Compliance Settings – Code Setup Settings

Compliance Settings – Code Setup Settings

This settings page will let you define how the record code numbering sequence is setup for register types. You may setup different numbering based on incident types, selecting the numbering sequence, adding a prefix/suffix or mask as required, defining a start number and entering a group name for generic incident code types to have its own numbering system.

Figure 1.1
  • STEP 1: Navigate to Framework > Compliance Settings > Compliance Code.

  • STEP 2: Select the Register Type.

  • STEP 3:  Select a Numbering Sequence. Three options are available.

None: Selecting 'None' will leave the number sequence empty. When a new compliance is created, no automatic number will be assigned and the user will have to manually enter a number.

  1. Strict Sequential Numbering: Selecting this option will automatically populate a sequential number for new compliances created. The number will be non-editable by the users.

  2. Editable Sequential Numbering: Selecting this option will automatically populate a sequential number for new compliances created. This will be editable in order for the user to change the number, if required.

Figure 1.2
  • STEP 4: Enter a Prefix for the code.

  • STEP 5: Enter a start number for the compliance code. Once you add a start number, any compliance created will be assigned a number starting from the number specified. Furthermore, the functionality of the number will be based on the numbering sequence option selected.


  • Additionally, you can enter a mask for the code. This would mean that you can add a mask as 0000 and the codes will begin and end with 0001 and 9999. 

  • When Codes are set to be identified against a type, each configuration per compliance, authority document, or policy type, will be displayed in the grid below the area.

  • STEP 6: Enter a Suffix for the code.

  • STEP 7: Click on the Save button at the top-right corner of the window to save details.

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