Camms.Project – My Settings

1. Overview

The purpose of this area is for you to make configurations to sections of the Camms.Project suite.

You can navigate to the ‘My Settings' page by clicking on the profile image as shown below:

Figure 1.1
Figure 1.2

The My Settings page consists of the following sections:

  • Landing Page

  • Project Hub

  • My Quick Update

  • Personal Discussion Group

  •  Other Settings

2. Change Password

You can change the password by clicking Change Password. Enter details and Click Save.

  • Enter the current password

  • Enter the new password

  • Confirm the new password

3. Landing Page

This is a collapsible section which includes the following home page option when expanded. This will enable you to select project at home page.









Home page

Select Project Homepage

Home page

Options are as follows:

  1. Project Explorer: Selected by default.

  2. Project Hub: A dropdown is available including the following project actions in order for you to set a default project action/page for the project Hub.

    1. Change Request

    2. Project Quick Updates – When this option is selected, another dropdown will appear in order for you to set the default Quick Update page. The dropdown includes the following options.

      1. Projects (Default)

      2. Risks/Risk Actions/Risk Controls

      3. Issues/Actions/Decisions

      4. Approvals

      5. Documents

      6. Budgets

    3. Project Activities

      1. Project History

      2. Project Schedule

      3. Project Discussions (Default)

      4. Project Dashboards

      5. Project Actual Budget

  3. Project Quick Update: A dropdown available including the following Quick Update options in order for you to set a default quick update option:

    1. My Projects (Default)

    2. My Project Tasks

    3. My Project Risks

    4. My Risk Actions

    5. My Risk Controls

    6. My Issues

    7. My Issue Actions

    8. My Issue Decisions

    9. My Approvals

4. Project Hub

This is a collapsible section which displays a grid with the following information when expanded. This section will enable you to configure the visibility of project actions and set the default page for the Project Hub.

You can make each of these sections visible and additionally, set it as default if required. The Project Quick Updates section is an expandable section. When expanded, you can configure project quick update items.

5. My Quick Update

A collapsible section which includes the following Quick Update options when expanded. This section will enable the user to configure the visibility of Quick Update options and set the default Quick Update option for My Quick Update.

6. Personal Discussion Group

Please refer the Project Hub – Discussion Tab section for more details on this section.




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