Learning Activity Categories

Learning Activity Categories

This section will help you understand key definitions, categories, and functions of a Learning Activity.

A Learning Activity is defined as a specific form of learning content provided on the platform. There are three (03) categories of Learning Activities that the platform caters to. The characteristics of each are described below.

Training Courses

Training Courses are structured, interactive learning objects that allow Learners to visually understand and virtually interact with modular-based lessons. All public Courses are available for self-enrolment with instant access through the Catalogue.


Webinars are learning objects such as presentations, lectures, workshops, and seminars conducted virtually through Camms.College. All public Webinars are available for self-enrolment with instant access through the Catalogue.

Face-to-Face (F2F) Training

F2F learning objects refer to virtual training workshop recordings conducted by Camms Consultants through Camms.College. Training recordings are made available through the platform for any or all members of an organization. Enrolments for F2F training is always provided by the Platform Administrator.

Once enrolled in a Learning Activity, you can [View], [Launch], or [Review] these activities through the learner Dashboard or My Learning areas. Jump to view definitions of My Learning Actions.  

Course and Webinar category activities can also be launched directly from the Catalogue.

Webinars and Face-to-Face Training activities provide Learners with the [View] action button only. To launch the course, the Learner must first select [View] and visit the ‘My Learning Details’ page.

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