Project Status shows as “Completed” and the Percent Complete shows as 100% even when the Project doesn’t have any Tasks

Project Status shows as “Completed” and the Percent Complete shows as 100% even when the Project doesn’t have any Tasks

Issue: Project Status shows as “Completed” and the Percent Complete shows as 100% even when the Project doesn’t have any Tasks.

Description: Project Status shows as “Completed” and the Percent Complete shows as 100% even when the Project doesn’t have any Tasks and the completion date shows a future date.

It’s not allowing to change the status or the Percent Complete.


Percent Complete

Completion date shows as a future date

Reason: The setting "If There Is No Schedule Target and Actual Is Zero" is inactive.

When the above setting is inactive, if there is no schedule, it will display the % complete as 100%. This is the behaviour of the application.

When this is active and if there is no schedule it will display the % complete as 0%.

In this case, to change the % complete of the project to 0%, you will need to activate the above-mentioned setting and it will make the % complete of the Projects which are not having a schedule to 0%.

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