Camms.Risk Incident Management | March 2022

Camms.Risk Incident Management | March 2022

Camms is pleased to bring you the Quarterly Product Release Note for Camms.Risk Incident Management.

This quarter we've got a number of exciting new features and enhancements to improve your user experience within the system, which will be available in your Test environment on 12th March 2022 and will be available in your Live instance on 26th March 2022.

1. Platform modernisation for Camms.Risk Incident

With the effort to constantly bring in a better user experience to you, we have elevated the current technical framework which will significantly improve the non-functional aspects such as the application response time, security and reliability, cross platform compatibility, user experience, and enable effective caching.

Note: Stay tuned for further updates on when you will be able to experience these improvements across the application.

A new and improved Incident Summary Report which includes more Incident related information, such as statistics and service metrics to understand the efficiency of managing the logged incidents during a period, breakdown of incidents across incidents types, categories, organisational units, top 10 risks based on risk ratings, priority and severity levels, along with detailed information of each individual incident in the system, to provide a more holistic view of the incidents.

2.1. Report Content Enhancements

  • Six (6) new filtration options including Incident Status, Risk Analysis Status have been added, along with the ability to filter the report based on Hierarchy Levels/Nodes and further, providing the ability to control the visibility of report sections and certain fields within the report.

Figure 2.1.1: Incident summary report filter page
  • A new section named 'Incident Lodgement Summary' has been introduced to the first page of the report, and it depicts a summary of the Incident Records lodged during the specified period in a grid view.

Figure 2.1.2: Incident lodgement summary
  • A new donut chart widget with the title 'Incident Risk Rating Overview' has been introduced to display the breakdown of Incident Records (for all Incident Types) based on the Risk Rating.

Note: This widget will be displayed only if 'Risk Analysis' has been enabled in the System Configurations.

Figure 2.1.3.: Incident risk rating overview
  • The updated Incident Summary report will include a new section named 'Incident Type Summary' to display the breakdown of Incidents for each of the Incident categories under each Incident Type in a tabular view.

Figure 2.1.4: Incident type summary
  • The next section comprises a multi-line graph widget named 'Incident Type by Month', displaying the count of incidents reported during each month corresponding to each Incident Type. The graph will be generated for the last 12 months from the end date that is specified in the date range filter. The line points will indicate the number of incidents reported for each respective month.

    Figure 2.1.5: Incident type by month
  • The next section of the report is a newly added section named 'Category Summary', depicting the breakdown of Incident Records reported during the filtered period segregated for each Incident Category. There will be individual charts against each Incident Type.

Figure 2.1.6: Category summary
  • The next section of the report will comprise the newly added 'Organisation Summary' section, which will depict a bar graph containing summarised details of the organisation. This will include the number of Incidents recorded during the filtered period segregated for the relevant Organisation Unit, and stacked based on the Incident types available within each Organisation Unit. This chart will be generated coinciding with the 'Hierarchy' filter and the 'Show Incidents of Selected Hierarchy Nodes Only' filter.

Figure 2.1.7: Organisation summary
  • A new section will be introduced to display the Top 10 Incident Records out of the ones reported during the period which have the highest Risk Analysis Status.

Figure 2.1.8: Top 10 incidents by risk rating
  • The existing Incident Summary section has been enhanced with a new set of fields which will allow you to have a comprehensive data visualisation.

Figure 2.1.9: Incident summary

2.2. Visual and layout improvements

  • The new Incident Summary report reflects the new branding of Camms and is now available with a new outlook, providing a clear visualisation of the content.

Figure 2.2: Incident summary report cover page

3. Revamping the existing standard Incident Action Summary Report

A new and improved Incident Action Summary Report which includes new filters to provide a more drilled down detail of the Incident Actions in the Camms system to the clients, while including Linkages, Severity, Priority with redesigned report sections.

3.1 Report Content Enhancements

  • Four (4) new filtration options have been added providing the ability to filter the report content based on the Hierarchy Levels/Nodes, the date on which the Incident occurred, together with the desired Action Schedule and Action Status.

    Figure 3.1.1: Incident action summary report filter page
  • The existing Incident Action Summary section will be enhanced with a set of new fields, including the Priority, Severity and Status of the respective record, together with its associated Hierarchy Linkages.

Figure 3.1.2: Updated incident action summary section

3.2 Visual and Layout Improvements

  • The new Incident Action Summary Report reflects the new branding of Camms and is now available with a new outlook providing a clear visualisation of the content.

    Figure 3.2: Incident action summary report cover page

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