Configure Client Details / Header

Configure Client Details / Header

  • Once logged in, you can navigate to the admin panel by clicking on the admin icon placed on the header. 

Figure 1.1
  • Afterwards, the client’s name can be added in the ‘Client Name’ text field which will then appear in the dashboard header.

Figure 1.2
  • The client logo can be uploaded from your local drive by clicking on the Choose File button placed next to the Logo section. The image should be selected based on the specification mentioned underneath the Logo upload section. Once the show logo check box is ticked, it will appear as the dashboard logo on the header section. Untick the checkbox to hide the logo from the dashboard header. delete icon can be used to remove the logo.

  • The ‘Official Website URL’ field is given in the ‘Client Details’ tab to add the official website link of your organization. The URL format will be validated it should be in the following format (https://www.cammsgroup.com/)Once entered, it will be added as a hyperlink to the button placed on the header section. When you click on the button, it will open the website in a new tab of your web-browser. 





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