1. Overview |
The Camms.Risk Incident application components are developed to comply with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 and WAI-ARIA. As per these guidelines, in order to make the application content more accessible and user friendly for users with cognitive and sensory impairments, several mechanisms have been adopted enabling all users to easily interact and carry out application functions.
In accordance with these guidelines, the application components include support for:
WAI-ARIA Support
Keyboard Shortcuts
Right to Left Languages
High Contrast Themes
Note: For more information on the level of compliance of each component, please visit
2. WAI-ARIA Support |
WAI-ARIA enables the web content to be more accessible by supporting assistive technologies such as on-screen readers. The design patterns stated in ARIA Authoring Practices Guide are closely followed to ensure that all widgets are WAI-ARIA compliant.
Note: In dropdown lists, the index of the selected option number will be announced by the screen reader only when the dropdown list is in an expanded state.
3. Keyboard Shortcuts |
Keyboard shortcuts enables disabled users to conveniently interact with the application via an elementary source. Given below are the relevant key combinations to access each component.
3.1 Autocomplete
Key | Action |
Access key + w | Focus the widget |
Up arrow | Highlights previous item |
Down arrow | Highlights next item / opens popup if value is set |
Page up | Scrolls the popup up |
Page down | Scrolls the popup down |
Enter | Selects highlighted item |
Esc | Closes the popup / clears value if popup is not opened |
3.2 Breadcrumb
Key | Action |
Alt+ w | Focuses the editable breadcrumb |
Enter |
Tab | When the widget is focused, navigates through the items |
Esc | Exits edit mode without saving the changes |
3.3 Buttons
Key | Action |
Alt + w | Focuses the first button (clicking on it or tabbing will also work) |
Enter + spacebar | Trigger click event |
3.4 Button Group
Key | Action |
Alt+ w | Focuses the first button of the Button Group |
Shift + tab | Highlights button to the left |
Tab | Highlights button to the right |
Left arrow | Highlights button to the left |
Right arrow | Highlights button to the right |
Enter or spacebar | Trigger select event |
3.5 Calendar
Key | Action |
Alt+ w | Focuses the widget |
Left arrow | Highlights previous day |
Right arrow | Highlights next day |
Up arrow | Highlights same day from the previous week |
Down arrow | Highlights same day from the next week |
Ctrl + left arrow | Navigates to previous month |
Ctrl + right arrow | Navigates to next month |
3.6 Colourpicker
Simple Selector
Key | Action |
Access key + s | Focuses the simple selector |
Enter / down arrow | Opens the popup (when the popup is closed) |
Left arrow | Selects previous colour |
Right arrow | Selects next colour |
HSV Selector
Key | Action |
Access key + h | Focuses the HSV selector |
Enter / down arrow | Opens the popup (when the popup is closed) |
Left arrow | Update saturation/value in the big rectangle |
Right arrow | Update saturation/value in the big rectangle |
Ctrl + left/right arrow | Update hue slider |
Ctrl + up/down arrow | Update opacity slider (when opacity is present) |
Shift | Hold shift for fine-tuning |
Enter | Select current colour |
Esc | Cancel the selection |
3.7 Combo Box
Key | Action |
Alt + w | Focuses the widget |
Up arrow | Highlights previous item |
Down arrow | Highlights next item |
Home | Highlights first item |
End | Highlights last item |
Page up | Scrolls the popup up |
Page down | Scrolls the popup down |
Enter | Selects highlighted item |
Esc | Closes the popup / clears value if popup is not opened |
Alt + down arrow | Opens the popup |
Alt + up arrow | Closes the popup |
3.8 Checkbox group
Key | Action |
Access key + w | Focuses first checkbox in the group |
Tab | Focuses next item |
Shift + tab | Focuses previous item |
Spacebar | Select/deselect item |
3.9 DateInput
Key | Action |
Access key + w | Focuses the widget |
Left arrow | Highlights previous day part |
Right arrow | Highlights next day part |
Up arrow | Increase current date part |
Down arrow | Decrease current date part |
Spacebar | Highlights next day part |
Delete, backspace | Clears current date part |
Mouse wheel rotated up | Increase current date part |
Mouse wheel rotated down |
3.10 DatePicker
Key | Action |
Access key + w | Focuses the widget |
Closed popup
Key | Action |
Esc | Closes the popup |
Alt + down arrow | Opens the popup |
Alt + up arrow | Closes the popup |
Opened popup
Key | Action |
Left arrow | Highlights previous day |
Right arrow | Highlights next day |
Up arrow | Highlights same day from the previous week |
Down arrow | Highlights same day from the next week |
Ctrl + left arrow | Navigates to previous month |
Ctrl + right arrow | Navigates to next month |
Ctrl + up arrow | Navigates to previous view |
Ctrl + down arrow | Navigates to next view |
Home | Highlights first day of the month |
End | Highlights last day of the month |
Enter | If in 'month' view selects the highlighted day. In other views navigates to a lower view |
3.11 DateRangePicker
Key | Action |
Access key + w | Focuses the widget |
Closed popup
Key | Action |
Access key + w | Focuses the widget |
Enter | Triggers change event |
Esc | Closes the popup |
Alt + down arrow | Opens the popup |
Alt + up arrow | Closes the popup |
Opened popup
Key | Action |
Left arrow | Highlights previous day |
Right arrow | Highlights next day |
Up arrow | Highlights same day from the previous week |
Down arrow | Highlights same day from the next week |
Shift + arrow | Performs range selection |
Ctrl + left arrow | Navigates to previous set of views |
Ctrl + right arrow | Navigates to next set of views |
Ctrl + up arrow | Navigates to previous view |
Ctrl + down arrow | Navigates to next view |
Home | Highlights first day of the month |
End | Highlights last day of the month |
3.12 DateTimePicker
Key | Action |
Access key + w | Focuses the widget |
Closed popup
Key | Action |
Enter | Triggers change event |
Esc | Closes the popup |
Alt + down arrow | Toggles popups |
Alt + up arrow | Closes the opened popup |
Opened popup
Key | Action |
Left arrow | Highlights previous day |
Right arrow | Highlights next day |
Up arrow | Highlights same day from the previous week |
Down arrow | Highlights same day from the next week |
Ctrl + left arrow | Navigates to previous month |
Ctrl + right arrow | Navigates to next month |
Ctrl + up arrow | Navigates to previous view |
Ctrl + down arrow | Navigates to next view |
Home | Highlights first day of the month |
End | Highlights last day of the month |
Enter | If in 'month' view selects the highlighted day. In other views navigates to a lower view |
Opened popup (Time view)
Key | Action |
Up arrow | Selects previous available time |
Down arrow | Selects next available time |
3.13 Dialog
Key | Action |
Access key + w | Focuses the dialog |
Esc | Closes the dialog. |
Enter / spacebar | Triggers the focused action and the close button, if focused |
3.14 Drawer
Key | Action |
Access key + w | Focuses the widget |
Up arrow | Focuses previous item |
Down arrow | Focuses next item |
Spacebar / enter | Selects item |
Home | Focuses first item |
End | Focuses last item |
Esc | Calls the hide method of the drawer |
Up arrow | Selects previous available time |
Down arrow | Selects next available time |
3.15 DropDownList
Key | Action |
Access key + w | Focuses the widget |
Up arrow / left arrow | Highlights previous item |
Down arrow / right arrow | Highlights next item |
Home | Selects first item in the list |
End | Selects last item in the list |
Page up | Scrolls the popup up |
Page down | Scrolls the popup down |
Enter | Selects highlighted item |
Esc | Closes the popup |
Alt + down arrow | Opens the popup |
Spacebar | Opens the popup/selects highlighted item |
Alt + up arrow | Closes the popup |
3.16 DropDownTree
Key | Action |
Access key + w | Closed – focuses the widget |
Closed popup
Key | Action |
Left arrow | Highlights previous selected item |
Right arrow | Highlights next selected item |
Home | Highlights first selected item |
End | Highlights last selected item |
Delete | Deletes highlighted item |
Backspace | Deletes the highlighted item or the last item |
Alt + down arrow | Opens the popup |
Esc | Clears all items |
Opened popup
Key | Action |
Home | Highlights first item in the popup
End | Highlights last item in the popup |
Esc | Closes the popup |
Up arrow | Highlights previous item |
Down arrow | Highlights next item |
Alt + up arrow | Closes the popup |
Navigates inside TreeView
Key | Action |
Left arrow | Collapses the item |
Right arrow | Expands the item |
Home | Highlights first item in the list |
End | Highlights last item in the list |
Up arrow | Highlights previous item |
Down arrow | Highlights next item |
Alt + up arrow | Opened -closes the popup |
Enter | Selects highlighted item when there are no checkboxes |
Spacebar | Checks highlighted item when there are checkboxes |
3.17 Editor
Key | Action |
F10 | Focuses toolbar |
Tab/right arrow | Focuses next tool icon |
Shift + tab/left arrow | Focuses previous tool icon |
Home | Focuses first tool |
End | Focuses last tool |
Enter/spacebar | Activates tool |
3.18 Image Editor
Key | Action |
Tab | Focuses next focusable item |
Shift + tab | Focuses previous focusable item |
Enter | Presses the focused button |
Spacebar | Presses the focused button |
Ctrl + z | Undo |
Ctrl + v | Redo |
3.19 File manager
Key | Action |
Access key + w | Focuses the widget |
3.20 FloatingActionButton
Key | Action |
Access key + w | Focuses the widget |
Enter / spacebar | Opens the speed-dial popup and moves the focus to first item or triggers click handler |
Up arrow | Moves focus to the previous item |
Down arrow | Moves focus to the next item |
Esc | Closes the speed-dial popup |
Home | Moves the focus to the first item |
End | Moves the focus to the last item |
3.21 Gantt
Key | Action |
Access key + w | Focuses the widget |
Actions applied on Gantt's toolbar
Key | Action |
F10 | Focuses toolbar |
Tab | Focuses next toolbar item |
Shift + tab | Focuses previous toolbar item |
Enter or spacebar | Activates toolbar item |
Right | Focuses next view when focus is over the views container |
Left | Focuses previous view when focus is over the views container |
Actions applied on Gantt's Timeline
Key | Action |
Delete | Deletes currently selected task and/or dependency |
Actions applied on Gantt's TreeList header
Key | Action |
Enter | Sort by the column |
Actions applied on Gantt's TreeList data table
Key | Action |
Arrow keys | Navigate over the cells |
Enter | Opens cell editor |
Esc | Closes cell editor |
Spacebar | Selects currently highlighted cell's row |
Delete | Deletes currently selected task |
1 - 3 | Moves between the available views |
Alt + left arrow / alt + right arrow | Scrolls timeline |
Actions applied on 'Add Task' action DropDown
Key | Action |
Up arrow | Highlights previous item |
Down arrow | Highlights next item |
Enter | Selects highlighted item |
Esc | Closes the dropdown |
Up arrow | Highlights previous item |
Down arrow | Highlights next item |
Enter | Selects highlighted item |
3.22 Grid
Key | Action |
Access key + w | Focuses the widget |
Actions applied on Grid header
Key | Action |
Enter | Sort by the column |
Alt + down arrow | Opens the filter menu |
Esc | Closes the filter menu |
Tab | Navigates through the elements in the filter menu(default browser behaviour) |
Shift + tab | Same as Tab, but in reverse order |
Ctrl + left arrow | Reorders the column with the previous one |
Ctrl + right arrow | Reorders the column with the next one |
Actions applied on Grid data table
Key | Action |
Arrow keys | Navigate over the cells |
Enter | On group row will toggle expand/collapse |
Page up | Pages on previous page |
Page down | Pages on next page |
Spacebar | Selects the row holding the currently highlighted cell |
Ctrl + spacebar | Selects or deselects the current row, while persisting previously selected rows (only for selection mode 'multiple') |
Shift + spacebar | Performs range selection, selects all the rows between the last selected one (with spacebar or mouse click) and the one holding the focused cell |
Shift + arrow keys | Adds the row which holds the focused cell to the selection (only for selection mode 'multiple') |
Ctrl + home | Focuses the first focusable element inside the body |
Ctrl + end | Focuses the last focusable cell in the last row |
Home | Focuses the first focusable cell in the row |
End | Focuses the last focusable cell in the row |
Ctrl + spacebar | Group/ungroup the focused column |
3.23 ListBox
Key | Action |
Alt + w | Focuses the widget |
Up arrow | Selects previous item |
Down arrow | Selects next item |
Delete | Deletes selected items |
Ctrl + spacebar | Selects/deselects item |
Shift + up arrow | Adds the previous item to the selected items |
Shift + down arrow | Adds the next item to the selected items |
Ctrl + right arrow | Adds the selected items to the connected ListBox |
Ctrl + left arrow | Adds the selected items from the connected ListBox to the current |
Ctrl + up arrow | Moves the focus to the previous item |
Ctrl + down arrow | Moves the focus to the next item |
Ctrl + shift + up arrow | Shifts selected items upwards |
Ctrl + shift + down arrow | Shifts selected items downwards |
Ctrl + shift + left arrow | Transfers all items to the connected ListBox |
Ctrl + shift + right arrow | Transfers all items from the connected ListBox |
Ctrl + right arrow | Adds the selected items to the connected ListBox |
3.24 ListView
Key | Action |
Alt + w | Focuses the widget |
Right | Goes to the next item (same as Down) |
Left | Goes to the previous item (same as Up) |
Home | Goes to the first item |
End | Goes to the last item |
Right | Goes to the next item (same as Down) |
Left | Goes to the previous item (same as Up) |
Home | Goes to the first item |
End | Goes to the last item |
Enter | Enter Edit mode or Apply changes |
Esc | Edit mode and Cancel changes |
Tab | Tabs away from the ListView on the next focusable page element |
Shift + tab | Tabs away from the ListView on the previous focusable page element |
Spacebar | Select item |
3.25 MediaPlayer
Key | Action |
Alt + w | Focuses the widget |
Spacebar | Toggles Play and Pause |
Enter | Opens the video in the Full Screen mode |
Esc | Exits the Full Screen mode |
M | Toggles Mute and Unmute |
3.26 Menu
Key | Action |
Alt + w | Focuses vertical menu (clicking on it or tabbing works too) |
Alt + q | Focuses the horizontal menu (clicking on it or tabbing works too) |
Home | Goes to the first item |
End | Goes to the last item |
Right arrow | Goes to the next item or opens an item group |
Left arrow | Goes to the previous item or closes an item group |
Down arrow | Opens an item group or goes to the next item in a group |
Up arrow | Goes to the previous item in a group |
Enter | Select or navigate item (same as click) |
Spacebar | Select or navigate item (same as click) |
Esc | Closes the innermost open group |
Tab | Tabs away from the Menu on the next focusable page element |
Shift + tab | Tabs away from the Menu on the previous focusable page element |
3.27 MultiColumnComboBox
Key | Action |
Alt + w | Focuses vertical menu (clicking on it or tabbing works too) |
Up arrow | Highlights previous item |
Down arrow | Highlights next item |
Home | Highlights first item |
End | Highlights last item |
Page up + s | Scrolls the popup up |
Page down | Scrolls the popup down |
Enter | Selects highlighted item |
Esc | Closes the popup / clears value if popup is not opened |
Alt + down arrow | Opens the popup |
Alt + up arrow | Closes the popup |
3.28 Multiselect
Closed popup
Key | Action |
Left arrow | Highlights previous selected item |
Right arrow | Highlights next selected item |
Home | Highlights first selected item |
End | Highlights last selected item |
Delete | Deletes highlighted item |
Backspace | Deletes previous selected item |
Down arrow | Opens the popup |
Esc | Clears all items |
Left arrow | Highlights previous selected item |
Right arrow | Highlights next selected item |
Opened popup
Key | Action |
Up arrow | Highlights previous item |
Shift + up arrow | Arrow selects previous item |
Down arrow | Highlights next item |
Shift + down arrow | Selects next item |
Home | Highlights first item in the popup |
Ctrl + shift + home | Selects items to the beginning |
End | Highlights last item in the popup |
Page up | Scrolls the popup up |
Page down | Scrolls the popup down |
Ctrl + shift + end | Selects items to the end |
Enter | Enter selects highlighted item |
Ctrl + spacebar | Selects highlighted item |
Ctrl + a | Selects all items |
Up arrow | Closes the popup if the first item is highlighted |
Esc | Closes the popup |
3.29 MultiViewCalendar
Key | Action |
Alt + w | Focuses the widget |
Left arrow | Highlights previous day |
Right arrow | Highlights next day |
Up arrow | Highlights same day from the previous week |
Down arrow | Highlights same day from the next week |
Ctrl + left arrow | Navigates to previous month |
Ctrl + right arrow | Navigates to next month |
Left arrow | Highlights previous day |
Right arrow | Highlights next day |
Up arrow | Highlights same day from the previous week |
Down arrow | Highlights same day from the next week |
Ctrl + left arrow | Navigates to previous month |
Ctrl + right arrow | Navigates to next month |
Ctrl + up arrow | Ctrl up arrow navigates to previous view |
Ctrl + down arrow | Ctrl down arrow navigates to next view |
Home | Highlights first day of the first month |
End | Highlights last day of the last month |
Enter or spacebar | If in 'month' view selects the highlighted day. In other views navigates to lower view |
Multiple selection mode
Key | Action |
Ctrl + enter / spacebar | Adds the highlighted day to the current selection. If that day was already selected it is removed from the selection |
Shift + left arrow or right arrow | Adds the next/previous date to the selected items |
Shift + up arrow or down arrow | Selection up/down one row in month view |
Shift + spacebar | Perform range selection, selects all dates between the last selected one (with spacebar or mouse click) and the one holding the focused cell |
3.30 NumericTextBox
Key | Action |
Alt + w | Focuses the widget |
Up arrow | Increases the widget's value |
Down arrow | Decreases the widget's value |
3.31 PanelBar
Key | Action |
Alt + w | Focuses the widget |
Up arrow | Highlights previous item |
Left arrow | Highlights previous item |
Down arrow | Highlights next item |
Right arrow | Highlights next item |
Home | Selects first item in the list |
End | Selects last item in the list |
Enter | Selects highlighted item/toggles item's group |
Spacebar | Selects highlighted item/toggles item's group |
3.32 PDFViewer
Key | Action |
Alt + w | Focuses the widget |
Tab | Focuses the next element in the toolbar |
Shift + tab | Focuses the previous element in the toolbar |
Enter | Presses the focused toolbar button |
3.33 Rating
Key | Action |
Alt + w | Focuses the widget |
Up arrow | Selects the next item |
Right arrow | Selects the next item |
Left arrow | Selects the previous item |
Down arrow | Selects the previous item |
Home | Sets value to the min option |
End | Sets value to the max option |
3.34 RadioGroup
Key | Action |
Alt + w | Focuses the widget |
Left arrow | Selects previous item |
Right arrow | Selects next item |
Up arrow | Selects previous item |
Down arrow | Selects next item |
3.35 Scheduler
Key | Action |
Alt + w | Focuses the widget |
Actions applied on Scheduler toolbar
Key | Action |
F10 | Focuses toolbar |
Tab | Focuses next toolbar item |
Shift + tab | Focuses previous toolbar item |
Enter or spacebar | Activates toolbar item |
Right | Focuses next view when focus is over the views container |
Left | Focuses previous view when focus is over the views container |
Actions applied on Scheduler table
Key | Action |
Arrow keys | Change selected cell |
Enter | Creates new event on selected cells/opens edit window for a selected event |
Tab | Focuses next available event |
Shift + tab | Focuses previous available event |
1 - 5 | Switch between available views |
Esc | Closes the edit popup window |
Shift + arrow keys | Select multiple cells |
3.36 Slider
Key | Action |
Alt + w | Focuses the slider (clicking on it or tabbing works too) |
Alt + q | Focuses the range slider (clicking on it or tabbing works too) |
Right | Increments the value by a small step (equivalent to Up) |
Left | Decrements the value by a small step (equivalent to Down) |
Page up | Increments the value by a large step |
Page down | Decrements the value by a large step |
Home | Move the draghandle to the min value |
End | Move the draghandle to the max value |
Tab | Tabs to second range slider draghandle or next focusable page element |
Shift + tab | Tabs to first range slider draghandle or previous focusable page element |
3.37 Splitter
Key | Action |
Alt + w | Focuses first splitbar |
Left arrow | Moves focused splitbar to the left (if horizontal splitter) |
Right arrow | Moves focused splitbar to the right (if horizontal splitter) |
Up arrow | Moves focused splitbar up (if vertical splitter) |
Down arrow | Moves focused splitbar down (if vertical splitter) |
Ctrl left arrow | Collapses the left pane or expands the right one |
Ctrl right arrow | Collapses the right pane or expands the left one |
Ctrl down arrow | Collapses the upper pane or expands the lower one |
Ctrl up arrow | Collapses the lower pane or expands the upper one |
Ctrl left arrow | Collapses the left pane or expands the right one |
Enter | Accepts current position of the splitbar |
Esc | Returns splitbar to its initial position |
3.38 Spreadsheet
Actions applied on the content of the Spreadsheet
Key | Action |
Ctrl + c | Copies the selected cells |
Ctrl + v | Inserts copied or cut cells to a selected location within the worksheet |
Ctrl + x | Cuts the selected cells |
Ctrl + y | Repeats the last action if possible by using the Redo command |
Ctrl + z | Reverses the last action if possible by using the Undo command |
Delete | In the Formula bar, deletes the character to the right of the insertion point from the formula text
Backspace | In the Formula bar, deletes one character to the left from the formula text
Actions applied on element selection
Key | Action |
Ctrl + select a cell | Selects an adjacent or non-adjacent cell |
Ctrl + select cells | Selects a range of adjacent or non-adjacent |
Ctrl + a | Selects the whole worksheet |
Ctrl + select a row or column | Selects an adjacent or nonadjacent row or column |
Ctrl + select rows or columns | Selects a range of adjacent or nonadjacent rows or columns |
Shift + arrow Key | Selects a range of adjacent cells, rows or columns by extending the selection by one cell, row or column |
Ctrl + shift + arrow key | Extends the selection of cells to the last cell of the current series of data. If there is another set of data afterwards, the cell selection will be extended to the first cell of the new series of data. Otherwise, the cell selection will be extended to the last cell of the worksheet in the corresponding direction. |
Down / up arrow |
Ctrl + shift + end | In cell selection mode, extends the selection of cells to the last cell on the worksheet located in bottom-right corner |
Ctrl + shift + home | Extends the selection of cells to the beginning (the top-left cell) of the worksheet |
Actions Applied for navigation within the Spreadsheet
Key | Action |
Ctrl + arrow key | Navigates to the end of the current series of data. If there is another set of data afterwards, the first cell of the new series will be selected. Otherwise, you will be navigated to the last cell of the worksheet in the corresponding direction |
Arrow keys | Arrow keys move one cell up, down, right of left in the worksheet |
Shift + tab |
Tab |
Page down | Moves one screen down in a worksheet |
Page up | Moves one screen up in a worksheet |
Home | In cell selection mode, moves to the beginning of a row in a worksheet |
Ctrl + home | In cell selection mode, moves to the first cell (the top-left cell) on a worksheet |
End | In cell selection mode, moves to the far right cell of the active row |
Ctrl + end | In cell selection mode, moves to the last cell on a worksheet, in the lowest used row of the used column on the bottom-right |
Other actions
Key | Action |
Alt + spacebar | Displays the Control menu for the Spreadsheet window |
Spacebar | In a dialog box, performs the action for the selected button, or selects or clears a check box |
Enter | In cell editing mode or in the formula bar, completes a cell entry and selects the cell below.
Esc |
Ctrl + p | Displays the Print dialog box |
Ctrl + s | Saves the active spreadsheet file |
3.39 Stepper
Key | Action |
Alt + w | Focuses the widget |
Shift + tab or left arrow or up arrow | Focuses previous step |
Tab or right arrow or down arrow | Focuses next step |
Home | Focuses first step |
End | Focuses last step |
Spacebar or enter | Selects focused step |
3.40 Switch
Key | Action |
Alt + w | Focuses the widget |
Spacebar | Toggle the checked state |
3.41 TabStrip
Key | Action |
Alt + w | Focuses the widget |
Left arrow | Selects previous tab |
Right arrow | Selects next tab |
Home | Selects first tab |
End | Selects last tab |
3.42 Timeline
Actions applied in vertical mode
Key | Action |
Alt + w | Focuses the widget |
Tab | Focus next card |
Shift + tab | Focus previous card |
Spacebar | Toggle the expand/collapse state of the item |
Enter | Toggle the expand/collapse state of the item |
Actions applied in horizontal mode
Key | Action |
Left arrow | Focuses the previous date |
Right arrow | Focuses the next date |
Enter | Selects the current event |
Spacebar | Selects the current event |
3.43 TimePicker
Closed popup
Key | Action |
Alt + w | Focuses the widget |
Enter | Triggers change event |
Esc | Closes the popup |
Alt + down arrow | Opens the popup |
Alt + up arrow | Closes the popup |
Opened popup
Key | Action |
Up arrow | Selects previous available time |
Down arrow | Selects next available time |
3.44 Toolbar
Key | Action |
Alt + w | Focuses the widget |
TAB or right | Focuses next focusable item |
Shift + tab or left | Focuses previous focusable item |
Enter | Presses the focused button |
Spacebar | Presses the focused button |
Home | Focuses first focusable item |
End | Focuses last focusable item |
Action applied on SplitButton/CommandOverflow
Key | Action |
Alt + down | Opens SplitButton/ComandOverflow menu |
Down | Focuses next item in the SplitButton/CommandOverflow menu |
Up | Focuses previous item in the SplitButton/CommandOverflow menu |
Alt + up | Closes SplitButton/ComandOverflow menu |
Esc | Closes SplitButton/ComandOverflow menu |
Enter | Presses the focused button |
Spacebar | Presses the focused button |
3.45 Tree List
Key | Action |
Alt + w | Focuses the widget |
Actions applied on TreeList data table
Key | Action |
Arrow keys | Navigate over the cells |
Spacebar | Selects the row holding the currently highlighted cell |
Ctrl + spacebar | Selects or deselects the current row, while persisting previously selected rows (only for selection mode 'multiple') |
Shift + spacebar | Performs range selection, selects all the rows between the last selected one (with spacebar or mouse click) and the one holding the focused cell |
Shift + arrow keys | Adds the row which holds the focused cell to the selection (only for selection mode 'multiple') |
Enter or F2 | Puts the item in edit mode, if performed over a command column will focus the first focusable element inside it |
Esc | Cancels the edit or returns the focus to the table if an element inside a cell is focused |
Alt + right arrow | Expands the current item |
Alt + left arrow | Collapses the current item |
Ctrl + home | Focuses the first focusable element inside the body |
Ctrl + end | Focuses the last focusable element inside the body |
Home | Focuses the first focusable cell in the row |
End | Focuses the last focusable cell in the row |
3.46 TreeView
Actions applied on TreeList data table
Key | Action |
Alt + w | Focuses the widget |
Up arrow | Highlights previous item |
Left arrow | Collapses the item |
Down arrow | Down arrow highlights next item |
Right arrow | Expands the item |
Home | Highlights first item in the list |
End | Highlights last item in the list |
Enter | Selects highlighted item |
3.47 Window
Key | Action |
Alt + w | Focuses the widget |
Alt + p | Toggles pin |
Alt + up arrow | Maximises and restores the window |
Alt + down arrow | Minimises and restores the window |
Alt + r | Refreshes the window |
Esc | Closes window |
Left arrow | Moves window to the left |
Right arrow | Moves window to the right |
Up arrow | Moves window up |
Down arrow | Moves window down |
Ctrl + left arrow | Narrows window in horizontal direction |
Ctrl + right arrow | Expands window in horizontal direction |
Ctrl + down arrow | Expands window in vertical direction |
Ctrl + up arrow | Narrows window in vertical direction |
3.48 Wizard
Key | Action |
Alt + w | Focuses the widget |
Left arrow or up arrow | Selects previous step |
Right arrow or down arrow | Selects next step |
Home | Selects first step |
End | Selects last step |
Tab | Focuses next element in the page Tab sequence |
Shift + tab | Focuses previous element in the page Tab sequence |
Note: If you require further information on the supported keyboard shortcuts, please visit
4. Right to Left Languages |
The standard data input for most languages are from left to right. However, certain languages such as Arabic, Chinese, Japanese or Hebrew are written from right to left. RTL support enhances accessibility by allowing users of varying language patterns to effortlessly interact with the application functions. RTL support will be enabled only upon language selection.
5. High Contrast Themes |
High contrast themes specifically cater to users with vision impairments such as colour blindness. The contrast ratios between the foreground and background enables the users to easily view and identify components without straining their sight. The colour contrast ratios are adhered by the application are set to be compliant with WCAG 2.1 AAA and holds the following contrast values:
Normal Text Colour/Background = 15.9
Selected Text Colour/Background = 8.59
Hover Text Colour (Large Text)/Background = 5.94
6. Charts |
Use of non-text content in data visualisation, such as charts accompany the following characteristics to make them accessible:
Title and text descriptions
Support on screen readers