Audit Settings – Audit Duplicate

Audit Settings – Audit Duplicate

This settings page lets you select from a previous year’s audit details and duplicate these into the new year. You can duplicate a previous year’s audit details, audit findings, and audit recommendations via a tree like hierarchy in a popup window.

  • STEP 1: Click the Audit Duplicate tab.

  • STEP 2: Select the 'Audit Year' from the dropdown to list down any inactive audits within that year.

  • STEP 3: Select the checkbox against which audit you wish to duplicate.

  • STEP 4: In the popup window, select if you wish to duplicate the findings and recommendations of the audit as well and select these.

  • STEP 5: Click on the Duplicate button at the bottom of the window to duplicate details.


  • When the audit is duplicated, a new audit number is assigned to the duplicate and there won't be a relationship between the duplicated audit. However, the audit, its findings and recommendation data are copied to the duplicate from the original, if these are selected. 

  • Note that certain recommendation related data such as Status Report, Status Report Summary and Management response does not get copied.

Figure 1.1
Figure 1.2

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