Risk Registers – IT Risk Register

Corporate Risks are those risks at a corporate level. 

The Corporate Risk Register will display all the corporate risks in the organisation.

Figure 1.1

The following risk details will be displayed in columns by default. 





Risk Code

Risk code as displayed in Risk Details page.

Risk Issue

Title of the Risk. Clicking the Link should navigate you to the Risk details screen.

Responsible Person

Primary Responsible officer of the risk.

Reporting Period

Frequency that the risk is assessed as specified in the Risk Review page. If not defined, would display as N/A.

Next Review Date

Next review date indicated in the Risk Review screen is displayed here.

Inherent Risk

Inherent assessment rating is displayed here as image and text. Camms default image should be displayed if the risk administrator has not included a custom image via Risk Settings area.

Residual Risk

Residual assessment rating is displayed here as image and text. Camms default image should be displayed if risk administrator has not included a custom image via Risk Settings area. Instances where Residual assessment is not initiated then rating will be display as N/A.

Future Risk

Future assessment rating is displayed here as image and text. Camms default image should be displayed if risk administrator has not included a custom image via Risk Settings area. Instances where current assessment is not initiated then rating will display as N/A.


A link summary in the risk registers will show the number of links a risk contains with a pop up within the register to preview the links.

The following filters will be available to filter and search risks.

Figure 1.2





Risk Title

Text box that allows you to type in the risk title and search for the risk. This is a key word search and therefore, by entering a part of the title you will be able to filter out all risks that contain the typed characters anywhere in the title.

Risk Code

Text box that allows you to type in the risk code and search for the risk. This is a key word search and therefore, by entering a part of the code you will be able to filter out all risks that contain the typed characters anywhere in the code.

Inherent Risk Ratings

Lists all rating types defined in the Framework> Risk Settings. Selecting a rating type would display only the risks that have the selected rating as its risk rating. Defaults to 'Show all'.

Residual Risk Ratings

Lists all rating types defined in the Framework> Risk Settings. Selecting a rating type would display only the risks that have the selected rating as its Residual risk rating. Defaults to 'Show all'.

Future Risk Ratings

Lists all rating types defined in the Framework> Risk Settings. Selecting a rating type would display only the risks that have the selected rating as its Future risk rating. Defaults to 'Show all'.

Primary/Secondary Responsible Officer

Lists all staff in the system. Selecting a staff member would display only the risks that is assigned to the particular staff member (primary or secondary). Defaults to 'Show all'.

Risk Category

Lists all Risk categories available. Selecting a category would display all risks that belongs to the particular category (primary or secondary category). Defaults to 'Show all'.

Risk Assessment Level

Lists the assessment levels; Initial, Current and Future. Selecting an assessment level would display all risks that are currently in the selected level.

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Risk Registers