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This article contains:

Table of Contents

1. Overview

This settings page will let you view a list of user roles within the system and update its workflow and permissions. Additionally, you can create custom user roles too. These roles can be assigned to individual users within the User settings area.

Setup a user role:

  • STEP 1: Click on


  • New


  • button.


Note: The filters within the Incident Settings pages accessed via Mega Menu > Framework > Incident Settings > User Role will be simplified to only have the ‘Contains’ search filter. This will allow you to easily filter the required details.

  • STEP 2: Enter a user role name and a description.

  • STEP 3: Select a workflow to provide access levels to the workflow. User roles would be workflow based.

  • STEP 4: Tick


  • Display Only Assigned Incidents


  • to make the user role to view the incident records which the user has been assigned as responsible officer.


Note: If this checkbox is ticked, the Register Filter will be disabled for users with this User Role assigned.

  • STEP 5: Tick


  • Display Only Created


  • to make the user role to view the incident records which the user has created.




After this checkbox is ticked, the Register Filter will be disabled for users with this User Role assigned. 

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  • STEP 6: Select the permissions that needs to be applied for this user role. See details below on the two permission categories.

2. Permissions

The following two categories of permissions are available to be applied.

  1. Standard permissions






Standard incident add permission


This permission will let a user add details to an incident object.


Standard incident responsible officer permission


This permission will be provided to all users who will be selected as responsible officers for incidents so that they can access and manage incidents that they are responsible for. It is recommended to tick this for all user roles created.


Standard investigator permission


This permission will be provided to users assigned as Primary Investigator and Secondary Investigator for an incident, so as to access and manage investigations responsible for.


Standard action responsible officer permission 


This permission will be provided to all users who will be selected as responsible officers for incident actions so that they can access and manage actions that they are responsible for. It is recommended to tick this for all user roles created.


User settings


Provides permissions to Incident Settings > User settings. Recommended only for administrators.


User role settings


Provides permissions to incident Settings > User role settings. Recommended only for administrators.


Location settings 


Provides permissions to Incident Settings > Location settings. Recommended only for administrators.


Priority settings


Provides permissions to Incident Settings > Priority settings. Recommended only for administrators.


Severity settings


Provides permissions to Incident Settings > Severity settings. Recommended only for administrators.


View confidential records


Provides permissions for a user to flag incidents as confidential.


Category settings 


Provides permissions to Incident Settings > incident category settings. Recommended only for administrators.


Code setup


Provides permissions to Incident Settings > Incident code setup. Recommended only for administrators.


List item configuration


Provides permissions to Incident Settings > List item configuration. Recommended only for administrators.


Display text settings


Provides permissions to Incident Settings > Display text. Recommended only for administrators.


Object configuration settings


Provides permissions to Incident Settings > Object configuration. Recommended only for administrators.


Workflow configuration settings


Provides permissions to Incident Settings > Workflow configuration. Recommended only for administrators.


Type configuration


Provides permissions to Incident Settings > Incident type settings. Recommended only for administrators.


Notification settings


Provides permissions to Incident Settings > Notification template/ Notifications. Recommended only for administrators.


Miscellaneous settings


Provides permissions to Incident Settings > Miscellaneous settings. Recommended only for administrators.


Cause and consequence settings


Provides permissions to Incident Settings > Cause and consequence. Recommended only for administrators.


Permission setting


Permission to set Permissions under Incident Settings > User Role settings. Recommended only for administrators.


Custom table setting


Provides permissions to Incident Settings > Custom table. Recommended only for administrators.


Register configuration setting


Provides permissions to Incident Settings > Register configuration. Recommended only for administrators.


Unlock all objects for editing (override 'Disable all objects when Incident is closed' Setting)


This setting will allow users to edit the close incident objects.


Standard role settings


Permission to set Standard Roles under Incident Settings > Standard roles.


Likelihood settings


Provides permissions to Incident Settings > Likelihood settings.


Standard unlock all objects in incident drafts for editing permission


Provides permission to edit objects in draft incidents.


Risk rating type settings


Provides permissions to Incident Settings > Risk Rating Settings. Recommended only for administrators.


Risk rating calculation settings


Provides permissions to Incident Settings > Risk Rating Calculation settings. Recommended only for administrators.


Object section configuration settings


Provides permissions to Incident Settings > Object Section Configuration Settings. Recommended only for administrators.


Portal configuration settings


Provides permissions to Incident Settings > Portal Configuration Settings. Recommended only for administrators.


Display all records in registers


Permission to display all records in registers.


Type group configuration settings


Provides permissions to Incident Settings > Type Group Configuration Settings. Recommended only for administrators.


Display confidential records in register


Permission to display confidential records in the register.


Edit close object regardless of incident completion


Register grouping configuration


Provides permissions to Incident Settings > Register Grouping Configuration Settings. Recommended only for administrator.


Standard incident draft submission permission


Permission to create and submit a draft incident. 


Standard incident approver permission


Provides permission for the user to create an incident action and submit for approval. This user role should be tied in with an appropriate user role providing 'add' permission for the action object.


Standard incident action draft submission permission


Permission to create and submit a draft incident action.


Standard incident action approver permission


Provides permission for the user to approve an incident action created and submitted for approval.


Review frequency settings


Provides permissions to Incident Settings > Review Frequency Settings. Recommended only for administrators.


View draft incidents


Provides permission for the user to view all draft incidents in their registers.


Dashboard configuration settings


Permission to configure settings in the dashboard.


Show records only in linked node


Provides permission for the user to view records within the Incident Registers which are linked to the same organisation node that the logged in staff is linked to.


Show records in linked and underlying nodes


Provides permission for the user to view records within the Incident Registers which are linked to the same organisation node or any linked to underlying nodes that the logged in staff is linked to.


Show records only in linked node to the node's responsible officer


Provides permission for the Responsible Person user to view all records linked to the same organisation node in the registers.

This is the responsible person linked against the hierarchy (Under Hierarchy > node> responsible person). Therefore the responsible person field must be added via the hierarchy node properties to assign this. 


Show records in linked and underlying nodes to the node's responsible officer


Provides permission for the Responsible Person user to view all records linked to the same organisation node and underlying nodes in the registers.

This is the responsible person linked against the hierarchy (Under Hierarchy > node> responsible person). Therefore the responsible person field must be added via the hierarchy node properties to assign this. 


Standard incident sign off permission


Provides permission to sign off for 


Task configuration


Provides permissions to Incident Settings > Task Configuration Settings. Recommended only for administrators.


Create unlimited standard roles setting


Provides permissions to create unlimited roles within incident and link them with custom single/multi select staff dropdown lists. Incident Settings > Standard Roles. Recommended only for administrators. Click on the add new icon.


  1. Please refer article Permissions and Staff Management under section 'Incident – Static Permissions' for a detailed list of standard static permissions for the Incident Product.

2. Object-wise permissions


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Enable editing the object.

Read Only

Only provide read-only permission for the object.


This permission is only available for detail object. This will provide ability to delete incidents.

Edit Workflow/Accountability

This permission is only available for detail object. Allows the user to assign a type for the incident and assign responsible person.

Edit Priority/Severity

This permission is only available for detail object. Allow user to assign a priority and severity for an incident.

Edit Custom Table Record

Allows user to edit a custom table record for the object

Delete Custom Table Record

Allows user to delete a custom table record for the object

  • STEP 7: Click the


  • Save


  • button to save details of the user role.



  • For a Standard Incident Object, in order to add details, a user requires to have the 'Standard Incident Add Permission' ticked.

  • For other Standard and Custom Objects, in order to add, edit or delete, the


  • Read Only


  • permission is required to be ticked, in addition to the 'Add/Edit/Delete' permission.

  • For Document Objects that have only the 'Read Only' permission ticked, a user will only be able to view and download the document.

  • For Custom Table Records, the user needs both the "Edit Custom Table Record" and/or "Delete Custom Table Record" permissions along with the "Edit" permission for that specific object to edit or delete records.


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Incident Settings

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