Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I eligible for a Camms.College account?

Any Camms customer who is subscribed to our next generation customer success initiative, Camms.College, can self-register and gain access to the platform.

How do I register for a Camms.College account?

Any eligible user can self-register for a Camms.College account using the self-registration form: https://learn.cammscollege.com/register

How do I contact the Platform Administrator?

The Camms.College Learning Experience Platform is managed by the Camms.College Platform Administrator. Get in touch with the Platform Administrator in the following methods:

Contact Us Form:
Visit the public Contact Us page and submit your inquiry.
URL: https://cammscollege.com/contact-us/

Direct Email:
Send a direct email containing your inquiry.
Email: cammscollege@cammsgroup.com

Phone Support:
For urgent support, call us directly.
Phone: +61 (0) 8 7092 2371

The Camms.College technical support call center provides English language telephone support from 10:00am to 7:00pm on business days (Sydney time).

When can I expect to hear back from the Platform Administrator?

The Camms.College Support team will respond to all support requests within 24 hours from Monday to Friday, or within 1 business day.

The timeline for processing support requests and providing resolutions will be determined by the source of the problem and priority.

How do I provide feedback on the platform?

Platform users can provide feedback, log queries, flag issues, and request features by completing the User Feedback form.

The form can be accessed on any page of the system from the left side Welcome Panel navigation.

Support requests may also be lodged online (email or Contact Us form) 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Why is my course not loading?

Ensure that you have a stable internet connection. Slow internet speed or bandwidth issues may prevent the course from loading.

Your browser may have blocked pop-ups. You will receive a browser notification to enable pop-ups. Once enabled, you won't need to enable them again as it is a one-time task.

Try clearing your browser cache (shortcut for cache refresh: Ctrl+F5) or access the same URL in incognito mode. Please refer to Figure 1 for instructions on clearing cache in Chrome and Figure 2 for the same process in Edge

Make sure the browser version is updated to the latest version.

The LRS URL might be blocked by your IT administrator. Please check with your IT administrator and try again.

Figure 1- Clear Browser Cache and Cookies on Google Chrome


Figure 2- Clear Browser Cache and Cookies on Microsoft Edge

Why is my webinar is not loading?

Ensure that you have a stable internet connection. Slow internet speed or bandwidth issues may prevent the webinar from loading.

Below is a screenshot showing an example of a webinar not loading due to browser cache issues

Try clearing your browser cache (shortcut for cache refresh: Ctrl+F5) or access the same URL in incognito mode.

Make sure the browser version is updated to the latest version.

http://www.vdocipher.com URL might be blocked by your IT administrator. Please check with your IT administrator and try again.

Why cannot I log-in to the LXP?

Ensure that you enter the correct user credentials to log in. Your username and password should be the same as the ones you registered with on the LXP.

Try deleting Camms College-related cookies and log in again. To view all the related cookies for the site, click on the padlock icon located in front of the address bar.

Camms college URL (url: https://learn.cammscollege.com/) might be blocked by your IT administrator. Please check with your IT administrator and try again.

Why can't I log in to Camms.College through the SSO portal?

This issue usually occurs because your email address has not been added to your staff record in the Camms application. To resolve this, ensure your email is correctly registered in the staff table. You can ask your Camms administrator to verify that your email is listed in your profile. If it's missing, it must be added before you can log in to Camms.College via the SSO portal.

Refer to the image below for more details.



Which web browsers does the platform support?

The platform is a web-based system accessed through a browser. For the best user experience, we recommend Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge as your browser of choice when logging in to Camms.College.

To download either of these browsers, click on the below links:

Google Chrome: https://www.google.com/chrome/
Microsoft Edge: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/edge

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