Portfolio Milestone Component

Portfolio Milestone Component

1. Overview

  • This component will display a milestone chart and showcase a set of key milestones from projects under a hierarchy level. The milestones will also represent a category, which is grouped by a color.

Figure 1.1

2. Configuring the Portfolio Milestone component

  • You can add the Portfolio Milestone component on to your dashboard from the Admin panel. Go to the ‘Dashboards’ page and select the relevant dashboard, Drill down to the required level and drag and drop the component on to the page design area.

Figure 2.1
  • After adding the component, you can configure the component by clicking the Edit button. Here you will see all the milestones related to projects linked to the current hierarchy node and its child nodes.

The following information are displayed in this section:

  • Title – A title can be added to the component, which will be displayed above the component on your dashboard.

  • Description – A description can be added to the component. The description will be visible above the component on your dashboard.

Note: Once the title and description are configured you need to click the Save button to apply it onto your dashboard.

  • Search Bar- You can search for a project milestone by typing the milestone name in search bar placed below the Save grid.

  • Add Enable – You can click on the Add Enable option to make all the milestones shown in the grid visible at once.

  • Remove Disable - You can click on the Remove Disable to make the visibility of all the milestones shown in the grid unticked at once.

  • Visibility – Here you can individually pick which project milestones you want to show in the Portfolio Milestone component. Simply click on the Visibility toggle button at the right side of the milestone row, tick the visibility check box and click the visibility toggle which will appear at the top.

Once you click on the edit button of a milestone, you will be able to change its project name, key milestone and milestone type as well.

  • Project Code- This refers to the unique code which can be used to identify a project.

  • Project Name- This refers to the Project name defined in camms.Project. 

  • Key Milestone – This refers to the milestone name of a project.

Note: A project can have many milestones, hence the projects shown in the table will be duplicated according to the number of milestones it consist of. E.g. If there are five milestones for a project, there will be five rows in the table for the same project with those five individual milestones assigned to each row.

  • Milestone Type – This refers to the milestone category. The milestone categories are created from the traffic Light section in the admin panel of camms.EngageThe milestone colors in the front end are based on the category assigned by the administrator. Click here to know more about configuring traffic lights.

  • Hierarchy Node- This refers to the name of hierarchy node which the relevant project is linked to.




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