Tools – Rollover

Tools – Rollover

1. Overview 

1.1 What is Rollover?

The rollover capability enables organisations to conduct business and strategic planning for future reporting periods, whilst maintaining the integrity of progress reporting in the current reporting period.

The rollover capability has the following benefits:

  • Clear separation of the strategic and business planning processes from current progress reporting i.e. high-level strategic plans can be updated without affecting reports; organisational structures can be changed without affecting current information, and business plans can be altered in readiness for budgeting without having an impact on current reporting.

  • System administrators will have the ability to archive and view information from previous planning periods from within a single interface.

  • Maintenance of historical KPI information on an ongoing basis.

You can access the Rollover section through Tools> Rollover.

Rollover Process

The rollover process is best undertaken for the following scenarios:

  • Review of the high-level plan – Any changes to the high-level strategic plan (goals, outcomes, strategies) are best undertaken using the rollover functionality to ensure consistency in reporting.

  • Archiving of completed actions – Where it is desirable to archive completed actions, the rollover process should be utilised.

The diagram below illustrates the Rollover Conceptual Process:

Figure 1.1.1

The Rollover Business Process is undertaken by the System Administrator within the planning side of the solution.

Figure 1.1.2

The rollover process involves:

  • Undertaking an initial copy of current periods data is created at a point in time.

  • This current period is still being used to record progress on existing organisational plans.

  • Undertaking the future year organisational planning in the next period.

  • The Undertaking of the final progress reporting in the current planning period before the second stage of the rollover occurs.

  • Stage 2 of the rollover will result in locking of the current period information which will become the last period and the next period will become the current period.

  • Stage 2 will also result in the updating of some information from the original current period to the next period e.g. the last progress statement relevant to actions.

1.2 When should Rollover be undertaken?

In the situation of an organisation reporting using the financial year, it is generally recommended that:

  • Stage 1 of Rollover is completed in a time frame consistent with the review of the organisation’s planning process. This will give sufficient time to conduct business planning for the next financial year.

  • Stage 2 of Rollover is completed at the end of the financial year after all relevant progress reporting has been completed.

Note: Rollover is not compulsory, however with a change in planning it is recommended. There is no implication or right or wrong time to do the rollover completion. I guess the basic view is that essentially it should be in line with the reporting periods, however, it doesn’t usually happen on June 30 at that exact moment of time.

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