Risk Management – Risk Registers

The Risk Register area allows the users to view, search and filter all risk assessments so that you can view all risk details and progress in a quick and easy way.

Four separate registers are available for four types of risks; Strategic, Operational, Project and Corporate and an additional register for Risk Control (please see article Risk Workspace – Control Register). Hover over the 'Risk Management’ menu in the top navigation to access the Risk Registers.

Figure 5.1

Note: Risk Registers can be directly accessed from your home page left-hand navigation panel too. 

Figure 5.2

Based on which Risk Register you have selected, the relevant risk register screen will display the risks along with the fields specified below for each Risk type:

  • Strategic Risk Register – Code, Title, Responsible Officer, Reporting Period, Next Review Date, and the Initial, Current and Future Rating and the status.

  • Operational Risk Register – Code, Title, Responsible Officer, Directorate, Responsibility Centre, Reporting Period, Next Review Date, and the Initial, Current and Future Rating and the status.

  • Project Risk Register – Code, Responsible Officer, Business Unit, Risk register, Reporting Period, Next Review Date, and the Initial, Current and Future Rating and the status.

  • IT Risk Register – Code, Responsible Officer, Reporting Period, Next Review Date, and the Initial, Current and Future Rating and the status.

  • Risk Control Register – Control Title, Description, Control Owner and Control Rating. See article Risk Workspace – Control Register for more details on this register.

The columns and filters in each register can be configured to match your preferences from the Register Configurations area. 

Note: If your organisation wishes to hide any register (Strategic, Operational, Project, or Corporate) in the Risk Register area, please contact Camms Support on support@cammsgroup.com to make this request.

See more Risk Register functions in the below pages:

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