Compliance Settings – Miscellaneous Settings

Compliance Settings – Miscellaneous Settings

This settings page will let you configure various settings within the Compliance module. Note that changes done here will impact the overall module (all Compliance Register Types).

Below listed are settings that are applicable to the Compliance system.





Records per Page in Compliance Register

Defines the number of records displayed in the compliance registers by default. This will commonly apply to all registers available within the compliance module.

Display Longitude and Latitude in Incident Details

Enables to show the Longitude and Latitude in Compliance Details underneath the Location field.

Automatically select Responsible Officer from

Enables to automatically select the Responsible Officer from the Directorate or Business Unit selected for the compliance.

Display detailed warning message on submission

Enables to show a detailed warning message (validation message) upon submission of records. Disable all objects when Compliance is closed.

Default Compliance Status selected in Register

Enables to select a Compliance status via the dropdown which appears. The selected status will be the default status.

Set default Sign Off authority for Compliance

Enables to set up the default signoff authority based on User Role or User.

Hide Add New button in Register

Enables hiding the Add New button is the Registers.

Time for Bulk Emails in Compliance (this will consider the server time)

Define the time at which the bulk emails in compliance should be triggered.

Authenticate when navigating via notification hyperlinks

Authenticate users when navigating via the notification hyperlinks.

Activate all active email triggers in Incident and compliance

Activate/deactivate all active email triggers in both Incident and Compliance modules.

  • When enabled, it will send all instantaneous email notifications including the unsent instantaneous notifications triggered within the last 24 hours and all due/overdue emails that meets the trigger criteria.

  • When disabled, all email notifications will cease to trigger.

Disable hyperlinks in email snippets for all incident and compliance notifications

Disable by selecting this, to send hyperlinks in email snippets in the email body in both Incident and Compliance modules.

Default Sort Order in Compliance Register

Select the sort order in compliance registers from a dropdown, to be from compliance code or compliance title, in ascending or descending order.

Enable Synchronisation of Compliance Action Progress 

Enable this setting to synchronise action progresses updates.

Auto Save Frequency (in Minutes, keep blank to turn off)

Enter a number in this field to denote the amount of minutes to auto save incident pages at a pre-defined frequency to prevent data loss. This will help users if in case of accidental closing the browser window or unexpected page crashes.

  • The mandatory validations will not be validated at the time of auto-save.

  • The user will not be able to do a manual save at the time the auto-save is happening, but could do so at any other given time. 

  • At the time of an incident creation, if the auto-save happens the incident will get saved as a ‘Draft’ and will appear in the register as a ‘Draft’ for the incident creator only.


  • The minimum auto-save frequency is 5 minutes. Leaving it blank would turn off the auto save feature.

  • Decimals, alphabets, and characters cannot be entered here.

  • The incident will be created and saved as a ‘Draft’ irrespective of the miscellaneous setting ‘Disable draft functionality in Incident Details’ being ticked. At the time of an incident action creation, the action will get saved as a ‘Draft’ and will appear in the action register for the action creator only.

  • The incident will be created and saved as a ‘Draft’ irrespective of the ‘Enable Approval’ setting being ticked. The auto-save will run and save information only if the user has done any changes to the record between the frequency cycles. The auto-saved information will be updated in incident history.

  • The auto save functionality will not work for the following objects: Linkage object, Document object, My Quick Update, Incident Portal.

Click on the Save button to save changes made to any of the settings.

Note: Only applicable settings to Camms.Risk Compliance are listed here.

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