Incident Settings – Field value Configuration
This settings page will make it easy for users to customise how field values are displayed for a specific field.
Note: The 'Field Value Configuration' area is only visible for a user if the standard permission 'Field Value Configuration Settings' is ticked for an assigned user role for a specific user. To configure permissions, navigate to User Role > [Specific Role] > Standard Permission > Field Value Configuration Settings.
how to configure the Field Value Configuration:
STEP 1: To mark a field as a conditional field, Navigate to Incident Settings > Object Configuration > [Object] > Field Configuration Details.
STEP 2: Tick the Is Conditional Field checkbox. Once enabled, the Conditional Mode options will be displayed with two options:
option 1:
If the 'Visible' setting is ticked, the first option will be 'Hide Field'.
If the 'Visible' setting is unticked, the first option will be 'Show Field'.
option 2:
If the 'Required in Save' setting is ticked, the second option will be 'Non-Mandatory Field'.
If the 'Required in Save' setting is unticked, the second option will be 'Mandatory Field'.
STEP 3: Click the Save button.
Follow the below steps to Customise Field Display Settings:
STEP 1: Navigate to Incident Settings > Field value Configuration.
STEP 2: Select the specific workflow from the drop down, once the workflow is selected Objects and Fields in the selected workflow will be displayed.
STEP 3: Click the History button to track the history of fields and conditions within the selected object in the 'Field Value Configuration' area.
STEP 4: Click the Dependency button to view the current value for the condition applied to Incidents.
STEP 5: Click the Edit button to modify any conditional fields.
STEP 6: Click the Save button.
Note: To apply a newly created condition to an existing Incident record, the user must once again save the incident object associated with the specific Incident record.
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