Incident Workflow

Incident Workflow

1. Overview

Any incidents/loss events that occur within the organisation can be recorded in the system as and when it happened. General information such as incident title, incident category, reported date/time, Effected parties and location can be recorded. Recording of an incident can be done by roles that have been given this authority and therefore can be restricted to an authorised user such as an incident manager depending on the organisational requirement.

Once the general information is recorded, the incident can be assigned a workflow and a responsible officer who will assess and manage the incident till the closure.

2. Navigating and Submitting Incident Objects

  • Once details have been entered in within an incident object tab, click on the Save button at the top of the page and at the bottom of a page you will see Next and Previous links along with the next/previous object tab name. Click on them to navigate between the next/previous incident object pages.

Figure 2.1
  • Once all details have been entered in all incident object tabs, in the last tab you will see a Submit button at the bottom of the page. Click on it to submit all details saved for the incident.

Figure 2.2

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