Feature Release Note | Camms.Project, December 2020

Camms is pleased to announce the December Feature Release  for Camms.Project.

This was released on 12th December 2020 and includes the following new features and enhancements to improve your user experience within the system.

1. Edit timeframe and duration of independent tasks in the Kanban Board

The timeframe (Start and End Dates) and duration of tasks which have no dependencies (i.e. standalone/independent tasks) are now directly editable from the Show Details pop-up in the Kanban Board in Task Planning object (Schedule), Project Hub > Schedule and Quick Update > My Tasks.

Note: The Timeframe and Duration fields will be non-editable for predecessors and successors.  

Figure 1.1: Edit timeframe and duration of independent tasks in Task Kanban Board

2. Enabling fields in Details object to drive conditional workflows

The standard and custom fields in the Details object (e.g. Project Type, Project Start and End Dates, Custom Dropdown Lists) are now included under Visibility Criteria within the workflow configuration area. 

This will allow the Administrator to define visible/enable conditions using those fields to conditionally show/hide phases, objects and sign off levels in the project workflow. 

How to define a 'Visibility Condition' using the fields in Details object to conditionally show/hide phases, objects, and sign off levels? 

i. To add a visibility condition, you can click on the ‘Visibility Condition’ text field in any of the following application areas.

  • Configuration areas of Phases and Objects

  • Sign Off level configuration areas in:

    • Sign Off objects (including Final Approval, Close and Terminate sign off objects) 

    • Setup Sign Off popup in Attach Document object

    • Setup Sign Off popup in Custom Object > Attach Document tab

    • Setup Sign Off popup in Advanced Scope > Attach Document tab

Note: Sign Off Visibility Conditions will be available only when the sign off levels and authorities are managed by the IPM admin (i.e. when ‘IPM Administrator manages authorities and the steps’ tick box is ticked in the sign off configuration area).

ii. Click on the Add New Criteria button in the Visibility Condition pop-up to add a field in the Details object as a new criterion. 

iii. Select the Details object from the ‘Object’ dropdown. Upon selecting the Details object, the ‘Field’ dropdown will show all standard and custom fields which have been made visible in the Details object, in the respective project workflow. 

 iv.  Select the field that is to be used in the visibility condition from the ‘Field’ dropdown and click on the Insert button to add it to the ‘Available Criteria’ grid. 

v.  You can now enter the visibility condition within the ‘Condition’ textbox, using the available criteria and syntax.  

You may refer to the ‘Guidance Notes’ below the ‘Condition’ text box if you want any assistance in setting up conditions using the fields of different data types (e.g. text, numeric, single select dropdowns, multi select fields). 

 vi.  Once the visibility condition is setup, the system will show the respective phase, object or sign off level when the condition is met.  

How to define an 'Enable Condition' using the fields in Details object to conditionally enable/disable phases and objects?

i.  To add an enable condition, click on the ‘Enable Condition’ text field in the phase or object configuration areas.

ii.  Follow the same process mentioned above to add fields in the Details object as a new criteria and set up Enable Conditions using them.

iii. The system will make the respective phase or object editable when the Enable Condition is met. 

3. Update Primary Service Profile from Details object when an action is linked to the project

The Primary Service Profile field in the Details object used to be non-editable when an action was linked to the project. 

We have now made the Primary Service Profile editable, allowing you to directly update the project’s service profile from the Details object when an action is linked to the project.

Once you update the primary service profile in the Details object, the system will automatically update the primary service profile in the Linkage object > Service Profile tab, and the service profile of the action which is linked to the project.