Camms.Strategy | June 2022
Camms is pleased to bring you the Quarterly Product Release Note for Camms.Strategy.
This quarter we've got a number of exciting new features and enhancements to improve your user experience within the system, which will be available in your Test environment on 11th June 2022 and will be available in your Live instance on 25th June 2022.
1. Sending general emails to Action and Task Owners |
This enhancement will let administrators configure general emails to be sent to Action and Task owners.
How do you configure this?
Two (2) new recipients ‘Action Responsible Officer’ and ‘Task Responsible Officer’ will be displayed in the ‘Email Notification’ area for ‘General’ type emails (accessed via Main Menu > Administration > Email Notifications > Add New > [Select ‘General’ under ‘Type’]).
For Static Hierarchy Users – Those with ‘Administrator’ permission will be able to access the 'Email Templates' area.
For Flex Hierarchy Users – Those with 'View/Add/Edit' permissions to the 'Email Notifications' page within the roles they are assigned with.
How does this work?
Based on the above configuration, Action and Task Responsible Officers will receive general type emails.
The following Standard Actions and Tasks email rules will be applied:
Actions and Tasks that the users own should have the status ‘In Progress’ or 'Differed', to receive an email notification.
Start date of Actions and Tasks should be the same date or an earlier date, to the date configured in the email notification, to receive an email.
If a user owns two (2) or more Actions/Tasks, the user will receive only one (1) email notification.
2. Enhancing the Organisational Performance Report |
Introducing a new Action Performance filter in the standard Organisational Performance Report, that will provide you with the capability of filtering out Actions based on the performance, including On Track and Off Track Actions.
This will be a multi-select dropdown filter comprising all Action Performance types including:
On Track
Off Track
Not Available
By default, the value of the filter will be set to ‘Show All’. Upon selecting the required Action Performance type, the report will display only Actions belonging to that selection.
Example: If you want to see all Actions that are 'Off Track', the report will then retrieve information around all 'Off Track' Actions.
The following sections within the existing Organisational Performance Report will be updated to be filtered by the respective selections of the newly introduced filter:
Overview Summary
Performance Overview
Action Summary
3. Enhancing the KPI Report |
This enhancement will let you view the list of Hierarchies linked to each Rollup KPI in the Camms system, which will let you control the visibility of the same via a checkbox, in the filter page.
The linked Hierarchy nodes associated with each Rollup KPI will be depicted as a list under each Rollup KPI, as a separate section.
You will be able to retrieve the information on the Rollup KPI Hierarchy structure of each Rollup KPI record, with the addition of the new checkbox filter 'Show Rollup KPI Hierarchy Structure'.
By default, this checkbox filter will be disabled. Upon enabling it, the list of Hierarchies linked to each Rollup KPI will be retrieved in the report.