Web Part Pages

1. Overview

  • This component allows the display of an embedded web page within the dashboard.  Dashboard View of the Web Part Page Component will be as follows:

    Figure 1.1

    The front view of the Web Part Page Component will vary according to the link given through the admin panel.

2. Configuration of Web Part Page component

Figure 1.2
  • Title – A title can be added to the component, which will display above the component on the dashboard.

  • Description – You can add a description to the component. Description will be visible above the component on your dashboard.

  • Display Option - You can select a display option for the web part page, from the two radio buttons either ‘Height’ or ‘Ratio’.

    • Ratio - You can select the relevant display mode from the dropdown where the frontend view (width and height) of Power BI dashboard will changed accordingly. ‘Display Ratio’ will be 1:1 by default. 

    • Height – You can add a height to the web part page where the height will be changed accordingly.

  • Web URL – You can add the required URL. The URL format will be validated it should be in the following format (https://www.cammsgroup.com/ ) If the website has security restrictions, website won’t be visible on the dashboard.