Framework – Audit Settings

Framework – Audit Settings

Audit Settings provides the ability to adjust various settings used within audits. It comprises a range of screens which can be utilised by the Audit Setting Administrator to define variables and criteria utilised during the audit process.

Audit settings can be accessed via Menu > Framework > Audit Settings.

Figure 1.1





Audit Categories

Categories audits for enhanced filtering.

Audit Entities

Link audits to audit entities within the organisation.

Audit Firms

Link audits to audit firms i.e. independent public accounting firms that do auditing at the organisation.

Numbering System

Define a prefix for audit and finding records in the automatic numbering system.

Audit Status

Track the different phases or stages of an audit.

Audit Risk Rating

Rate the risk levels of audits.

Audit Action Status

Monitor the progress of audit actions.

Audit Duplicate

Create duplicates of audits.

Custom Lists

Customise the dropdown list available in the Field Configuration area.

Field Configuration

Customise the fields which are made visible within Audit details.

Note: This module will only be available to the clients who have purchased Audit.

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