Welcome Panel
This section provides guidance on using the Welcome Panel navigation.
The Welcome Panel navigation is expanded by default. For the optimum screen view, you can toggle the Welcome Panel by clicking the Welcome Panel icon.
Figure : Welcome Panel Icon
The Welcome Panel consists of five (05) sections for Learners, or six (06) sections for Group Administrators.
The number of menu sections visible to the user will depend on the access permission or role.
Dashboard - Displays the Learner Dashboard consisting of the user’s personal view, basic profile information, and active enrolments.
Catalogue - Displays all publicly available Courses and Webinars, with the option to browse or self-enroll.
MyLearning - Displays all Learning Activities the Learner is currently enrolled to. The Learner can view the progress and status of an activity.
Central Admin - This menu section will appear for Group Admins only. It displays all Learners assigned to the Group you administer, along with the option to edit each Learner’s profile information.
Reporting Menu - Displays all reporting options in the platform.
User Feedback - Opens the User Feedback form in a new tab within the browser.
Help - Opens the system user guide for Leaners in a new tab within the browser.