Appendix: Standard Risk Datasets
This article contains: |
1. Overview |
Fields available through each dataset are indicated below. These will usually reflect the labels used within your cammsrisk application. However, please note that your Insights Administrator can;
change the names of datasets and fields for use within the Insights application.
show/hide specific fields/datasets based on your user role.
This section lists all datasets applicable for Risk, Audit and Incident solution areas of cammsrisk. Use the links below to jump directly to the dataset you are looking for,
Risk datasets
Audit datasets
Incident Datasets
2. Risk Datasets |
This dataset will show all standard fields activated for a risk from the screen below. Fields that are activated for particular Phases will have the phase name prefixed e.g. Initial Risk Assessment Consequence.
This dataset will show all custom fields activated for a risk for the initial phase from the screen below.
Similar to above, will show all custom fields activated for a risk for the revised phase.
Similar to above, will show all custom fields activated for a risk for the future phase.
This dataset will show all elements which can be linked to a Risk.
Field name in Insights | Notes |
RISKID | Unique identifier for Risks – not usually displayed in reports. |
GOALID | Used to get information of Goals linked to this Risk from Planning_PlanningHierarchy_STND. |
OUTCOMEID | Used to get information of Outcomes linked to this Risk from Planning_PlanningHierarchy_STND. |
STRATEGYID | Used to get information of Strategies linked to this Risk from Planning_PlanningHierarchy_STND. |
DIRECTORATEID | Used to get information of Directorates linked to this Risk from Planning_OrgHierarchy_STND. |
BUSINESSUNITID | Used to get information of Business Units linked to this Risk from Planning_OrgHierarchy_STND. |
SERVICEID | Used to get information of Services linked to this Risk from Planning_OrgHierarchy_STND. |
PROJECTID | Used to get information of Projects linked to this Risk from Project_ProjectRegister_STND. |
ACTIONID | Used to get information of Actions linked to this Risk from Planning_ActionDetails_STND. |
KPIID | Used to get information of KPIs linked to this Risk from Planning_KPIDetails_STND. |
CONTROLID | Used to get information of Controls linked to this Risk from Risk_RiskControlDetails_STND. |
This dataset will show all standard fields available for a risk action such as shown below.
Field name in Insights | Notes |
RISKID | Unique identifier for Risks – not usually displayed in reports. |
Risk Title | Name of the risk. |
RISKACTIONID | Unique identifier for Risk actions – not usually displayed in reports. |
Risk Solutions Title | Name of the risk action. |
Risk Solutions Resource Requirement | Risk action resource requirement. |
Risk Solutions Responsible Officer | Risk action responsible officer. |
Risk Solutions Start Date | Start Date. |
Risk Solutions End Date | End Date. |
Risk Solutions Revised Start Date | Revised Start Date. |
Risk Solutions Revised End Date | Revised End Date. |
Risk Solutions Completion Date | Completed Date. |
Risk Solutions Reporting Frequency | Reporting Frequency. |
Risk Solutions Percentage Complete | Percentage Complete. |
Risk Solutions Status | Status. |
Risk Solutions Progress Comment | Comment. |
Service Unit | Service Unit. |
Last Updated By | Last Updated By. |
Time Stamp | Time Stamp. |
Next Update Required | Next Update Required. |
SYSTEMPERIODID | Enables joining this dataset with System Period dataset to filter by system period. |
BUSINESSUNITID | Used to get information of Business Unit linked to this Risk from Planning_OrgHierarchy_STND. |
This dataset will show all standard fields available for a risk control such as shown below.
Field name in Insights | Notes |
RISKID | Unique identifier for Risks – not usually displayed in reports. |
Risk Title | Name of the risk. |
RISKCONTROLID | Unique identifier for Risk controls – not usually displayed in reports. |
Control Title | Name of the risk control. |
Control Owner | Control Owner. |
Control Owner Rating | Control Owner Rating. |
Control Authorizer | Control Authorizer. |
Control Authorizer Rating | Control Authorizer Rating. |
Control Type | Control Type. |
Control Review Date | Control Review Date. |
Control Next Review Date | Control Next Review Date. |
Control Status | Control Status. |
Control Comment | Control Comment. |
Authorizer Comment | Authorizer Comment. |
Control Directorate | Control Directorate. |
Control Business Unit | Control Business Unit. |
Control Service Profile | Control Service Profile. |
This dataset will show all standard fields available for a risk control action which is similar to Risk_RiskActionDetails_STND. However, note that Risk_RiskActionDetails_STND only produces actions directly associated with risks, while this dataset only produces actions directly associated with a control.
3. Audit Datasets |
This dataset will show all fields activated for the Audit Detail screen as shown below.
This dataset will show all fields activated for the Audit Finding screen as shown below.
This dataset will show all fields activated for the Audit Recommendation screen as shown below.
This dataset will show all elements which can be linked to an audit.
Field name in Insights | Notes |
AUDITID | Unique identifier for audits – not usually displayed in reports. |
Audit Title | Audit Title. |
RISKID | Used to get information of risks linked to this audit from Risk_RiskDetails_STND. |
Risk Title | Risk Title. |
CONTROLID | Used to get information of Controls linked to this audit from Risk_RiskControlDetails_STND. |
Control Title | Control Title. |
This dataset will show all elements which can be linked to an Audit Finding.
Field name in Insights | Notes |
AUDITID | Unique identifier for audits – not usually displayed in reports. |
Audit Title | Audit Title. |
AUDITFINDINGID | Unique identifier for audit findings – not usually displayed in reports. |
Audit Finding Title | Audit Finding Title. |
RISKID | Used to get information of risks linked to this audit finding from Risk_RiskDetails_STND. |
Risk Title | Risk Title. |
This dataset will show all elements which can be linked to an Audit Finding.
Field name in Insights | Notes |
AUDITID | Unique identifier for audits – not usually displayed in reports. |
Audit Title | Audit Title. |
AUDITFINDINGID | Unique identifier for audit findings – not usually displayed in reports. |
Audit Finding Title | Audit Finding Title. |
RECOMMENDATIONID | Unique identifier for audit recommendations – not usually displayed in reports. |
Audit Recommendation Title | Audit Recommendation Title. |
RISKID | Used to get information of risks linked to this audit recommendation from Risk_RiskDetails_STND. |
Risk Title | Risk Title. |
4. Incident Datasets |
This dataset will show all fields activated for the standard incident details object across all your workflows. It includes a fixed field ‘Workflow’ which enables you to filter incidents for a specific Workflow.
This dataset will show all fields activated for the standard Investigation object.
This dataset will show all fields activated for the standard Action object.
This dataset will show all fields activated for the standard Documents object.
This dataset will show all fields activated for the standard Root Cause Analysis object.
This dataset will show all fields activated for all instances of the custom object across all your workflows. It includes fixed fields ‘Workflow’ and ‘Object Name’ which enables you to filter the data as needed.
Note: If you need to generate a dedicated dataset for each custom object please refer Section 13.3.1 - Datasets for cammsincident Custom Objects/Tables
This dataset will show all elements which can be linked to an Incident.
Field name in Insights | Notes |
INCIDENTID | Unique identifier for Incidents – not usually displayed in reports. |
Incident Name | Name of the incident. |
PROJECTID | Used to get information of the Project this Incident is linked to from Project_ProjectRegister_STND. |
RISKID | Used to get information of the Risk this Incident is linked to from Risk_RiskDetails_STND. |
Linkage | The name of the risk or project the incident is linked to. |
This dataset will show all fields activated for the standard Close object.