Incident Settings – User Roles Settings

Incident Settings – User Roles Settings

This article contains:

1. Overview

This settings page will let you view a list of user roles within the system and update its workflow and permissions. Additionally, you can create custom user roles too. These roles can be assigned to individual users within the User settings area.

Setup a user role:

  • STEP 1: Click on New button.

Note: The filters within the Incident Settings pages accessed via Mega Menu > Framework > Incident Settings > User Role will be simplified to only have the ‘Contains’ search filter. This will allow you to easily filter the required details.

  • STEP 2: Enter a user role name and a description.

  • STEP 3: Select a workflow to provide access levels to the workflow. User roles would be workflow based.

  • STEP 4: Tick Display Only Assigned Incidents to make the user role to view the incident records which the user has been assigned as responsible officer.

Note: If this checkbox is ticked, the Register Filter will be disabled for users with this User Role assigned.

  • STEP 5: Tick Display Only Created to make the user role to view the incident records which the user has created.

Note: After this checkbox is ticked, the Register Filter will be disabled for users with this User Role assigned. 

Figure 1.1
  • STEP 6: Select the permissions that needs to be applied for this user role. See details below on the two permission categories.

2. Permissions

The following two categories of permissions are available to be applied.

  1. Standard permissions
    Please refer article Permissions and Staff Management under section 'Incident – Static Permissions' for a detailed list of standard static permissions for the Incident Product.

2. Object-wise permissions

MicrosoftTeams-image (16).png
Figure 2.1






Enable editing the object.

Read Only

Only provide read-only permission for the object.


This permission is only available for detail object. This will provide ability to delete incidents.

Edit Workflow/Accountability

This permission is only available for detail object. Allows the user to assign a type for the incident and assign responsible person.

Edit Priority/Severity

This permission is only available for detail object. Allow user to assign a priority and severity for an incident.

Edit Custom Table Record

Allows user to edit a custom table record for the object

Delete Custom Table Record

Allows user to delete a custom table record for the object

  • STEP 7: Click the Save button to save details of the user role.

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