Assessments and Feedback

Assessments and Feedback

This section provides information about assignments and feedback associated with specific courses.
The following are the areas addressed in this section,

Table of Contents

Selected courses include an assignment segment immediately following the course content. This is designed to ensure that users not only engage with the material but also grasp the essential knowledge required to earn a 'Completed' status and, if applicable, certification.

Additionally, this section offers guidance on providing learner feedback right after the completion of a learning activity. The feedback form will be displayed only if it is assigned to the learning activity.

The system has been updated to determine a user's course status based on the following scenarios:

  • Completed: Users will achieve a "Completed" status for a course when they successfully complete both the course content and the assignment.

  • Not Completed: Users will receive a "Not Completed" status if they either fail the assignment or do not fully complete the course.

Provide Feedback for Learning Activity

This section guides users on how to provide feedback for successfully completed learning activities.


Feedback Form


Users can provide feedback on a learning activity immediately after successful completion. A feedback popup will appear with a mandatory rating question and an optional question. For those who prefer to give feedback later, a 'Skip' option is available. Once feedback is submitted, the 'Feedback Provided' option will no longer appear on the 'My Learning Details' page. Users can provide feedback for each version of the learning activity, but only one version at a time.


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