Risk List Component

Risk List Component

1. Overview

  • This component will display projects linked to a hierarchy node in a grid view.

  • All the fields of this component will be fetched from Camms.Project against the defined time period.

  • The dashboard view of the Project List component will be as follows:

Figure 1.2

2. Configuration of Project List component

Figure 2.1
  • Title- You can add a title to the component. 

  • Description- You can add a description to the Project List component which will be displayed above the Project List on the dashboard.

  • Which Projects Should be Included – You can select which projects o be displayed in the edit grid, either directly linked projects or rollup projects. Roll up project option will show you all the projects linked to the node and its child nodes. You can also select to which this should be applied, either component only, page only or to the entire dashboard.

  • Search Bar - You can search for a Project by entering text on the type in search bar placed about

  • Then you will have two filters to filter the selected projects. This will allow you to filter the projects from 'Project Type' and 'Project Status' through multi select dropdowns. 

Figure 2.2
Figure 2.3
Figure 2.4
  • All the projects related to the filtration will be listed down in the project configuration grid.

Note: You have to scroll to your right in the Project configuration grid to edit the data. (Use arrow keys or the scroll bar placed at the bottom of the grid section or else click on the full screen view button placed on the top right corner of the dashboard design area. The records in the grid are enabled for inline editing. Click on the edit button placed at the right corner to edit a row.

Figure 2.5
  • Project Name- This refers to the Project name added in Camms.Project. You can edit the name on the Project List configuration grid.

Figure 2.6
  • Description- refer to the description of the Project added in Camms.Project. This can also be editable on the grid but will be visible in the project detail view of your dashboard.

Figure 2.7
  • Progress Comment – refers to progress comment of the project added in IPM. This will be displayed in your project detail view.

Figure 2.8
  • Progress Date - You can setup custom 'progress date' for each Project. 

Figure 2.9
  • Hierarchy Node – This column will be available only if you select the ‘rollup projects’ option above.  This will emphasize which node the project is linked to.

Figure 2.10
  • Template Project – This column will be available only if you enable the ‘Template Project’ option in Dashboard creation/edit phase.   You can select which project configuration (detail level) template should be applied to the projects which will be made visible automatically or manually. 

Figure 2.11
Figure 2.12
  • Visibility- You have to enable visibility toggle button to show the Project on the dashboard. The Toggle button is unticked by default.

Figure 2.13
  • You can configure the fields to be shown in the ‘Project Register View’ of your dashboard by clicking on the configure icon of the ‘Project List’ component.

Figure 2.14
  • Apply to – This dropdown will allow you to apply the configurations dashboard wise, component wise or page wise at once.  Default value will be ‘Apply to dashboard’. You have the ability to select the required option from the dropdown. This dropdown will be available underneath every configuration grid.

  • Freeze 'Project Code' and 'Project Name' columns in the Project list - If you enable this toggle button, you can see the Project Code and Project Name columns as the first two columns in the project list, and even when you scroll the project list horizontally, those two columns would remain the same.

  • Field Name - refers to the field name in the IPM.

  • Label Name – refers to the field name to be displayed on the dashboard, you can edit this as per your choice.

  • Visibility – enable the visibility toggle button to make the fields visible on the dashboard. The toggle buttons will be disabled by default. All the fields will be checked by enabling the toggle buttons next to ‘Visibility’ label in the header of the configuration grid

  • You can arrange the field order by simply dragging and dropping the fields. Doing this will reflect the sequence you set in the admin panel onto the project list view on the dashboard.

  • You can click Save button once the changes have been done.

  • ‘Progress Comment’ will be displayed in your ‘Project Detail’ view. 

Figure 2.15
Figure 2.16

Note: Only the above four components will be shown in the Individual Project configuration. You can drag and drop the components to the design area and can configure each project.

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