Risk Registers – Project Risk Register

Risk Registers – Project Risk Register

1. Project Risk Register

Project Risks are those that are directly linked to and impact a specific project.

Project Risk Register will display all project risks in the organisation.

Figure 1.1

When creating a project risk assessment, you must select a project/action which the risk directly links to. Therefore there is an extra step that is needed to be taken when creating project risks, compared to the other risk registers. Once you have clicked on the new icon to create a new project risk, a window will pop up allowing you to firstly search for your project by using the Business Unit, Service Profile, and/or Responsible Person fields. From those filters, the Project drop down will reduce to show the projects that have been inputted from your Administration area.

Figure 1.2

Note: For organisations that do not have Camms.Strategy integration, the projects are created and filtered through this section under the Administration section of the Navigation Menu. Please refer to the Administration > Projects section for more information on creating projects if you don’t use our Camms.Strategy software.

For those who use Camms.Strategy, the actions/projects will come directly from your business planning area.

Once a project has been selected, the fields will display for you to create a new project risk. Fill out the Risk title and Responsible person and then click on the Add button.

Once you have added your risks, close the window by clicking on the close icon. From here you will be taken back to the Project Risk Register, where you should now see your risks that you have just entered against your project. Click on the Title (hyperlinked) to enter the risk assessment details and complete the initial risk assessment.

The following risk details will be displayed in the columns of the Project Risk Register:





Risk Code

Risk code as displayed in Risk Details page.

Risk Description

Title of the Risk. Clicking the link should navigate you to the Risk details screen.

Responsible Person

Primary Responsible officer of the risk.

Business Unit

Primary Business Unit that the linked project to your risk is linked to.

Service Profile

Primary service profile that the risk is linked to.

Reporting Period

The frequency that the risk is assessed as specified in the Risk Review page. If not defined, will display as N/A.

Next Review Date

Next review date indicated in the Risk Review screen is displayed here.

Initial Risk

Initial assessment rating is displayed here as image and text. Camms default image will be displayed if risk administrator has not included a custom image via Risk Settings area.

Current Risk

Current assessment rating is displayed here as image and text. Camms default image will be displayed if risk administrator has not included a custom image via Risk Settings area. Instances where current assessment is not initiated then rating will be display as N/A.

Future Risk

Future assessment rating is displayed here as image and text. Camms default image will be displayed if risk administrator has not included a custom image via Risk Settings area. Instances where current assessment is not initiated then rating will display as N/A.


The project that the risk is linked to.


The following filters will be available to filter and search project risks. Highest risk ratings and average risk rating will be displayed at the top based on the search criteria.





Risk Title

Text box that allows you to type in the Risk Title and search for the risk. This is a key word search and therefore, by entering a part of the title you will be able to filter out all risks that contain the typed characters anywhere in the title.

Risk Code

Text box that allows you to type in the risk code and search for the risk. This is a key word search and therefore, by entering a part of the code you will be able to filter out all risks that contain the typed characters anywhere in the code.

Entity Type

A dropdown menu that allows you to select the desired entity type, such as 'Action' or 'Project.' Upon selecting an entity type, the system will display all relevant details associated with the selected option.

Entity Type Title

A dropdown menu that contains a list of titles associated with the selected entity type. Additionally, the dropdown includes an option 'Show All Titles' to display all available titles within the selected entity type. You can choose a specific title from the dropdown menu to view detailed information related to the selected title. Select the 'Show All Titles' option to view a comprehensive list of all titles within the chosen entity type

Primary/Secondary Responsible Officer

Lists all staff in the system. Selecting a staff member will display only the risks that is assigned to the particular staff member. Defaults to 'Show all'.

Initial Risk Ratings

Lists all rating types defined in the Framework> Risk Settings. Selecting a rating type will display only the risks that have the selected rating as its Initial risk rating. Defaults to 'Show all'.

Current Risk Ratings

Lists all rating types defined in the Framework> Risk Settings. Selecting a rating type will display only the risks that have the selected rating as its Current Risk Rating. Defaults to 'Show all'.

Future Risk Ratings

Lists all rating types defined in the Framework> Risk Settings. Selecting a rating type will display only the risks that have the selected rating as its Future Risk Rating. Defaults to 'Show all'.

New Review Date

*Date filter which allows to you pick a date to filter all risks with that particular Next Review Date. The Next Review Date is updated based on the frequency and the last review date.

Default will show all regardless of the date.

Risk Category

Lists all risk categories available. Selecting a category will display all risks that belongs to the particular category (primary or secondary category). Defaults to 'Show all'.

Risk Assessment Level

Lists the assessment levels; Initial, Current and Future. Selecting an assessment level will display all risks that are currently in the selected level.


Select from the dropdown: 'Active' or 'Inactive' to filter entities based on their current status


A link summary in the risk registers will show the number of links a risk contains with a pop up within the register to preview the links.

Please refer to the Group and Filter/Search Records section for more options when filtering.

1.1 Quick Settings

The Custom View button at the top-right corner of the window, will open a Quick Settings popup window and will let you customise the layout of the Project Risk register as per your individual preference and save the setting to apply in your profile in the future as well.

This setting will let you customise the order and visibility (show/hide) of fields in the Project Risk Register grid. Click on 'Save' to save the layout once updated.

  • Fields listed in the 'Quick Settings' popup window will be based on the following criteria:

    • Project risk fields configured as 'visible' under Risk Settings > Register Configuration > Project Risk Register.

Note: Project risk fields configured as 'visible' and mandatory (un-editable) under Risk Settings > Register Configuration > Project Risk Register, will be 'visible' by default. You will not be able to hide these fields.

Project risk fields configured as NOT 'visible' but ONLY 'searchable' under Risk Settings > Register Configuration > Project Risk Register, will be listed in this popup to be selected and made visible.

  • To change the order of fields, 

    • Select the checkbox(es) under the Ordering column and use the dropdown menu labeled 'Sequence' to adjust the position of the field(s). Choose the appropriate sequence from the dropdown menu to move the field(s) to the desired position.

  • To change the visibility of fields use the checkboxes under the Visible column next to the fields. This will show/hide fields in the register.

  • Click on the 'Restore Default' button to restore the default layout of the Project Risk Register that has been configured via the Risk Settings > Register Configuration > Project Risk Register page. Once the default layout is restored, all layout changes done on Risk Settings > Register Configuration > Project Risk Register will apply thereon.


  • To know if the saved register layout is default, check if the Restore Default button is inactive (in grey). If the the saved register layout is one that has been customised, the Restore Default button will be active (in blue).

  • If you customise the layout, at some point, back to the default layout, the Restore Default button will be inactive (in grey) and the system will consider the default layout restored. Hence, when an administrator updates the layout via the Register Configuration page, it will reflect here too.

  • Once you are happy with the layout, click on the Save button at the bottom of the popup window. The saved layout will remain thereon; even after the page refreshes and for future log ins by that individual.

1.2 Critical Path Delays

To capture the critical path delays for each project risk, and display a total aggregate delay for each project within the register view:

  • Configure the critical path delay field via Camms.Risk > Framework > Risk Settings > Field Configuration > Project Risk > Inherent/Revised/Future tabs. See article Risk Settings – Field Configuration under section 'Critical Path Delays for Project Risks'.

  • Once configured, Critical Path Delay details will be listed in the Project Risk Register columns.

  • To view assessment wise aggregated values for each project, click on the summary icon next to the project title.

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Risk Registers





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