Strategy Administration – Email Notifications

1. Overview

E-mail notifications can be sent for a variety of reasons including general notices, Action Start date reminders, Action Update reminders, and KPI reminders.  For the e-mail notifications to work, staff e-mail addresses must be included in the ‘Staff’ area in the Framework section.

Email Notifications area enables the administrators to define the custom email notifications for Actions, Tasks, and KPIs based on a range of configurable trigger criteria and you can view the email logs through this page.  Email Notifications section comprises three different tabs. Namely:

  • Email Notification – Provides a list of existing email notifications with the ability to edit or delete them as required. Further, you can create new email notifications according to your requirements.

  • Email Template – This tab enables you to edit or delete the existing email templates and allows you to add new templates to the existing list of templates.

  • Email Notification Log – Enables you to view the list of email generated by the system and you can use the filters to select the type of email alerts you wish to see.

2. Email Notifications

Using this section, you can define the email notifications for any general notices, actions, tasks or KPIs.

This section allows you to carry out the following activities:

  • Creating a new email notification.

  • Editing or deleting an existing email notification.

  • Activating or Deactivating an email notification.

Navigate to this section through Administration >Email Notifications > Email Notification tab.

2.1 Adding a new email notification

  • STEP 1: Click on the Add Button to start creating an email notification.

Figure 2.1.1
  • STEP 2: Fill the following details to define the email notification.

2.1.1 Generic Email Notification






Define the title for the email notification.


Select the type of notification from the drop-down menu.


Choose the template to be used, from the drop-down menu (templates can be edited/added under email templates tab, the drop-down menu will only provide the list of templates that was created for the relevant email type).


Select the tick box if you wish to activate this email notification.

Start On

Provide a date to start sending the notification.

Note: The 'start date' will need to be updated if you have completed a rollover and re-started your actions.

Continue to remind every

Decide the frequency of the notification from the drop-down menu.

Note: If you choose the option as 'Never', still the email notification will be sent on the start date and will not generate any further email notification as the condition given to the email notification is not to send out alerts to remind again.

Send To

Select the recipient.

The options available are:

  • All Staff: Sends the email to all staff members.

  • Action Responsible Officer: When selected, a multi-select dropdown for Action Status will appear. This dropdown will include all action statuses configured in the system. Select the action statuses for which action owners will receive email notifications.

  • Task Responsible Officer: When selected, a multi-select dropdown for Task Status will appear. This dropdown will include all task statuses configured in the system. Select the task statuses for which task owners will receive email notifications.

  • Administrator: Sends the email to system administrators.

Trigger criteria

Define the trigger criteria using the options and conditions given in the grid. The options column gives you the list of situations in which an email can be triggered, and each criteria row includes tick boxes and drop-down menus to define the criteria/situations better. These criteria can be combined using the conditions drop-down (OR/AND) given against the options. The default selection for the conditions drop-down menu is OR.

Select the criteria row by ticking the checkbox on the left side of the row. This enables that specific trigger criterion. Then you can select the options using the tick boxes or drop-down menus available in the same row. Also, you can use the conditions drop-down to combine the criteria.

Note: when a criterion is selected using the left side checkbox, you have to use at least one of the options available under that criterion (tick boxes or drop-down menus within the row) to define email trigger, failing which you will receive an error message when trying to save the notification.


Put a description to further elaborate the purpose of the email.     

  • General email notification details screen is shown below

2.1.2 Action Email Notification






Define the title for the email notification.


Select the type of notification as Action.


Choose the template to be used, from the drop-down menu (templates can be edited/added under email templates tab, the drop-down menu will only provide the list of templates that was created for the relevant email type).


Select the tick box if you wish to activate this email notification.

Start On

Provide a date to start sending the notification.

Continue to remind every

Decide the frequency of the notification from the drop-down menu.

Send To

Select the recipient.

The options available are All Staff, Director, Responsible officer, Administrator and Business Unit Manager.

Trigger Criteria

Define the trigger criteria using the options and conditions given in the grid. The options column gives you the list of situations in which an email can be triggered and each criteria row includes tick boxes and drop-down menus to define the criteria/situations better. These criteria can be combined using the conditions drop-down (OR/AND) given against the options. The default selection for the conditions drop-down menu is OR.

Select the criteria row by ticking the checkbox on the left side of the row. This enables that specific trigger criterion. Then you can select the options using the tick boxes or drop-down menus available in the same row. Also, you can use the conditions drop-down to combine the criteria.

  • Action email notification detail screen is shown below:

2.1.3 Task Email Notification






Define the title for the email notification.


Select the type of notification as Task.


Choose the template to be used, from the drop-down menu (templates can be edited/added under email templates tab, the drop-down menu will only provide the list of templates that was created for the relevant email type).


Select the tick box if you wish to activate this email notification.

Start On

Provide a date to start sending the notification.

Continue to remind every

Decide the frequency of the notification from the drop-down menu.

Send To

Select the recipient.

The options available are All Staff, Director, Responsible Officer, Administrator, Business Unit Manager and Action Responsible officer.

Trigger Criteria

Define the trigger criteria using the options and conditions given in the grid. The options column gives you the list of situations in which an email can be triggered and each criteria row includes tick boxes and drop-down menus to define the criteria/situations better. These criteria can be combined using the conditions drop-down (OR/AND) given against the options. The default selection for the conditions drop-down menu is OR.

Select the criteria row by ticking the checkbox on the left side of the row. This enables that specific trigger criterion. Then you can select the options using the tick boxes or drop-down menus available in the same row. Also, you can use the conditions drop-down to combine the criteria

  • Task email notification details screen is shown below

2.1.4 KPI Email Notification






Define the title for the email notification.


Select the type of notification as KPI.


Choose the template to be used, from the drop-down menu (templates can be edited/added under email templates tab, the drop-down menu will only provide the list of templates that was created for the relevant email type).


Select the tick box if you wish to activate this email notification.

Start On

Provide a date in the DD/MM/YYYY format to start sending the notification.

Continue to remind every

Decide the frequency of the notification from the drop-down menu.

Send To

Select the recipient.

The options available are All Staff, Director, Responsible Officer, Administrator, Business Unit Manager and Reporting officer.

Trigger Criteria

Define the trigger criteria using the options and conditions given in the grid. The options column gives you the list of situations in which an email can be triggered and each criteria row includes tick boxes and drop-down menus to define the criteria/situations better. These criteria can be combined using the conditions drop-down (OR/AND) given against the options. The default selection for the conditions drop-down menu is OR.

Select the criteria row by ticking the checkbox on the left side of the row. This enables that specific trigger criterion. Then you can select the options using the tick boxes or drop-down menus available in the same row. Also, you can use the conditions drop-down to combine the criteria.

  • KPI email notification detail screen is shown below

  • STEP 3: Save the details and click on the Return Button once you see the message informing you that the record has been saved successfully.

2.2 Editing an existing email notification

This option can be used to amend the details of an existing email notification.

  • STEP 1: Select the email notification you wish to amend and click on the Edit button.


  • STEP 2: This will take you to the details screen of the email notification. Using this screen, you can amend all the required information (The same details which are given in the above table applies to this section) and once you have made the changes, click on the Save Button.

2.3 Editing the 'Starting on' date for emails

The emails will always fire based on the frequency and the last lot of emails (email log) which was sent. For example, if the last log is the 21st August, so the next email will go out on the 21st September. The emails don’t look at starting on date initially, they go by the last log first.

To reset the 'start on date' you will need to delete the last log first. If you were to delete the last log now (example, the 21st August one), you can then reset the starting date to be today’s date and the email will fire out today (within an hour of your resetting this).

Therefore, for example, if you would like the email to go out as of today:

  1. Remove the last email Log (21st August), through Email notification log menu

  2. Re-set the start on date to be today – 17/09/2014.

  3. The email will fire today, and then next email will be 1 month from today.

Just a note, if you wanted to re-set the email to go out any other date (not today) – say Friday, then:

  1. Remove the last Log (21st August).

  2. Re-set the start on date to be the date you want it to go out (Friday = 19th Sept).

  3. The email will fire on Friday – 19th Sept and then next email will be 1 month from the 19th Sept.

2.4 Deleting an existing email notification

  • STEP 1: Select the email notification you wish to remove/delete and click on the Delete button.

  • STEP 2: You will see a popup message asking you to confirm the deletion, Click OK button.

2.5 Activating/Deactivating an email notification

If you wish to activate or deactivate an email notification, all you have to do is, tick (to activate)/ untick (to deactivate) the 'Active' checkbox under the details screen and save the change.

3. Email Templates

Email templates page enables you to define the custom email templates for general notices, actions, tasks, and KPIs. Using this section, you can add new templates, edit the existing templates and delete the templates which are not required.

Navigate to this section through Email Notifications > Email Templates tab.

3.1 Adding an Email Template

  • STEP 1: Click on the Add Button to navigate to the template details screen where you can define the template format.

  • STEP 2: Include the following details in the fields provided.




Define the name of the template.


Select the type of email template from the drop-down menu (General/Action/Task/KPI).

Email Subject

Type the email subject to be used (Maximum50 characters).

Email Salutation

Input the salutation to be used in the email, Default salutation would be 'Dear User' (Maximum 50 characters).

Email Body

Type the content of the email using this Multiline text box.

Email Signature

Draft your email signature in this Multiline text box. Default signature would be as follows,


System Administrator

This e-mail has been automatically generated. Please do not reply to this e-mail because the return address is invalid.

  • STEP 3: Save the template and click on the Return Button once you see the message informing you that the record has been saved successfully.

3.2 Editing an existing email template

  • STEP 1: Select the template which you would like to amend and click on the Edit button.

  • STEP 2: Change the details included in the template (Refer to the above table for the fields that can be changed) and click on the save Button to save the amendments.

3.3 Deleting an existing email template

  • STEP 1: Select the email template which you wish to delete/remove and click on the Delete button.

  • STEP 2: You will see a popup message asking you to confirm the deletion, Click OK button.

4. Email Notification Log

Email Notification Log page allows you to filter the log of the email notifications which were sent by the system.

Filters used to search the records are Type, email template and email notification.

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