Scorecard Node Component

Scorecard Node Component

1. Overview

  • This component displays the scorecards linked to a hierarchy node in a tile view visualization. The visualization of the Scorecard Node component will be as follows:

Figure 1.1

2. Configuration of Scorecard Node Component

Figure 2.1

Step 1: Begin by adding a title to the Scorecard Node component that describes its purpose. Include a brief description above the component on your dashboard, explaining its function.

Step 2: Select the desired layout type, either Carousel or Tile, for displaying the scorecards.

Note: Determine the maximum number of nodes you want to see on a single page without scrolling for either Carousel Layout.

Step 5: Specify the maximum number of characters to be displayed in the title within a page.


Use the convenient search bar located above to find a specific scorecard by entering relevant text.
Step 7: Editing Scorecard Details

To make changes to the Scorecard List grid, click on the edit icon located at the right corner of each scorecard.
Step 8: Managing Scorecard Name

The scorecard name refers to the name in Cammsstrategy. Edit this in the Scorecard Configuration grid.
Step 9: Tracking Progress and Comments

Access the Executive Comment section to view comments added for the scorecards in Cammsstrategy.
Comments are retrieved based on the given progress date, displaying data within the relevant period.
Edit these comments in the Scorecard Configuration grid.
Step 10: Customizing Performance Date

Set up a custom performance date for individual scorecards, allowing you to view data within the desired period.
This date can be different from the global performance period set during dashboard creation.
Step 11: Adjusting Visibility

Enable the visibility checkbox if you want to display the Scorecard on the dashboard.
By default, the toggle button is disabled.
Step 12: Saving Changes

Click the Save button to save any modifications you made.

  • Title – you can add a title to the Scorecard Node component.

  • Description – you can add a description to the component, which will be displayed above the component on your dashboard

Note: Only the scorecards which are linked to the node will be listed here.

  • Layout – You can select the layout type to be displayed (Carousel or Tile).

  • Number of Nodes to Display – You can select the maximum number of nodes to be displayed within a page (without the scrolling option).

  • Number of Visible Nodes for Carousel View - You can select the maximum number of nodes to be displayed within a page (without the scrolling option).

  • Number of Characters to Display on the Title - You can select the maximum number of characters to be displayed within a page. 

  • Search Bar – You can search for a scorecard by entering text on the type in search bar placed about.

Note: You can edit Score Card List grid by clicking on the edit icon placed at the right corner of each Scorecard.

Figure 2.2
  • Score Card Name – Refers to the scorecard name in cammsstrategy. You can edit this in the Scorecard Configuration grid.

Figure 2.3
  • Progress Comment 

Figure 2.4
  • Executive Comment – refers to the comments added for the scorecards in cammstrategy. Comments will be retrieved through cammstrategy according to the given progress date. (Data will be shown within the period which includes the given date). You can edit those comments in Scorecard Configuration grid. 

Figure 2.5
  • Progress Date – You can setup a custom performance date (besides the global performance period setup at the dashboard creation phase) for scorecards individually.  This will show you data within the period which includes the given date. 

Figure 2.6
  • Visibility - Enable the visibility check box if you want to show the Scorecard on the dashboard. The toggle button is disabled by default.

Figure 2.7

Note: You can click Save button to save the changes.

Figure 2.8
  • You can configure the fields to be shown on the ‘Scorecard List’ on your dashboard by clicking on the Configure icon of the ‘Scorecard Node’ component.

    • Field Name – Refers to the field name in cammsstrategy.

    • Label Name – Refers to the field name to be displayed on the dashboard, you can edit this as per your choice.

    • Visibility –  Tick the visibility check box to make the fields visible on the dashboard. The check boxes will be un-ticked by default.

Note: You can click Save button to save the changes.

3. Configuration of Sub Scorecard Drilldown

If you have existing sub-scorecards configured within a scorecard which is linked to a certain hierarchy node you can simply display those sub scorecards within the dashboard using the sub-scorecard list or node components.

All you have to do is to place the sub-scorecard list or node component within the drilldown menu of the main scorecard component.

Figure 3.1

The main scorecard component will have two additional scorecard components (list and node) shown within the drilldown menu that could be used to config sub-scorecards within the application.

Figure 3.2

You could then configure the sub-scorecards as per your preference using the configuration menu as shown below.

Figure 3.3

The sub-scorecard tile view of the dashboard would be as follows:

Figure 3.4

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