Camms.Risk Controls Management | June 2022
Camms is pleased to bring you the Quarterly Product Release Note for Camms.Risk Controls.
This quarter we've got a number of exciting new features and enhancements to improve your user experience within the system, which will be available in your Test environment on 11th June 2022 and will be available in your Live instance on 25th June 2022.
Introducing the Controls Module Feature in Camms.Risk—available as a standalone module, which can be combined with Camms.Risk and Camms.Risk Compliance, to provide you the flexibility to structure controls in one-to-one or one-to-many relationships. Click on the image below to watch the on-demand webinar with Shaun Mahon, Global Practice Lead.
1. Linking Audit, Findings, and Recommendations to Controls |
Introducing a linkage to link Controls with Audit Details, Audit Findings, and Audit Recommendation in Camms.Risk Audit, via the relevant Links tab.
Note: Please note that this feature will not be available for this release due to certain fixes that are currently being worked on. This feature will be made available in an upcoming Maintenance Release. We apologise for any inconveniences caused due to this.
How do you configure this?
Users with permission to the Links tabs of Audit, Audit Findings and Audit Recommendations will be able to link records to Controls.
Users with permissions to the Links tab of Camms.Risk Audit, will be able to delete any linked Controls via the Control Grid.
The below permissions will be required to view/edit the linked Controls:
For Static Hierarchy Users: User roles configured under 'Menu > Administration > Users > Manage Users' with permission to the Control Detail page will be able to view/edit the page.
For Flex Hierarchy Users: User roles with permissions configured under Menu > Administration > Role Management > [Product = Controls] > Details > Control Details, will be able to view/edit the Control Detail page.
How does this work?
Controls will be introduced as a new option within the Links tabs of Audit, Audit Finding, and Audit Recommendations, allowing you to link a Control or multiple Controls (in one go) to the relevant entity.
Once linked, the Control record(s) will be displayed in a grid and the Control title will be hyperlinked, letting you to click and view and/or edit in the Control Record Detail page.
Additionally, the linkages to Controls done via these entities will reflect within the Control Record’s Links tab, under the specific entity’s grid.
2. Introducing Audit History Details |
Introducing Audit History Details in the Control Detail page and the Control Record Detail page where the user is able to view the history of the data changes in the application.
How do you configure this?
The below permissions will be required to click on the 'history' icon and view history details of the Control Detail page within the Master Control page (Controls accessed via the Controls Register page):
For Static Hierarchy Users: User roles configured under Menu > Administration > Users > Manage Users with view permission to the Control Detail page will be able to view History details of a Control record.
For Flex Hierarchy Users: User roles with view permissions configured under Menu > Administration > Role Management > Controls > Control > History, will be able to view the history details of a Control record.
The below permissions will be required to click on the 'history' icon and view details of the Control Record Detail page within linked Controls of Risk records:
For Static Hierarchy Users: User roles configured under Menu > Administration > Users > Manage Users with view permission to the Control Record Detail page, will be able to view History details of a Control record.
For Flex Hierarchy Users: User roles with permissions configured under Menu > Administration > Role Management > Risk Type > Controls > History, will be able to view History details of the Control Record Detail page of the linked Risk record.
Users with permissions configured under Menu > Framework > Obligation Settings > User Roles > Controls, will be able to view History details of the Control Record Detail page of the linked Compliance record.
How does this work?
A 'history' icon will be introduced within the Control Detail page of the Master Control records (Control records accessed via the Controls Register page) and the Control Record Detail page of the linked Risk and Compliance Controls.
Clicking on the history icon will open a popup window to view a summery of amendments made to fields configured as ‘Visible’ for Master Control records and linked Controls of Risk and Compliance records.
Upon clicking a record, a popup window will be opened with three (3) tabs: Summary, Current Representation, and Previous Representation, displaying Username and Timestamp details.
Summary tab – consists of the Filed Name, Current Value, and Previous Value of an amended record.
Current Representation tab – consists of the current values maintained with the Field Name and the value of a field.
Previous Representation tab – consists of the value that existed before an amendment, along with the Field Name and value.
All three tabs will list out the latest changes at the top of the grid.
Document, Links, and Control Assessment tabs will not have the history icon.
Additionally, changes made via Controls in the My Quick Update page, will be captured within the History popup window.
Note: The below fields will not be available under History:
Organisational Links
Action Grid
Causes and Consequences
3. Introducing hyperlinks to view Controls in the Links tab of other Modules |
Introducing hyperlinks for Controls within the Links tab in the Risk, Incident, Audit Details, Audit Findings, Audit Recommendations, Compliance, Authority Documents, and Policies modules, to effortlessly view details of a Control record.
How do you configure this?
Hyperlinked Control titles of a Control record will be able to be viewed/edited upon clicking it, for users with the below permissions:
For Static Hierarchy Users: User roles configured under Menu > Administration > Users > Manage Users with permission to the Control Detail page/Control Record Detail page, will be able to view/edit the page.
For Flex Hierarchy Users:
User roles with permissions configured under Menu > Administration > Role Management > Controls > Details > Control Details will be able to view/edit the Control Detail page.
User roles with permissions configured under Menu > Administration > Role Management > Risk Type > Controls will be able to view/edit the Control Record Detail page.
For Users that use our Camms.Risk Compliance product: Only users with the permission to the Control Object within the Camms.Risk Compliance product, will see the Controls Title as a hyperlink displayed under Controls in the Controls Grid. If permission to the Control Object is not available, the Control Title will not be displayed as a hyperlink, but only as a label name.
How does this work?
The Control Title in the Links tab in the Risk, Incident, Audit, Audit Findings, Audit Recommendations, Compliance, Authority Documents, and Policies modules will be hyperlinked, with access to the Control record for users with permissions, once clicked on it.
Risk and Compliance records will open the Control Record Details page of the linked Controls. Incident, Audit, Audit Findings, Audit Recommendations, Authority Documents, and Policies will open the Control Detail page of the Master Control (Controls accessed via Control Register).
Note: If a Master Control is made inactive after being linked to an entity, the record will not be displayed within the Controls Grid of that entity’s Links tab.
4. Introducing hyperlinks to the respective modules in the Controls Links tab |
Introducing hyperlinks to entities such as Risk, Incident, Audit Details, Audit Findings, Audit Recommendations, Compliance, Authority Documents, Policies, Risk Actions, and KPIs within the Links tab of Controls.
How do you configure this?
Users with permission to the linked entity’s (Risk, Incident, Audit, Audit Findings, Audit Recommendations, Compliance, Authority Documents, Policies, Risk Actions, and KPIs) Detail pages will be allowed to view/edit the records.
How does this work?
Entities such as Risk, Incident, Audit, Audit Findings, Audit Recommendations, Compliance, Authority Documents, and Policies modules will have the Titles hyperlinked, within the Links tab of Controls.
Each entity's hyperlinked title column will as below:
Risk – Risk Title
Incident – Incident Title
Audit – Audit Reference
Audit Finding – Audit Number
Audit Recommendation – Recommendation Number
Compliance – Compliance Title
Authority Document – Authority Document Title
Policy – Policy Title
Risk Action – Risk Action Title
KPI – KPI Title
Upon clicking the hyperlinked title, a new window will be opened with the relevant entity’s (Risk, Incident, Audit, Audit Findings, Audit Recommendations, Compliance, Authority Documents, and Policies) Detail page.
Note: If a record linked to a Control is made inactive, the linkage will be removed from that entity's grid within the Control Links tab.