Risk Detail Component

Risk Detail Component

1. Overview

This component will display a detail view of risks. The dashboard view of the Risk Detail component will be as follows:

Figure 1.1

2. Configuration of Risk Detail Component

  • You can click on the edit icon to edit the details of the component.

Figure 2.1
  1. Title - You can add a title to the component, which will be displayed above the component.

  2. Description – A description for the component can be added which will be displayed above the component.

Note: Click on the Save button to save the changes.

You can click on the configure icon, to configure the fields to be shown on the detailed view on your dashboard.

  • Apply to – This dropdown will allow you to apply the configurations dashboard wise, component wise or page wise at once.  Default value will be ‘Apply to dashboard’. You have the ability to select the required option from the dropdown. This dropdown will be available underneath every configuration grid.

    • Field Name – Refers to the field name in cammsrisk.

    • Label Name – Refers to the field name to be shown on the dashboard.

    • Visibility - – Tick the visibility check box to make the fields visible on the dashboard. The check boxes will be un-ticked by default.

    • View Mode - you can view the Initial Risk RAG Indicator, Current Risk RAG Indicator, Future Risk RAG Indicator, Revised Risk RAG Indicator, Initial Risk Rating Score, Current Risk Rating Score, Future Risk Rating Score, Revised Risk Rating Score, Trend, and Revised Risk Appetite columns either in tile or grid view mode.

Note: If those fields are in the tile view mode, those would appear at the top of the component according to the sequence order that has been set from field configuration menu. 

But, if those fields are in the grid mode, those would appear below the tiles, and would also get the sequence order from field configuration menu accordingly.

  Note: Click on the Save button to save the changes.



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