Web Part Pages
This article contains: |
1. Overview |
This component allows the display of an embedded web page within the dashboard. Dashboard View of the Web Part Page Component will be as follows:
Figure 1.1The front view of the Web Part Page Component will vary according to the link given through the admin panel.
2. Configuration of Web Part Page component |
Title – A title can be added to the component, which will display above the component on the dashboard.
Description – You can add a description to the component. Description will be visible above the component on your dashboard.
Display Option - You can select a display option for the web part page, from the two radio buttons either ‘Height’ or ‘Ratio’.
Ratio - You can select the relevant display mode from the dropdown where the frontend view (width and height) of Power BI dashboard will changed accordingly. ‘Display Ratio’ will be 1:1 by default.
Height – You can add a height to the web part page where the height will be changed accordingly.
Web URL – You can add the required URL. The URL format will be validated it should be in the following format (https://www.cammsgroup.com/ ) If the website has security restrictions, website won’t be visible on the dashboard.
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