Accessing cammsinsights

Accessing cammsinsights

There are two primary ways in which you can access CAMMS Insights.

The first is through the CAMMS product navigation menu which is present within every CAMMS solution. The second is via the direct application URL which you might want to keep bookmarked in your preferred browser for easy access. Either method will take you directly to your Insights homepage. 

via Product Navigation Menu 

You can access cammsinsights via the product navigation menu icon in any of your other CAMMS applications as shown below.

Figure 1.1

via Direct Login 

To access cammsinsights via direct login, open your web browser, type the URL provided into the address bar and hit ENTER. Now, enter your login details. If you are accessing the application for the first time, you will need to type in the organisation ID, Username, and Password in the login window. 

Figure 1.2

Tip: Tick the REMEMBER ME option to record the organisation and username on the PC used to access the system. If this is done, only your password needs to be entered at the next login. 

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