Action List Component
This article contains: |
1. Overview |
This component will display Actions linked to a node in a grid view. The front end view will be as follows:
2. Configuration of Action List Component |
Title – a title for the Action List component can be added.
Description – You can add a description to the component.
Which comment to be shown – You can select which comment to be shown (Progress or Executive) to which type of user (Logged in or Public). Comments will be reflected on the list component based on your selection.
Note: All the Actions which are linked to the node will be listed here in an Action configuration grid.
Search Bar – You can search for an Action by entering text on the type in search bar placed about.
Note: You have to scroll to your right in the Action configuration grid to edit the data. (Use arrow keys or the scroll bar placed at the bottom of the grid section. The records in the grid are enabled for inline editing. Click on the Edit button placed at the right corner to edit a row.
Action Name – this refers to the Action name added in Camms.Strategy. You can edit this in the Action configuration grid.
Description – this refers to the description of the Action added in Camms.Strategy.
Progress Comment –the progress comment comes from Camms.Strategy for the selected period.
Executive Comment - executive comment is taken form the executive report selected at the dashboard creation phase.
Progress Date - You can setup a custom ‘Progress Date’ for individual Actions. It will consider the ‘Period From’ date as the starting point and will show you data up to the custom ‘Progress Date’ defined at the configuration grid.
Progress Bar - this refers to the progress of the action.
Visibility - tick the visibility check box if you want to show the Action on the dashboard. The check box is un-ticked by default.
Note: All the above fields are editable and will be visible only for the login users.
You can configure the fields to be shown on the ‘Action List’ on your dashboard by clicking on the configure icon of the ‘Action List’ component.
Apply to – This dropdown will allow you to apply the configurations dashboard wise, component wise or page wise at once. Default value will be ‘Apply to dashboard’. You have the ability to select the required option from the dropdown. This dropdown will be available underneath every configuration grid.
Freeze 'Action Title' column in the Action list - If you enable this toggle button, you can see the Action Title column as the first column in the action list, and even when you scroll the action list horizontally, that column would remain the same.
Field Name - refers to the field name in Camms.Strategy.
Label Name – refers to the field name to be displayed on the dashboard, you can edit this as per your choice.
Visibility – tick the visibility check box to make the fields visible on the dashboard. The check boxes will be un-ticked by default.
Note: You can click Save button to save the changes.
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