configuring the fields available in the controls page, it will display the control details grid within the controls page
Questionnaire Object – This object will enable configuring the fields available in the obligation assessment page. This object will show the linked survey responses. Please refer to the Survey module guide for more information - Survey Workspace - Camms.Support Documentation - Confluence (
Review Object – This object will enable configuring the fields available within review page, Review page is where the user will enter data on reviews of the compliance.
Document Object – This object will enable configuring the documents page. This page will allow users to upload any documents or add any URL to the compliance. You will not be able to configure any fields within this page.
Linkages Object – This object will enable configuring the linkages page. This page will allow users to link an incident to a risk, project or a hazard. You will not be able to configure any fields within this page.
Risk Analysis Object – This object will enable configuring the fields available within Risk Analysis page.
Root Cause Analysis Object – This object will enable configuring the fields available within Root Cause Analysis Object page.
Click on the object name to go into the respective configuration page. All standard objects will be listed here by default. Any new custom objects can be created from here as well.
To create a new Object, follow the steps below:
STEP 1: Navigate to Framework > Compliance Settings > Object Configurations.
STEP 2: Click on the New button.
STEP 3: Enter all relevant information and configure the fields. More information on configurations are given below.
STEP 4: Click on the Save button to save details.
Changing the description will change the display text of the corresponding page.
Standard Object – The objects that are standard will have the standard object tick box checked. This cannot be edited by the Client administrator.
Enable Sign Off – This field will enable the sign off functionality for the corresponding object. Signoff functionality will not be available for linkages, actions and document objects.
Visible – This field can use to determine if the object appears for the end users in the compliance workflow or not. For the object to appear, the visibility should be turned on.
Enable Submit – This is used to determine whether the submit option for the record should be placed on the object or not. The same applies to the Enable Re-Submit button as well.
Show in My Quick Update – This will determine if the contents of the object are to be shown in the My Quick Update area. This is only applicable to Compliance, Policy, Authority Documents, Actions and Review objects only.
Enable Approval – This can be ticked if you require an approval in the workflow for an object, then enable this tick box for only ONE object. This will then configure this feature for all objects in that workflow.
Note: When configuring the Enable Approval setting, it should be set for ONLY ONE object in a workflow (eg: close object, incident object). If not, this setting would not function as expected.
However, for an Action Object, the enable approval configuration can be set separately, in addition to other workflows. In a future release, Camms will look into making this process more user-friendly.
Show Action Progress Updates – This can be ticked if you wish to periodically review recurring and non-recurring compliance actions with progress update information. This will enable a two tab view within the action object: Action Details, Action Progress Update. (See section Periodic Reviews for Compliance Actions under Action in Compliance Management.)
Note: Enable Investigation Submission and Enable Approvals options are non-functional at the moment.
The grid at the bottom of the page will allow the administrator to configure fields within the object. Following columns will be available.
Column | Description |
Field Name | Enter a field reference name for each field. Ensure there are no spaces in the field name defined. Note: To include single select/ lists and custom tables, you must enter the exact name entered within List items/ Custom tables for the equivalent field as the field name. |
Field Type | Select the field type you want to add from a list of types. Following field types are available.
Note: Only the recommended and implemented field types are mentioned here. |
Label Reference | A list of label references defined through display text will be available. You can select the reference of the label that the field should refer to. |
Standard field | Indicates whether the field is a standard or a custom field. System administrator will not be able to remove the standard fields in the system. |
Visible | You can toggle the visibility of the field by selecting true/false from this column. |
Sequence | Sequence of which the fields will be displayed in the page. |
Is decision point | Define whether the field is a decision point to determine with rest of the workflow based off on selections made from the field. Note: This is only applicable for list type fields (custom/multi select fields and radio button fields). |
Is Required In Save | Define whether the field configured is required to have data entered when attempting to save. If the field is not filled in, the system will notify the users upon clicking on Save via a validation message. |
Is Required In Submit | Define whether the field configured is required to have data entered when attempting to submit. If the field is not filled in, the system will notify the users upon clicking on Submit via a validation message. |
Visible In Mobile
| Define whether the field configured should be visible in the mobile application. Note: This is only applicable for the implemented fields supporting the mobile application. |
Required For Integration | Define whether the field configured is a must for integration packages configured. |
Is Enable Document Attach | Enable an attach Document button for the field. |
Is Linkage Enable | Enable a create Linkages button for the field. |
Is Organisational link Enable | Enable the option to create a linkage to the organisation hierarchy only, for the field. |
Is Action Creation Enabled | Enable a create actions button for the field. |
Show In My Quick Update | Define if the field is to eb shown in the My Quick update. Note: This is only applicable for implemented fields from Compliance, Authority Document, Policy, Review and Actions objects. |
Override Compliance Read Only Permission | When the objects are marked read only for all users from integration, this would define if the field can override that permissions and should be editable. Note: Only applicable for the integration. |
To add a new field, follow the steps below:
STEP 1: Navigate to Framework > Compliance Settings > Object Configurations.
STEP 2: Click on the New button at the top of the field grid.
STEP 3: Enter a field reference and configure other columns as required.
STEP 4: Click on the Save button to save details.
The following standard fields are available for each standard object.
Compliance Register to be selected from Register Type.
Field Reference | Type | Description | Mandatory/Optional |
Compliance Details Object | |||
Ref | Text box |
Compliance Code | Text box | Code of the compliance. The code can be configured by Incident code setup within compliance settings. | Mandatory |
Compliance Title | Textbox | Title of the Compliance. | Mandatory |
Compliance Type | Custom Single Select | The type of the Compliance. The dropdown will list all types of Compliance entered through compliance type within compliance settings. The selection will determine the workflow of the Compliance. Note: The sequence of the ‘Compliance Type’ field should always be before any other field. This is to ensure when a compliance is created, the 'Type' is identified and thereafter the respective fields load based on that Type. | Mandatory (can be changed to optional) |
Compliance Responsible Officer | Staff Dropdown | Responsible officer of the Compliance. This field will determine the user who will have access to the compliance through My Quick update> My compliances. | Mandatory (can be changed to optional) |
Compliance Description | Multiline Textbox | Add a description to the compliance. | Mandatory |
Compliance Reported Date | Created Date | Date that the compliance is reported. | Mandatory (can be changed to optional) |
Compliance Reported By | Staff Dropdown | The staff who reported the compliance. | Mandatory (can be changed to optional) |
Compliance Status Name | Custom Single Select | The Status of the Compliance. | Mandatory (can be changed to optional) |
Compliance Category Name | Custom Multi Select | Category of the Compliance. | Mandatory (can be changed to optional) |
Compliance Parent | Parent Child Cascade List |
| Mandatory (can be changed to optional) |
Is Active | Check Box |
| Mandatory (can be changed to optional) |
Action Object | |||
Action Name | Text Box | Action title. |
Action Type | Check Box | If it’s ticked, it would mean the action is a recurring action. If it is left unticked it would mean it would be a non recurring action. |
Responsible Officer | Staff Dropdown | Staff member who is responsible for the action. This field will determine the user who will have access to the action through My Quick Update > My Actions. |
Status | Incident Action Type | Status dropdown. Options available; Not started, in progress, completed, deferred, ongoing. |
Start Date | Date Time Picker | Start date of the action. |
End Date | Date Time Picker | End date of the action. |
Percent Completed | Integer Text Box | Completion % of the action. Setting a status of 'Not Started' will set the % complete to 0. Setting a status of 'In progress' will allow the user to enter % complete between 1-99. Setting a status of 'Completed' will set the % complete to 100. |
Description | Multiline Text Box | Description of the action. |
Comment | Multiline Text Box | Enter progress comments for the action. |
Actual Completion Date | Date Time Picker | Enter the actual completion date of the action. This may differ from the end date. |
Controls Object | |||
Control Details | Linked Grid | Displays Control Details in a grid. | Optional |
Questionnaire Object | |||
Obligation Assessment Details | Linked Grid | Displays Obligation Assessment Details in a grid. | Optional |
Review Object | |||
Review Compliance Title | Compliance Code and Title | Title of the Review compliance & the code. |
Review Frequency | Review Frequency Type Dropdown | This defines how frequent the review should be carried out. |
Last Reviewed By | Last Reviewed By | The Name of the Individual who carried out the last review. |
Last Reviewed Date | Last Reviewed Date Time Picker | The date on which the last review was carried out. |
Next Review Date | Next Review Date Time Picker | The date on which the next review is scheduled to be held. |
Compliance Review Status | Text Box | Status of the Compliance. |
Review Comment | Review Comment | The comment regarding the review. |
Unique Details Object
In addition to the seven standard objects within the system (including the standard ‘Compliance Details’ object which is a common configuration), users are able to create and maintain a unique version of the standard ‘Compliance Details’ object.
The fields, field labels and field positions can be identified distinctively per workflow with this set up as opposed to using the standard common configuration which will be common across all workflows.
To set up this function:
STEP 1: Select Compliance Details from the Workflow Element Type dropdown when creating the new Object.
This will auto-populate a copy of the existing standard incident details object with all its fields.
STEP 2: Define the fields with their properties in the field configuration area.
STEP 3: Click on the Save button to save the details.
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