Camms.Support Documentation
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Camms.Strategy FAQ
Camms.Risk FAQ
Do you have some Risk Email Templates that we can base our emails on ?
System Alerts > Top 10 Risks in Risk Analysis - how are these determined?
Why are risk controls for inactive risks showing in My Quick Update?
Linking Project Risks to a Project and/or Action rules
What is the 'Risk Treatment Name' character limit?
Can the 'Risk Treatment Description' be made visible in the risk assessment?
Risk Analysis - Heatmap Dashboard - Track Lines
How can you update the risk sequencing if it is currently wrong?
Risk Appetite Calculation
I would like to remove all risk sub-categories fields on all risk types. How did I do this?
Users cannot edit the next review date for risks?
Deactivate the linking controls to actions within the risk record - how do we do this?
Is there a best practice for adding, archiving, and rearranging Strategic Risks in the Camms ?
Dashboard - how to remove the OVERVIEW tab? What is this tab? why can I not set filters?
Controls - Can we aggregate Control Effectiveness Ratings across controls?
Controls - Control permissions – can we set the hierarchy up so that a Master Control Owner can still have visibility of controls that then get child controls reallocated to other staff members providing assurance to the Master Control Owner?
What is the purpose of the ‘Control Assessment’ tab?
The drop-down list for the Risk Appetite Benchmark is not currently showing. Can you please advise how this can be fixed?
Risk Settings - Approvals - Risk Action Creation approvals view is showing ON (uneditable)
Risk Solution Assignment emails not generating for new risk actions? Unlike Control Assignment emails, why?
Risk Settings FAQs
Camms.Risk Incident FAQ
Camms.Risk Audit FAQ
Camms.Project FAQ
Camms.Talent (PES) FAQ
Camms.Insights FAQ
Camms.Connect FAQ
Camms.Meetings (Ecuria) FAQ
General FAQs
Camms.Engage FAQ
Camms.Risk Compliance FAQ
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Camms.Support Documentation
Camms.Risk FAQ
Camms.Risk FAQ
amani imtiyas
Owned by
amani imtiyas
Last updated:
Jun 24, 2024
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