Feature Release Note | Camms.Audit, December 2020

Camms is pleased to announce the December Feature Release for Camms.Audit.

This was released on 12th December 2020 and includes the following new features and enhancements to improve your user experience within the system.

Improved flexibility of permissions to restrict accessibility based on Audit type 

This modification is only applicable to clients who have enabled the ‘flexible hierarchy‘ modification (which is currently in Beta with limited customers).

This modification allows users with administrator permissions to create permission roles to restrict accessibility of users to Audit records, based on an audit type. The permission tree under the Audit module in the ‘Role Management’ area has been expanded so that administrators can create permission roles to restrict accessibility of users to Audit records based on the audit type.

How to do the configuration?

  • Select the Audit as the product in the ‘Role Management’ area. Users with Administrative permissions can navigate to this area via Main Menu > Administration > Role Management > New Role (plus icon).

  • The permission tree has been redesigned to provide permissions based on audit type. When you expand Audit, Findings, or Recommendation you will see the two Audit types as their children.

Figure 1.1: Improved Permission tree for Audit modue
  • Upon Expanding an Audit type, you will see the list of permissions such as Add, History, Register, Details, Document, and Links. These permissions are applied only to the specific Audit type that you have selected.

  • Additionally, ‘View Node Only’, ‘View Node With Children’ and ‘View All Not Linked to Hierarchy’ permissions are introduced to Audit and Finding registers. When you expand the ‘Register’ in the permission tree, you will be able to see these permissions.

Behaviour of the newly introduced view permissions are explained below.

View Permission

This is what the user will see in the register.

View Node Only

Users will see Audits/Findings that are linked to the same hierarchy node where staff are linked to.

View Node With Children

Users will see Audits/Findings that are linked to the same hierarchy node or child nodes where staff are linked to.

View All Not Linked to Hierarchy

Users will see Audits/Findings that are not linked to any hierarchy node.

  • ‘View’ permission has been introduced to the ‘Details’ tab in Audit, Finding, and Recommendation to grant read only access to the Detail tab.

  • ‘Edit’ permission has been introduced to the ‘Links’ tab in Audit, Finding, and Recommendation to grant edit access to the Links tab.

What would happen to the existing permission roles?

  • Users will not experience any difference in terms of permissions because all existing permission configurations within each role has been mapped with the redesigned permission tree in the Audit module.

  • Additionally, there is no impact/change to customers who are not using the new ‘flexible hierarch’ feature.