Appendix: Standard Strategy Datasets
This article contains: |
1. Overview |
Fields available through each dataset are indicated below. Please note that specific fields/datasets can be hidden from your user role based on configurations made by your Administrator.
Common datasets
Action datasets
Task datasets
KPI datasets
2. Common datasets |
This dataset links to every dataset that has data spanning multiple periods across every CAMMS product.
Field Name | Notes |
SYSTEMPERIODID | Unique identifier – not usually displayed in reports. |
System Period | System (rollover related) period e.g. 15/16, 16/17, 17/18 (labels entered by users in cammsstrategy). |
System Period Type | Useful for identifying the current and next system period easily while in the middle of rollover – not usually displayed in reports |
Provides all information related to the standard planning hierarchy in cammsstrategy including Goal, Outcome and Strategy.
Field Name | Notes |
GOALID | Unique identifier for Goals – not usually displayed in reports. |
GPOS | Goal Position Reference number e.g. 1,2,3. |
Goal Title | Single line text. |
Goal Detail | Multiline text. |
OPOS | Outcome Position Reference number e.g. 1,2,3. |
OUTCOMEID | Unique identifier for Outcomes – not usually displayed in reports. |
Outcome Title | Single line text. |
Outcome Detail | Multiline text. |
Outcome Target | Multiline text. |
SPOS | Strategy Position Reference number 1,2,3. |
STRATEGYID | Unique identifier for Strategies – not usually displayed in reports. |
Strategy Title | Single line text. |
Strategy Detail | Multiline text. |
Priority Criteria | Single value from Priority Criteria. |
Strategy Responsible Officer | Single value from Staff. |
Primary Agency | Single value from Agency. |
Governance | Single value from Governance. |
Target Initiative | Single value from Target Initiative. |
SYSTEMPERIODID | Enables joining this dataset with System Period dataset to filter by system period. |
Strategy Description | Description of the Strategy. |
Secondary Agency | Secondary Agency Name. |
Responsible Person | Responsible Person. |
Priority Criteria | Priority Criteria. |
Primary Agency | Primary Agency. |
Provides all information related to the standard organisational hierarchy in cammsstrategy including Directorate, Business Unit and Service.
Field Name | Notes |
ORGID | Unique identifier for this hierarchy – not usually displayed in reports. |
Organisation Name | Holds a single value ‘Organisation’ |
DIRECTORATEID | Unique identifier for Directorates – not usually displayed in reports. |
Directorate Name | Single line text. |
Directorate Mission | Multiline text. |
Directorate Responsible Officer | Single value from Staff. |
BUSINESSUNITID | Unique identifier for Business Units – not usually displayed in reports. |
Business Unit Name | Single line text. |
Business Unit Mission | Multiline text. |
Business Unit Responsible Officer | Single value from Staff. |
SERVICEID | Unique identifier for Services – not usually displayed in reports. |
Service Name | Single line text. |
Service Group | Single value from Service Profile Grouping. |
Service Responsible Officer | Single value from Staff. |
Service Description | Multiline text. |
Service Output | Multiline text. |
Primary Outcome | Single value from Outcomes. |
SYSTEMPERIODID | Enables joining this dataset with System Period dataset to filter by system period. |
ORGANISATIONID | Unique identifier for this hierarchy – not usually displayed in reports. |
Division Responsible Officer | Division Responsible Officer. |
Division Name | Division Name. |
Division Mission | Division Mission. |
Department Name | Department Name. |
Department Responsible Officer | Department Responsible Officer. |
Department Mission | Department Mission. |
Field name in Insights | Notes |
SERVICEID | Enables joining this dataset with the Org hierarchy dataset to get more info about the particular Service. |
Current Approach Question | Repeats based on custom questions configured. |
Current Approach Answer | Repeats based on answers entered for custom questions above. |
SYSTEMPERIODID | Enables joining this dataset with System Period dataset to filter by system period. |
Field name in Insights | Notes |
SERVICEID | Enables joining this dataset with the Org hierarchy dataset to get more info about the particular Service. |
Future Approach Question | Repeats based on custom questions configured. |
Future Approach Answer | Repeats based on answers entered for custom questions above. |
SYSTEMPERIODID | Enables joining this dataset with System Period dataset to filter by system period. |
Field name in Insight | Notes |
SERVICEID | Enables joining this dataset with the Org hierarchy dataset to get more info about the particular Service. |
ACTIONID | Enables joining this dataset with the Action Details dataset to get more info about the particular Action. |
Reporting Year | Single selection. |
Budget Type | Single selection of cammsstrategy budget types. |
Income | Numeric. |
Expenditure | Numeric. |
Net | Numeric. |
SYSTEMPERIODID | Enables joining this dataset with System Period dataset to filter by system period. |
Field name | Notes |
RELATEDPLANID | Unique identifier for Related Plans – not usually displayed in reports. |
Related Plan Name | Single line text. |
Related Plan Description | Single line text. |
Responsible Person | Single line text. |
SYSTEMPERIODID | Enables joining this dataset with System Period dataset to filter by system period. |
3. Action Datasets |
Field Name | Notes |
ACTIONID | Unique identifier for Actions – not usually displayed in reports. |
APOS | Position Reference number 1,2,3. |
Action Reference | Single line text. |
Action Name | Single line text. |
Action Description | Multiline text. |
Action Start Date | Single date. |
Action End Date | Single date. |
Action Revised Start Date | Single date. |
Action Revised End Date | Single date. |
Action Completion Date | Single selection of date. |
Action Responsible Officer | Single value from Staff. |
Related Issue (SWOT) | Single value from SWOT issues. |
Agency | Single value from Agencies. |
Linked Action Filters | Comma separated list of all Action filters ticked for this action. |
Linked Related Plans | Comma separated list of all Related Plans ticked for this action. |
Budget Type | Single value from Budget types. |
Last Changed Date | Date/Time when action record last changed (different to Last Updated). |
Last Changed By | Name of staff who did last change. |
Latitude | Single line text. |
Longitude | Single line text. |
Risk | Single value from High, Medium, Low etc. |
Current Action Status | Single Action status value. |
Current Action % Complete | Single Action % complete value. |
Current Action Progress Traffic Light | Single Action traffic light. |
Current Action Progress Comment | Single Action comment. |
SERVICEID | Used to get information of the Service this action is linked to from Planning_OrgHierarchy_STND. |
STRATEGYID | Used to get information of the Strategy this action is linked to from Planning_PlanningHierarchy_STND. |
PROJECTID | Used to get information of the Project this action is linked to from Project_ProjectRegister_STND. |
SYSTEMPERIODID | Enables joining this dataset with System Period dataset to filter by system period. |
Total Net Budget | Total Net Budget. |
Total Income | Total Income. |
Total Expenditure | Total Expenditure. |
Field name in Insights | Name |
ACTIONID | Unique identifier for Actions – not usually displayed in reports. |
Reporting Year | e.g. 17/18. |
Reporting Year Period | e.g. Monthly: December 2017, Quarterly: Jan-Mar 2017 Given to filter progress info for relevant period. |
Sort Date | Used to sort reporting year periods logically – when using this, ensure that you select the correct format to display e.g. Year, Quarter, Month etc based on how your values are captured. |
Action % Complete | % Complete for the respective period. |
Action Progress Status | Status for the respective period. |
Action Progress Target | Target for the respective period. |
Action Progress Performance Value | Calculated performance value for the respective period. |
Action Progress Traffic Light | Traffic Light value for the respective period. |
Action Progress Comment | Progress comment for the respective period. |
Last Updated Date | Date/Time when progress data last updated (different to Last Change). |
Date To | A date parameter to define up to when you wish to see progress information for. |
Progress Traffic Light | Traffic Light value for the respective period |
Progress Target | Target for the respective period. |
Progress Status | Status for the respective period. |
Progress Performance Value | Calculated performance value for the respective period. |
Progress Comment | Progress comment for the respective period. |
Action Name | Name of the Action. |
% Complete | Percentage Complete for the respective period. |
This dataset offers access to all action budget values by period. It cannot however show YTD values. A separate dataset is provided to view YTD Budget values.
Field name in insights | Notes |
ACTIONID | Unique identifier for Actions – not usually displayed in reports. |
Reporting Year | e.g. 17/18. |
Reporting Year Period | e.g. Monthly: December 2017, Quarterly: Jan-Mar 2017 Given to filter info for relevant period. |
Sort Date | Used to sort reporting year periods logically – when using this, ensure that you select the correct format to display e.g. Year, Quarter, Month etc based on how your values are captured. For Action Budgets, this is usually Monthly or Quarterly. |
Type | Single value from Income, Expenditure, Net. |
Type Sort | Used to sort types in Income, Expenditure, Net order. |
Original Budget | Numeric. |
Opening Balance | Numeric. |
Budget | Numeric. |
Period Actual | Numeric. |
Period Budget | Numeric. |
Period Budget Performance Value | Calculated value. |
Period Budget Performance Traffic Light | Single selection from: On Track, Off track etc. |
Period Variance | Numeric. |
Action Name | Single line text. |
Reporting Year | e.g. 17/18. |
Period Variance | Numeric. |
YTD Actual | Numeric. |
YTD Budget | Numeric. |
YTD Variance | Numeric. |
Date To | A date parameter to define the YTD. |
Type Order | Used to sort types in Income, Expenditure, Net order. |
Field name in Insights | Notes |
ACTIONID | Unique identifier for Actions – not usually displayed in reports. |
Action Name | Single line text. |
Reporting Year | e.g. 17/18. |
Reporting Year Period | e.g. Monthly: December 2017, Quarterly: Jan-Mar 2017 Given to filter info for relevant period. |
Sort Date | Used to sort reporting year periods logically – when using this, ensure that you select the correct format to display e.g. Year, Quarter, Month etc based on how your values are captured. |
Type | Single value from Income, Expenditure, Net. |
Type Sort | Used to sort types in Income, Expenditure, Net order. |
Original Budge | Numeric. |
Opening Balance | Numeric. |
Period Actual | Numeric. |
Period Budget | Numeric. |
Period Variance | Numeric. |
Period Budget Performance Value | Calculated value. |
Period Budget Performance Traffic Light | Single selection from: On Track, Off track etc. |
YTD Actual | Numeric. |
YTD Budget | Numeric. |
YTD Variance | Numeric. |
Type Order | Used to sort types in Income, Expenditure, Net order. |
Performance | Performance. |
DATETO | Date To. |
Field name in Insights | Notes |
ACTIONID | Unique identifier for Actions – not usually displayed in reports. |
<Action Custom Field Name> | Shows the value of the respective custom field for this Action. |
Budget Updates | Budget Updates. |
SYSTEMPERIODID | Enables joining this dataset with System Period dataset to filter by system period. |
Field name in Insights | Notes |
ACTIONID | Unique identifier for Actions – not usually displayed in reports. |
< Custom Action Filter Name> | Shows the value of the respective filter/tick box for this Action. |
Note: Action Filters are displayed as comma-separated values within Planning_ActionDetails_STND. However, if you wish to filter actions for a specific tickbox or tickboxes, you should use this dataset in conjunction with Planning_ActionDetails_STND.
Field name in Insights | Notes |
ACTIONID | Unique identifier for Actions – not usually displayed in reports. |
TASKID | Used to get information of tasks belonging to this action from Planning_TaskDetails_STND. |
RISKID | Used to get information of risks for this action from Risk_RiskDetails_STND. |
RELATEDPLANID | Used to get information of related plans linked to this action from Planning_RelatedPlans_STND. |
KPIID | Used to get information of KPIs linked to this action from Planning_KPIDetails_STND. |
HIERARCHYNODEID | Unique identifier for Hierarchy Nodes – not usually displayed in reports. |
HIERARCHYLEVELID | Unique identifier for Hierarchy Levels – not usually displayed in reports. |
HIERARCHYID | Unique identifier for Hierarchy – not usually displayed in reports. |
ACTIONGROUPINGID | Unique identifier for Action Grouping – not usually displayed in reports. |
4. Task Datasets |
Field in Insights | Notes |
TASKID | Unique identifier for Tasks – not usually displayed in reports. |
PARENTTASKID | Unique identifier for Parent Tasks – not usually displayed in reports. |
Task Name | Multiline text. |
Task Responsible Person | Single value from Staff. |
Task Start Date | Single date. |
Task End Date | Single date. |
Task Revised Start Date | Single date. |
Task Revised End Date | Single date. |
Task Completion Date | Single date. |
Task Duration | Numeric. |
Task Milestone Comment | Multiline text. |
Task Weightage | Numeric. |
Task Linked Related Plans | Comma separated list of all Related Plans ticked for this task. |
Current Task Progress Comment | Single Task comment. |
Current Task Progress Status | Single Task status. |
Current Task % Complete | Single Task % Complete. |
PROJECTID | Used to get information of the Project this task is linked to from Project_ProjectDetails_STND. |
Task Responsible Officer | Task Responsible Officer. |
ACTIONID | Unique identifier for Actions – not usually displayed in reports. |
Field name in Insights | Notes |
TASKID | Unique identifier for Tasks – not usually displayed in reports. |
RISKID | Used to get information of risks for this action from Risk_RiskDetails_STND. |
RELATEDPLANID | Used to get information of related plans linked to this action from Planning_RelatedPlans_STND. |
PROJECTID | Unique identifier for Projects – not usually displayed in reports. |
5. KPI Datasets |
Provides nearly all information from the KPI Details tab in cammsstrategy. For Custom Fields and Filter tick boxes refer the KPI_CustomFields dataset and KPI_Filters dataset respectively.
Field name in Insights |