Feature Release Note | Camms.Insights, July 2020

Feature Release Note | Camms.Insights, July 2020

Camms is pleased to announce the July Feature Release for Camms.Insights.

This was released on 17th July 2020 and includes the following new features and enhancements to improve your user experience within the system.

1. A new dataset to capture task data in Camms.Incident

The Incident_IncidentTasks_STND dataset will allow you to report on task information related to incidents.

Following are the fields included in the The Incident_IncidentTasks_STND dataset:

Field Name 



Field Name 





This is a unique ID for each Incident and you can use this to link with other datasets

Incident Name 


This field will retrieve the Name of the Incident into your report



This is a unique ID for each Task and you can use this to link with other datasets

Task Name 


This field will retrieve the Name of the Task into your report



This field will retrieve whether the Task is Mandatory or not into your report

Start Date 


This field will retrieve the Start Date of the Task into your report

End Date 


This field will retrieve the End Date of the Task into your report

Task Timeframe 


This field will retrieve the Timeframe of the Task (End Date – Start Date) into your report

Task Timeframe in Seconds 


This field will retrieve the Timeframe of the Task (End Date – Start Date) into your report in seconds



This field will retrieve the Status of the Task into your report



This field will retrieve the Comment of the Task into your report

Task Description 


This field will retrieve the Description of the Task into your report

Incident Category 


This field will retrieve the Category of the Task into your report



This is a unique ID for each Category and you can use this to link with other datasets

Note: In addition to the above, there may be other custom fields and that will be available or unavailable in this dataset, based on your Incident Task object configuration which will be dynamic.  

Figure 1.1: Task Object Configuration page

To ensure this new dataset is enabled for use within your Camms.Insights application, please follow the steps at the link below:

Administration: Configuring and enabling new datasets for use - Camms.Support Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net)

Below you'll find the default relationships for these new datasets which you can set up as an Insights Administrator.

Join Type

Data Object

Join Field


Foreign Data Object

Join Field

Join Type

Data Object

Join Field


Foreign Data Object

Join Field


<your core Incident Register dataset>





For instructions on using the Relationships tab in your Insights Administration area, please refer:

Data Model/Relationships - Camms.Support Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net)

2. New datasets to capture Compliance Risk Analysis data in Camms.Compliance  

The Compliance_RiskAnalysis_STND dataset will allow you to report on data from the Risk Analysis object in Camms.Compliance.

Following are the fields included in the dataset:

Field name 

Data type 


Field name 

Data type 



Unique identifier 

This is a unique ID for each Compliance and you can use this to link with other datasets

Compliance Title 


This field will retrieve the title of the Compliance into your report

Note: In addition to the above, there may be other custom fields and that will be available or unavailable in this dataset based on your Compliance Risk Analysis object configuration which will be dynamic.  

To ensure this new dataset is enabled for use within your Camms.Insights application, please follow the steps at the link below:

Administration: Configuring and enabling new datasets for use - Camms.Support Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net)

Below you'll find the default relationships for these new datasets which you can set up as an Insights Administrator.

Join Type

Data Object

Join Field


Foreign Data Object

Join Field

Join Type

Data Object

Join Field


Foreign Data Object

Join Field


<your core Compliance Register dataset>





For instructions on using the Relationships tab in your Insights Administration area, please refer:

Data Model/Relationships - Camms.Support Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net)

3. New dataset to capture Compliance Review data in Camms.Compliance

The Compliance_Review_STND dataset will allow you to capture the data in the review tab for each compliance in Camms.Compliance.

Following are the fields included in the dataset:

Field name 

Data type 


Field name 

Data type 



Unique identifier 

This is a unique ID for each Compliance and you can use this to link with other datasets

Compliance Title 


This field will retrieve the title of the Compliance into your report

Note: In addition to the above, there may be other custom fields and that will be available or unavailable in this dataset based on your Compliance Review object configuration which will be dynamic.  

To ensure this new dataset is enabled for use within your Camms.Insights application, please follow the steps at the link below:

Administration: Configuring and enabling new datasets for use - Camms.Support Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net)

Join Type

Data Object

Join Field


Foreign Data Object

Join Field


<your core Compliance Register dataset>





 For instructions on using the Relationships tab in your Insights Administration area, please refer:

Data Model/Relationships - Camms.Support Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net)

4. New dataset to capture Compliance Root Cause Analysis data in Camms.Compliance

The Compliance_RootCauseAnalysis_STND dataset will allow you to capture data from the Root Cause Analysis object in Camms.Compliance.

Following are the fields included in the dataset:

Field name 

Data type 


Field name 

Data type 



Unique identifier 

This is a unique ID for each Compliance and you can use this to link with other datasets

Compliance Title 


This field will retrieve the title of the Compliance into your report

To ensure this new dataset is enabled for use within your Camms.Insights application, please follow the steps at the link below:

Administration: Configuring and enabling new datasets for use - Camms.Support Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net)

Below you'll find the default relationships for these new datasets which you can set up as an Insights Administrator.

Join Type

Data Object

Join Field


Foreign Data Object

Join Field

Join Type

Data Object

Join Field


Foreign Data Object

Join Field


<your core Compliance Register dataset>





 For instructions on using the Relationships tab in your Insights Administration area, please refer:

Data Model/Relationships - Camms.Support Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net)

5. New dataset to capture Authority Document details in Camms.Compliance

The Compliance_AuthorityDocumentDetails_STND dataset will allow you to report on data from the Authority Document Details object in Camms.Compliance.

Following are the fields included in the dataset:

Field name 

Data type 


Field name 

Data type 



Unique identifier 

This is a unique ID for each Authority Document and you can use this to link with other datasets

Authority Document Title 


This field will retrieve the title of the Authority Document into your report

To ensure this new dataset is enabled for use within your Camms.Insights application, please follow the steps at the link below:
Administration: Configuring and enabling new datasets for use - Camms.Support Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net)

Following is a sample report created using the Compliance_AuthorityDocument_STND dataset:

Below you'll find the default relationships for these new datasets which you can set up as an Insights Administrator.

Join Type

Data Object

Join Field


Foreign Data Object

Join Field

Join Type

Data Object

Join Field


Foreign Data Object

Join Field


<your core Authority Document Register dataset>





 For instructions on using the Relationships tab in your Insights Administration area, please refer:

Data Model/Relationships - Camms.Support Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net)

6. New dataset to capture Policy linkages in Camms.Compliance

The Compliance_PolicyLink_STND dataset will allow you to capture linkages between each policy in Camms.Compliance

Fields included in the dataset:

Field Name

Data Type


Field Name

Data Type


Policy Name


Name of the Policy


Unique identifier 

Unique ID of the Policy

Linked Policy Name


Name of the linked Policy


Unique identifier 

Unique ID of the linked Policy

Following is a sample Insights report created using the Compliance_PolicyLink_STND dataset:

To ensure this new dataset is enabled for use within your Camms.Insights application, please follow the steps at the link below:

Administration: Configuring and enabling new datasets for use - Camms.Support Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net)

Below you'll find the default relationships for these new datasets which you can set up as an Insights Administrator.

Join Type

Data Object

Join Field


Foreign Data Object

Join Field

Join Type

Data Object

Join Field


Foreign Data Object

Join Field


<your core Policy Register dataset>





 For instructions on using the Relationships tab in your Insights Administration area, please refer:

Data Model/Relationships - Camms.Support Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net)

7. Create a dedicated dataset for Policy register in Camms.Compliance

This new feature will allow you to generate a dedicated dataset for the Policy register you configure in the Compliance solution.

A button is available on the register configuration screen as shown. When clicked, it will create a dataset for the respective register. The name of the dataset will be taken from the ‘Description’ field as follows;

  • e.g. Compliance_PO[Description]Register_REG

  • The suffix will be REG to denote that this is a register type dataset.

  • This dataset will include all fields configured for the respective register.

  • Any multi value field will show as comma separated values in the dataset.

To ensure this new dataset is enabled for use within your Camms.Insights application, please follow the steps at the link below:
Administration: Configuring and enabling new datasets for use - Camms.Support Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net)


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