Incident Settings – Register Configuration

This settings page will let administrators configure the different registers and its fields. Define how incident types should be grouped in registers and set additional attributes like which field in the register acts as the hyperlink to open the record, fields to be shown, the sequence, and whether it appears in the register search. If you use the Portal feature, the visibility and searchability in the portal can be defined too.

Figure 1.1

To configure the register:

  • STEP 1: Navigate to Framework > Incident Settings > Register Configuration.

  • STEP 2: Click on the New button to add a new configuration. 

  • STEP 3: Fill the relevant fields defining the properties of the register.

The following fields will be available:





Register name

Name of the register.

Note: This name will be used on the homepage area and menus for the new registers.


A short description defining the register.

Incident/Event type

Lists all the incident/event types configured in the application.

Register type

Select the register type from the dropdown.


Determines whether the register is Active or Inactive.

Show in Dashboard

Tick this option to display register-wise dashboards (except for the Action Object register) in the Dashboard page. This will display each Register as separate tabs, next to the consolidated Incident tab.

Note: The consolidated Incident tab displayed in the Dashboard page can be hidden by unticking the 'Show Incident Consolidated Dashboard' Miscellaneous Setting under Menu > Framework > Incident Settings > Miscellaneous Settings.

Show in Home page

Determines whether the newly created register appears on the homepage.

Field to be hyperlinked

Determines which field out of code or title should be the hyperlink in the register. 


The order in which the register should appear on the register home page.

Note: The filters within the Incident Settings pages accessed via Mega Menu > Framework > Incident Settings > Register Configurations will be simplified to only have the ‘Contains’ search filter. This will allow you to easily filter the required details.

  • STEP 6: Click the Save button to save and add details.

Figure 1.2

The register field configuration area will have a pre-defined set of standard fields for the workflow. The user will have the option to add other required custom fields, select any field required and activate them to be shown in the register and register filters.

The grid which will appear upon saving configuration will have below features:

  • Visible –  Once ticked the field will appear as a column in the register.

  • Searchable –  Once ticked the field will appear as a filter in the register.

  • Visible in Portal –  Once ticked the field will appear as a column in the incident portal.

  • Searchable in Portal –  Once ticked the field will appear as a filter in the register.

  • Sequence –  The position in register and portal to be set via sequence.

  • Width –  The column width in register and portal to be set via width.

Other settings in relation to the Register includes:

  • Applying a specific register based on specific incident types.

  • Making the register active / inactive. 

  • Allowing the incidents in the register to be applied to the home page. 

  • What field to be hyperlinked within the register to access the incident.

  • Sequence that the register will show (if you have more than 1 incident registers based on types). 

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