Camms.Project – Resource Manager
1. Allocation Overview |
This section will give you an overview of the resource allocation.
When you click on the Search button located at the top-right corner of the screen, a popup (shown below) will appear enabling you to define the resources under criteria, such as data period and allocation type (under allocated and over allocated).
The list of resources which would appear on the left-hand side of the screen will be as per the refined criteria.
Tick the positions which you would like to check the allocation on and click the green colour draw icon at the top-right corner. A detailed pie chart will appear as shown below, providing the allocation of resources with number of hours.
Hover above any section of the pie chart and click on the Segment to view more details. The names of the staff members will be displayed (Project Managers shown in the below screenshot).
2. Resource Utilisation |
2.1 Overview
This section provides an overview of the resource utilisation under certain criteria such as over allocation, under allocation, weekends, holidays, etc., using different colour combinations. The resources will appear on the left side as per filtered options. The time allocation completed through Task Planning will be displayed where you can change if required. When you change the time allocation from Resource Utilisation, those time changes will be reflected on the Task Planning area.
The total effort will be displayed as a summary against each resource under the effort column.
You cannot edit/update any details which prior to the current date. However, the task allocation details for dates which falls after the current date can be changed from the chart by clicking on the Number of Hours.
2.2 Filter Criteria
You can filter resources via the Filter area of the Resource Utilisation page, which can be accessed by clicking the Filter button in the top toolbar.
The filtering criteria available in the Resource Utilisation page are mentioned in the grid below:
Criteria | Description |
Select Search Template | Allows users to select an existing search template for filtering. |
From Date | The start date for the time period. |
To Date | The end date for the time period. |
Organisational Link | Directorate to which the resource is under. |
Staff Position | Staff position of the Resource. |
Project Manager | Project Manager of the Resource. |
Resource | Keyword of the Resource (Autofill will provide options). |
Allocation Type | If the resource is over allocated or under allocated. |
Reporting Officer | Reporting Officer of the Resource. |
Project Status | Status of the project (Open, Upcoming and Closed). By default, only open and upcoming projects will be shown. |
Project Position | Project position of the Resource. |
Note: The reporting officer filter is only available if the Reporting Officer functionality is activated by Camms. Please contact Camms Support if you wish to activate the Reporting Officer functionality.
2.3 Saving Filters as Templates
You can save search criteria as a template for later use by following the steps below:
STEP 1: Select the filters you would like to save as a template, and select the Save Search Template tick box.
STEP 2: Once you select the Save Search Template tick box, you will see a text box below it. Enter the name for your search template, and click on Filter button to save it.
2.4 Searching by selecting an already existing Template
You can select an existing template when filtering resources via the Select Search Template dropdown list in the Filters area.
2.5 Viewing, Editing, and Deleting existing Templates
You can view already created templates by clicking the pencil icon next to the Select Search Template dropdown list.
A pop-up window which contains all created templates will be displayed when you click the pencil icon.
You can delete any existing template by clicking the delete icon next to it.
2.6 Setting a Search Template as Default
You can set a search template as default in two ways:
2.6.1 Via the Filters Area
In order to set a certain search template as default via the Filters area, you can follow the steps below:
STEP 1: Select the template which you want to set as default from the 'Select Search Template' dropdown list.
STEP 2: Select the Set as Default tick box and click the Filter button to save your changes.
2.6.2 Via the Templates Area
In order to set a certain search template as default via the Templates area, you can follow the steps below:
STEP 1: Click the pencil icon next to the 'Select Search Template' dropdown list.
STEP 2: Click the default icon adjacent to the template which you wish to set as default and click on Save.
2.7 Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Views
You can view allocations of resources for projects in projects using daily, weekly and monthly views.
2.7.1 Daily View (Default View)
The default view of the Resource Utilisation page will be the daily view. This view can be changed to Weekly or Monthly by clicking the respective toggle options at the top-right corner.
2.7.2 Weekly View
You can switch the view of the Resource Utilisation page to weekly view by clicking the Weekly option in the toggle at the top-right corner.
2.7.3 Monthly View
You can switch the view of the Resource Utilisation page to monthly view by clicking the Monthly option in the toggle at the top-right corner.
2.8 Viewing Allocations of Resources
You can expand the resource to view more details on his or her allocations. You can further expand the project by clicking the Plus sign against it to view the Tasks related to the project as shown below:
You cannot add any hours/tasks to the dates on which the staff is on leave. When you click on a Resource (shown in below screenshot), you will be taken to a screen which will enable you to edit/update the leave status and settings for the resource.
When you click on a Project, it will direct you to a screen which will show the tasks of the project under the list fields along with a Gantt chart (Task Planning).
When you click on a Task, a pop-up as shown below will appear to allow you to change the Task Allocation for a given date range. Tick the Overwrite Existing Allocation option if you wish to overwrite the current allocated time.
When you update the number of allocated hours of a staff member for a day from Resource Utilisation, the system will calculate the Hours Per Day in the Resource Allocation pop-up in the Gantt as follows.
Hours Per Day = Total effort for the task/Task duration |
Example The duration of the task Project Management is 2 days (Start date: 11th August and End Date: 13th August). The number of hours per day in the Resource Allocation pop-up in the Gantt against the staff Clarke is 8. In the Resource Utilisation section, when you update the number of hours against Clarke for 11th August as 10, the system will calculate the Hours Per Day in the Gantt, as given below and update the Hours Per day for 11th and 12th August against Clarke with 9. Hours Per Day = (10+8) / 2 = 9 |
3. Project Utilisation |
Similar to the Resource Utilisation section, this section provides an overview of the Project Utilisation under certain criteria such as over allocation, under allocation, weekends, holidays, etc., using different colour combinations. The projects will appear on the left side as per the filter options. The time allocation completed through Task Planning will initially appear where you can change if required. When you change the time allocation from Project Utilisation, those time changes will be reflected on the Task Planning area.
3.1 Filtering Criteria
When you click the Filter button located at the top-right corner of the screen, the below screen will appear.
Below listed are the descriptions for the filter criteria:
Criteria | Description |
Select Search Template | Allows users to select an existing search template for filtering. |
From Date | The start date for the time period. |
To Date | The end date for the time period. |
Project Status | Status of the project (Open, Upcoming and Closed). By default, only open and upcoming projects will be shown. |
Task Status | The current status of the task. |
Project Manager | Project Manager of the Project. |
Project Name | Keyword of the Project (Autofill will provide options). |
Reporting Officer | Reporting Officer of the Resource. |
Note: The reporting officer filter is only available if the Reporting Officer functionality is activated by Camms. Please contact Camms Support if you wish to activate the Reporting Officer functionality.
Similar to the Resource Utilisation page, you can save search templates for later use.
3.2 Viewing Resources Allocated to Projects
Click on the Arrow against the Project in order to expand it to get further elaboration through sub tasks. You can view project allocations using daily, weekly, and monthly views.
When you click on a Project, It will direct you to a screen which will provide the tasks of the project under the list fields along with a Gantt chart (Task Planning).
When you update the number of allocated hours of a staff member for a day from Project Utilisation screen, the system will calculate and update the Hours Per Day in the Resource Allocation pop-up in the Task Planning object (Gantt) as follows.