Camms.Risk Compliance Capability - May 2024

Camms.Risk Compliance Capability - May 2024



Camms is pleased to bring you the Quarterly Product Update Notification for the Camms.Risk Compliance Capability

This quarter we've got exciting enhancements to improve your user experience within the system, which will be available in your Test environment on 29 April 2024 and will be available in your Live environment on 20th May 2024.

1. Remove Edit and Delete buttons in custom tables in Compliance based on permissions

1. Remove Edit and Delete buttons in custom tables in Compliance based on permissions

This enhancement will allow users to edit and delete custom table records in Camms Compliance based on two separate permissions.


How do you configure this?

  • Compliance Administrators can allow users to edit and delete custom table records in Compliance workflows now for any object except document and linkage objects through the newly introduced ‘Edit Custom Table Record’ and ‘Delete Custom Table Record’ Permissions in Compliance Settings -> User Roles -> [User Role] -> [Objects] as shown below.

Figure 4.1: Edit Custom Table Record and Delete Custom Table Record permissions in User Roles

How does this work?

  • Compliance Users will be able to see the “Edit” button against custom table records and will be able to edit custom table records in a particular object, if the ‘Edit Custom Table Record’ permission and 'Edit' permission are given to that user for the selected object.

  • Compliance Users will be able to see the “Delete” button against custom table records and will be able to delete custom table records in a particular object, if the ‘Delete Custom Table Record’ permission and 'Edit' permission are given to that user for the selected object.

  • Compliance Users will be able to see both "Delete" and "Edit" buttons in custom tables and will be able to delete and edit custom table records in a particular object, if both permissions are given to that user for the selected object.