Cash Flow Component

Cash Flow Component

1. Overview

  • This component will track the actual spending of a project against the baselined expenses for each month. 

  • This will be presented in the form of a chart which will show the monthly breakdown of actual vs baselined expenses as bar charts whist the cumulative figures will be displayed as line charts.

  • The component will provide a clear visualization of how the project budget is utilized on monthly basis by showing a comparison of actual expenses occurred during the span of a project against the baselined expense figures.

  • The front-end view of the component will be as follows:

Figure 1.1

2. Configuration of Cash Flow component

Figure 2.1
  1. Title – A title can be added to the component, which will display above the component on the dashboard.

  2. Description – You can add a description to the component. Description will be visible above the component on your dashboard.

  3. Period From & Period To - Budget values within only this time period will be extracted.

  • You can click on Save button to save the changes.

  • You can configure the fields to be shown for the ‘Cash Flow’ on your dashboard by clicking on the configure icon of the ‘Cash Flow’ component.

Figure 2.2
  1. Field Name - Refers to the field name in cammsproject.

  2. Label Name – Refers to the field name to be displayed on the front end of the cashflow chart, you can edit this as per your choice.

  3. Visibility – Tick the visibility check box to make the fields visible on the dashboard. The check boxes will be un-ticked by default.

  4. Series Color – You could select the color for the chart by giving the hexadecimal value of the color.

  5. Series Type – You can select the type of the chart to be displayed on the dashboard.

Note: You can click Save button to save the changes.

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