Incident Settings – Miscellaneous Settings
This settings page will let you configure various settings within the Incident module. Note that changes done here will impact the overall module (all Incident Types and Registers).
Field | Description |
Records per Page in Incident Register | Defines the number of records displayed in the incident registers by default. This will commonly apply to all registers available within the incident module. |
Select number of days to determine investigation due date based on the submitted date | Defines the number of days which determines the investigation due date, based on the created date of the incident. |
Set default Sign Off authority | Enables to set up the default signoff authority based on User Role or User. |
Set default Longitude and Latitude | Sets a Longitude and Latitude value to be by default in the Incident Analysis > Location details area for the map. Additionally, you click on the map button and select the location on the map to set the longitude and latitude positions automatically. Set the zoom level of the map by sliding the bar towards the left to decrease the zoom level and slide towards the right to increase the zoom level. The zoom level is represented as a scale for meters per pixels. Figure 1.1 The zoom level will apply to the Bing map pin drop within the following areas of the application:
Figure 1.2 Note: In the location dropdown where a location is not selected, and ‘please select’ is the default placeholder text, you will be prompted to share your current location, and if agreed upon the map will zoom into your location. If the current location is blocked, then the map will zoom into the map of Australia. |
Hide Location Analysis in Incident Analysis section | Enables to hide the Location Analysis in Incident Analysis section. |
Display Risk Consequence popup for Severity | This will display the Risk Consequence popup for Severity instead of the standard drop down field. |
Display Longitude and Latitude in Incident Details | Enables to show the Longitude and Latitude in Incident Details underneath the Location field. |
Consider only working days when generating the Investigation Due Date | Enables considering only working days when generating the Investigation Due Date (without considering the weekends for the calculation). |
Incident Display Text | Enables to change the terminology for ‘Incident’ throughout the system. This will replace the standard terminology across all areas of the system. |
Automatically select Responsible Officer from | Enables to automatically select the Responsible Officer from the Directorate or Business Unit selected for the incident. Note: A value selected here will take precedence over the Responsible Officer, Field Configuration Details field 'Populate the staff list with', configured via Menu > Incident Settings > Object Configuration > [Object] > [Staff Dropdown field object] > Populate the staff list with. |
Hide Create New Risk button in Linkage Details | This will hide the Create New Risk button in the Linkage object at the point of linking a risk with an incident. When this is hidden, the users will not be able to create and add new risks to the risk registers via the incident linkage object. |
Display Incident Types based on Permission in Incident Details |
Automatically Pick the Primary Investigator | Enables to automatically set the Primary Investigator as same as the Incident Responsible officer. |
When Show My Incident is Selected display only | Enables to display either Responsible Incidents/Created Incidents OR Responsible Incidents or Created Incidents both when ‘Show My Incidents’ is selected from the toggle available atop the registers page. |
Default date range for Datetime pickers in Reports | Enables to set a default date range for Date/Time pickers in all standard incident Reports. |
Disable draft functionality in Incident Details | Provides the ability to disable saving incidents as DRAFTS in Incident Details. When this setting is disabled, all new records created will be directly created as OPEN records. Note: If this setting is ticked, the 'Documents' and 'Actions' buttons in the Incident creation page, will be disabled until it is saved at least once, with mandatory details filled in. |
Default Incident Close Status selected in Register | Enables to set up Open/Closed/None as the default Incident Close Status in Incident Registers. |
Default Sort Order in Incident Register | Enables to set up the default sort order in Incident Register from the available options in the dropdown. |
Display time in 24-hour clock format for Date time pickers | Enables to show 24-hour clock format for Date time pickers. By default, the date time pickers will be in the 12-hour clock format. |
Public Incident URL | Please contact CAMMS for support on this. |
Automatically change Incident Investigation Status upon submitting Risk Analysis | Enables to automatically update the Incident Investigation Status upon clicking on Submit in Risk Analysis. |
Display detailed warning message on submission | Enables to show a detailed warning message (validation message) upon submission of records. Disable all objects when Incident is closed. |
Disable all objects when Incident is closed | Enables to lock all objects for editing when the Incident is closed. |
Allow to select any date (past/future) for Investigation Due Date | Enables to select any date as the Investigation Due Date. |
Disable Investigation Due Date | Enables to disable Investigation Due Date for editing. This will be set up automatically and will not be editable by the users when enabled. |
Show Incident Summary Chart in Analysis Area for | Enables to display Incident Summary Chart in Analysis Area for either Current Financial Year or Previous 12 months from the current year. |
Severity Display Text | Enables to change the terminology for ‘Severity’. |
Likelihood Display Text | Enables to change the terminology for ‘Likelihood’. |
Configurable redirect for submit | Enables to configure the redirect for submit to be either the Incident Register or My Quick Update page of the user. |
Hide Degree of Risk Chart | Enables to hide the ‘Degree of Risk’ Chart from the Incident Analysis area. |
Hide Incident by Risk Rating Type Chart | Enables to hide the ‘Incident by Risk Rating Type’ Chart from the Incident Analysis area. |
Hide Incident by Priority Chart | Enables to hide the ‘Incident by Priority’ Chart from the Incident Analysis area. |
Hide Incident by Severity Chart | Enables to hide the ‘Incident by Severity’ Chart from the Incident Analysis area. |
Hide Incident by Close Status Chart | Enables to hide the ‘Incident by Close Status’ Chart from the Incident Analysis area. |
Automatically Complete Incident Investigation upon submitting Investigation | Enables to automatically complete the Incident Investigation upon the Investigation being submitted. |
Save Incidents as Draft until submission | Enables to save Incidents as Drafts until submission is complete. |
Open email links in mobile browser | Enables to open email links in the mobile browser. |
Automatically link all incidents under the same creator for these incident types | An optional configuration that will create an automatic link between incidents of different types created as drafts by the same user. This will enable to configure which type of incidents created by the same user to be linked via a ‘Linkage’ object for easy reference. |
Authenticate when navigating via notification hyperlinks | Authentication when the user is directed to the application. |
Activate all active email triggers in Incident and compliance | Activate/deactivate all active email triggers in both Incident and Compliance modules.
Disable hyperlinks in email snippets for all incident and compliance notifications | Disable, by selecting this, to send hyperlinks in email snippets in the email body in both Incident and Compliance modules. |
Default Incident Status selected in dashboard | Set what the default status should be when displaying incidents in the 'Incident' tab within the dashboard: Open, Closed, or None (set by default and will behave as show all). |
Auto populate Incident Creator’s Hierarchy Linkages as default Incident Linkages upon creation | When this setting is enabled, when an Incident record is created, the Incident Creator’s Hierarchy Linkages will be automatically populated in the Linkage tab of the Incident record. Additionally, in this case the Incident Creator will be the user logging the Incident record and will not be the user defined in the ReportedBy field. |
Auto Save Frequency (in Minutes, keep blank to turn off) | Enter a number in this field to denote the amount of minutes to auto save incident pages at a pre-defined frequency to prevent data loss. This will help users if in case of accidental closing the browser window or unexpected page crashes.
Show Incident Consolidated Dashboard | To hide the consolidated Incident Dashboard view in the Dashboard page, disable this setting. This setting will be enabled by default. |
Show action signoff only when action status is completed | Enables users with appropriate permissions to configure this option. When ticked, the Signoff section in the Action Object will show only if the 'Enable Signoff' setting is ticked for the Action Object and when the Action Status is 'Completed'. |
Choose and select from the list of all incident types available in the organisation, which types of incidents needs to be linked automatically when created by the same user.
Click on the Save button at the top of the page to save any setting changes.