Camms.Engage | December 2021

Camms is pleased to bring you the Quarterly Product Release Note for Camms.Engage.

This quarter we've got a number of exciting new features and enhancements to improve your user experience within the system, which will be available in your Test environment on 4th December 2021 and will be available in your Live instance on 18th December 2021

1. Showcasing the ‘Compliance by Authority Document’ and ‘Obligation Summary’ components of the Camms.Risk Compliance solution within the Camms.Engage dashboard

The new Compliance by Authority Document and Obligation Summary components will now let you showcase all active obligations from the Camms.Risk Compliance solution, in the Camms.Engage dashboard.

The Authority Documents and its linked Obligation summaries will be shown within these components using grid and chart views, while the summary view of all its linked obligations can be viewed by clicking into an Authority Document.

This would be applicable for Active Authority Documents and Obligations only.

How do you configure this?

  • In the Dashboard Admin panel, a new Compliance component 'Compliance by Authority Document' will be available.

  • This component will be visible for both hierarchy related dashboard pages and manually created dashboard pages.

Figure 1.1: Compliance by Authority Document dashboard component
  • When the Compliance by Authority Document component is dragged and dropped into a manually created dashboard page or a particular hierarchy node, this will display a list of all the ‘Active’ Authority Documents configured and available within the Camms.Risk Compliance Solution. An administrator can tick the 'Visibility' checkbox of the Compliance by Authority Document component in the edit menu, based on the number of Authority Documents which need to be displayed in the front end of the Dashboard.

  • An Administrator can tick the 'Visibility' checkboxes in the configuration menu of the Compliance by Authority Document component, to display the preferred field(s) for the pop-up summary view option in the front end of the Dashboard.

  • To see the summary view of all linked Obligations associated with the selected Authority Document, an Administrator can drilldown and add the Obligation Summary component, where it will enable the Administrator to configure the fields and then tick the 'Visibility' checkbox of the Obligation Summary component in the edit menu, based on the number of linked Obligations which need to be displayed in the front end of the Dashboard.

  • The field sequence order could be changed based on your preference as well.

  • To configure custom colours for the Compliance by Authority Document component, an Administrator can click the Custom Traffic Light configuration settings section in the Admin Panel of Camms.Engage.

How will this work?

  • If the visibility checkbox is ticked, the selected ‘Active’ Authority Documents available within the Camms.Risk Compliance Solution will be displayed in the front end of the Dashboard. These components (bar chart) values are displayed based on the linked Obligation count as a percentage.

  • The component bar colours available in the Compliance by Authority Document chart will be equivalent to the colours configured within the Traffic Light configuration settings section.

  • If you click on the title of an Authority Document within the widget, you will get a sneak preview of the selected Authority Document’s details and a Summary grid view of all Obligations linked to the Authority Document in a popup window.


  • Although the ‘Compliance by Authority Document and Obligation Summary’ components can be placed within hierarchy related dashboard pages, regardless of the hierarchy/ hierarchy node filtrations, the component(s) will bring in all the Compliance related records, active and visible from the Camms.Risk Compliance Solution.

  • Additionally, both ‘Compliance by Authority Document and Obligation Summary’ components will be compatible with all refresh options, rollover option, and all other general features/ functionalities of the Dashboard.

2. Enhancing the Risk, Action, KPI, and Project list and detail components to customise the sequence of columns

This feature will let an administrator arrange the field order of the following components by simply dragging and dropping the fields: Project detail, KPI list, KPI detail, Action list, Action detail, Scorecard list, Scorecard detail, Risk control list, and Risk control details.

The grid displayed in the front end of the dashboard will then reflect the sequence set from the admin panel.

How do you configure this?

  • When you navigate into the configuration menu of any List or Detail component(s) related to KPIs, Actions, Projects, Scorecards or Risk Controls you could tick the 'Visibility' checkboxes in order to display the field(s) in the front end of the Dashboard.

  • Once the visibility of the fields are enabled, you could now change the field placements by simply dragging and dropping the fields based on your preferred order.

How will this work?

  • If the visibility of the fields are enabled based on the field order configured within the Admin Panel, the field sequence order that has been configured will be reflected in the front end of the Dashboard.


  • The sequence order can be changed only for fields that has the visibility enabled.

  • The following fields are excluded from the above sequence ordering modification, wherein even if the sequence order is changed from the admin panel, the field placement would remain static in the front end of the Dashboard.

    • Description, Comment, and Map of Action Detail Component

    • Control Owner Comment and Authoriser Comment of Risk Control Detail

    • Benchmark and Forecast of KPI Detail

    • Custom Traffic Lights, End Date, Time Frame, Project Dates, Baseline End Date, Baseline Start Date and Start Date of Project Detail

3. UI/UX enhancements for multiple dashboard layouts

For a better user experience, the user interface of the multiple dashboard layout view within the front end of the dashboard is now upgraded with a range of tweaks and enhancements, including alignments and font sizing.

3.1 Dropdown View

  • If you have selected the ‘Dropdown’ view option from Dashboard Admin panel configuration setting section, the new multiple dashboard dropdown list will be visible for you in the front end of the Dashboard when you log in to Camms.Engage.

  • The dropdown list will showcase the dashboard names along with their background image for a better user experience.

  • The maximum number of dashboards shown at a time will be five (5), wherein the rest of the dashboards can be viewed via the scroll bar.

3.2 Carousel View

  • The ‘No of Visible Dashboards’ that could be configured against the Carousel Multiple Dashboard Layout has now been updated to a range starting from 1 to 10.

  • You could configure a value based on the number of active dashboards configured and available within your organisation.

  • For a better user experience, an info icon is now made available, with details of fields.


  • Only Administrator users will be able to configure the Multiple Dashboard Layout settings.

  • The new multiple dashboard dropdown list will be visible to you only if you have multiple dashboards configured and published from the admin panel of Camms.Engage.

  • If you enter a value higher than 10 within the ‘No of Visible Dashboard’ field for Carousel, the view will default to 10, wherein if you enter a value lesser than 1 within the ‘No of Visible Dashboard’ field, it will default to 1.

4. Enhancing the Risk Profile Summary component to be compatible with the Planning Hierarchy

The Risk Profile Summary component will now let you showcase a summary of risk profiles of the immediate child levels of a hierarchy node for the Planning Hierarchy.

How do you configure this?

  • In the Dashboard Admin panel of any particular Planning Hierarchy node, a new risk component titled 'Risk Profile Summary' will be available, similar to Organisation and Custom Hierarchies.

  • When the Risk Profile Summary component is dragged and dropped into a particular hierarchy node, it will display a list of all the immediate child level nodes which are linked to that hierarchy node. An Administrator can tick the 'Visibility' checkbox of the child level nodes that need to be displayed in the front end of the Dashboard, via the Edit menu of the Risk Profile Summary component.

  • An Administrator can tick the 'Visibility' checkboxes in the configuration menu of the Risk Profile Summary component, to display the preferred field(s) in the front end of the Dashboard.

How will this work?

  • If the visibility checkbox is ticked, the selected ‘Linked Active Risks’ associated with the planning hierarchy node will be displayed in the front end of the Dashboard.