Change Request Functionality

Change Request Functionality

See how to configure this object under Project Workflows under this admin guide: Change Request Workflow.

1. Overview

This allows the project team to create and manage change requests at any stage of the project life cycle.

The purpose of the change request is to change any of the approved areas (such as approved budget, approved schedule, approved team, and approved project summary-details).

Navigate to project workflow and click on the Change Request button.  A pop-up will be opened listing all the change requests for the project with the current approval status.

Figure 1.1

The following details will be displayed in the summary view.

  • Change Name - Change request title.

  • Impacted Areas - The impacted areas/objects of the change request.

  • Submitted Date - The date at which the change request was submitted for the approval.

  • Submitted By - The person who submitted the change request for the approval.

  • Approval Status - The approval status of the change request (e.g., Pending Approval, Approved, Not Approved).

  • Action By - The person who approved/rejected/deferred the change request.

  • Action Date - The date at which the change request was approved/rejected/deferred.

2. Logging a New Change Request

Using the Create Change Request button in the summary view, you can log a new change request.

Figure 2.1

Change request log form will be displayed for the project team to enter the main details of the change as shown in the screenshot above.

Users can view the Change request log form in full-screen mode if required by clicking on the full screen icon. They can revert back to the default view by clicking on the same button again.

Figure 2.2

Upon Save, the form will be auto closed, the newly created change request will be included in the summary view, and the user will be directed inside the change request.

Figure 2.3

Note: Details for the change request will be taken from the pre-approved object data and upon approval of the change request, those areas will be updated. 

Users can make the necessary changes in the change request and send it for approval via the Final Approval object available in the change request. Once the change request is approved, the areas in the main project which were modified by the user via the change request will be updated as per the updates done.

3. Editing Change Requests

In order to edit the change request information, click on the plus next to change request name.

Figure 3.1

 Expanded view includes following fields (as shown above).

  • Name of the Change

  • Brief Description of the Change

  • Reason for Change

  • Change Impacted Areas

  • Comment

In order to edit information in the expanded view, you should have ‘Add/Edit’ Project Position Permission for ‘Project Change Request’. You can enter relevant details and click Save.

Note: Change Request will not be editable once upon submission.

If you want to delete a change request, click on the delete icon adjacent to the respective change request. The delete icon will only be visible if you have ‘Delete’ project position permission for ‘Project Change Request’.

Figure 3.2

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