Assessment | Setup Phase
1. Overview |
The Setup phase requires the input of data into various fields including Core Values, Strategy, Actions, Tasks, Duties, Competencies, Workplace Goals, Development Goals, Measures and 360, depending on the appropriate level of the organisation. All these elements are optional.
Note: The Setup phase is completed by the Assessee, but the administrator also have the ability to complete it during the absence of the Assessee. However, the Assessee does not need to complete the Assessment Setup in one session. He/She may save any adjustments and return at a later stage to continue or complete the Assessment Setup.
2. Identifying and opening the Assessment |
Assessments that are in the 'Setup' phase are displayed with a Setup button under the 'My Assessments' tab of your homepage. This means that they have been created by you or your administrator are in the process of being setup.
To begin Setup, simply click Setup from the appropriate Assessment which will direct you to the ‘Overview’ page of the Setup phase.
3. The Overview Tab |
The steps required to complete the Setup phase are outlined in the 'Task' area at the bottom of the screen.
STEP 1: Enter the 'Annual Vision Concept'.
The Annual Vision Concept is a brief statement of which defines a goal/milestone to be achieved during the reporting year by the Organisation, Departments, Business Units and employees. Once the Annual Vision Concept has been entered, click Save to save the text entered.
The Assessment Elements include Core Values, Strategies, Actions, Duties, Competencies, Workplace/Development Goals, Measures and 360. These are explained in greater depth at a later stage. All elements are optional and depend on the organisation and job role.
Note: This article uses default CAMMS terminology and settings. Terminology may differ in your environment. The Administrator may also customise these settings to suit the organisational requirements.
STEP 2: Select the Assessment Elements that are required for the upcoming evaluation by placing a tick in the box next to the Assessment Element required.
Once the elements are selected, click the save icon. The selected elements appear in the tabs at the top of the screen.
Once all steps in the 'Overview' page are completed, it is time to work through the selected Assessment Elements.
4. Core Values Element |
Assessees can be evaluated on how well they demonstrate organisational and/or business unit specific core values for the review period.
The standard list of Organisational Core Values and Business Unit Core Values are displayed on the right. The organisational core values are added automatically to the assessment. Any core values that are not relevant to the current user can be removed at this stage. The Business Unit Core Values are determined by what Business Unit the current user is linked to, and what values that business unit has. These can also be added to the assessment if required.
To Setup Core Values, follow the steps below.
STEP 1: Click the Core Vales tab.
STEP 2: To add a core value, click the plus icon to open the core values list. Drag and drop the 'Core Values’ to ‘Core Values’ table located on the left. Alternatively, click on Add All to add all core values.
5. Strategies Element |
This encompasses key organisational strategies identified through the planning process and assigned to the Assessee. These can also be automatically incorporated into the performance assessment for the review process.
To Setup Strategies, follow the steps below.
STEP 1: Click the Strategies tab.
STEP 2: Link strategies to the assessment. Strategies can be added using either of the below given methods.
Method 1:
By dragging a 'Strategy' from list expanded by clicking the plus icon on right to the 'Strategies' table to link Strategies to the assessment or click the add all icon if all Strategies need to be linked to the assessment.
If there are no strategies assigned to the current user from other areas of the CAMMS suite, then no strategies are displayed in the Strategies List.
2. Method 2:
Strategies can be added specifically for evaluation purposes by typing in the strategy in the text box provided. Provide a key for each strategy listed. The key should mirror the organisational reporting format.
STEP 3: Click Save to save the data.
6. Actions Element |
Assessess can be assigned actions to complete to achieve organisational strategy for the review period.
To Setup Actions, follow the steps below.
STEP 1: Click the Actions tab.
STEP 2: Link actions to the assessment. Actions can be added using either of the below given methods.
Method 1:
By dragging an 'Action' from list expanded by clicking the plus icon on right to the 'Action' table to link Actions to the assessment or click the add all icon if all Actions need to be linked to the assessment.
If there are no Actions assigned to the current user from other areas of the CAMMS suite, then no Actions are displayed in the Strategies List.
2. Method 2:
Actions can be added specifically for evaluation purposes by typing in the Action in the text box provided. Provide a key for each Action listed. The key should mirror the organisational reporting format.
Enter the expected progress percentage target for all manually entered actions.
Note: Actual figures are entered in the Self-Assessment Phase and manually entered items can be edited as well as removed during the Setup phase. Action details coming through from other areas of the CAMMS suite cannot be edited through this screen. Go to the original Action area to carry out any changes.
STEP 3: Click the save icon to save the data.
7. Tasks Element |
Assessees can be assigned Tasks to complete in order to achieve organisational strategy for the review period.
To Setup Tasks, follow the steps below.
STEP 1: Click the Tasks tab.
STEP 2: Link tasks to the assessment. Tasks can be added using either of the below given methods.
Method 1:
By dragging a 'Task' from list expanded by clicking the plus icon on right to the 'Task' table to link Tasks to the assessment or click the add all icon if all Tasks need to be linked to the assessment.
If there are no Tasks assigned to the current user from other areas of the CAMMS suite, then no Tasks are displayed in the Tasks List.
2. Method 2:
Tasks can be added specifically for evaluation purposes by typing in the Task in the text box provided. Enter the expected progress percentage target and start/end date for all manually entered tasks.
Note: Actual figures are entered in the Self-Assessment Phase and manually entered items can be edited as well as removed during the Setup phase. Task details coming through from other areas of the CAMMS suite cannot be edited through this screen. Go to the original Task area to carry out any changes.
STEP 3: Click the save icon to save the data.
8. Duties Element |
Duties can be selected to reflect the Assessee's key responsibilities.
To Setup Duties, follow the steps below.
STEP 1: Click the Duties tab.
STEP 2: To link a duty to the Assessment, click the plus icon to open the list of duties and then drag and drop the duties to the table on the left hand side of the screen.
STEP 3: Click the save icon to save the data.
9. Competencies Element |
Competencies involve the assessment of competencies which have a major influence on the Assessee's performance.
To Setup Competencies, follow the steps below.
STEP 1: Click Competencies tab.
STEP 2: Click the Add button to open up the list of Competencies and then drag and drop it to the table on the left hand side of the screen or click the add all icon to select all competencies to be linked to the Assessment.
STEP 3: Click the save icon to save the data.
10. Measures Element |
Organisational KPIs and scorecards can be used to review an Assessee's performance.
To Setup Measures, follow the steps below.
STEP 1: Click the Measures tab.
STEP 2: Link Measures to the assessment. Tasks can be added using either of the below given methods.
Method 1:
By dragging a 'scorecard/KPI' from list expanded by clicking the plus icon on right to the 'scorecard/KPI' table to link scorecards/KPIs to the assessment or click the add all icon if all scorecards/KPIs need to be linked to the assessment.
If there are no KPIs assigned to the current user from other areas of the CAMMS suite, then no KPIs are displayed in the KPIs List. Untick the ‘Only my KPIs’ checkbox if you want to assign KPIs from other users.
2. Method 2:
KPIs can be added specifically for evaluation purposes by typing in the KPI in the text box provided. Enter a unit and target for all manually entered KPIs.
Note: Inactive and archived KPIs can be linked to an assessment. The KPI status will be displayed in the status column. Actual figures are entered in the Self-Assessment Phase and manually entered items can be edited as well as removed during the Setup phase.
For KPIs added through cammstalent you can edit progress information during the setup and self-assessment phases and for KPI details coming through from other areas of the CAMMS suite cannot be edited through this screen. Go to the original KPI area to carry out any changes.
STEP 3: Click the save icon to save the data.
11. License and Statutory Element |
License & Statutory screen lists organisational requirements which can be added to the assessment record.
To Setup License & Statutory, follow the steps below.
STEP 1: Click the License & Statutory tab.
The License & Statutory Requirements panel on the right hand side of the page (these are setup by the Administrator) displays the list of organisational requirements.
STEP 2: Click the plus icon to open the list of license and statutory and then drag and drop a requirement into the table on the left hand side of the page to link to the assessment. Click the Add All button to link all the records. Click Delete alongside an item in the list to remove it from the assessment record.
STEP 3: Specify the Expiry Date.
STEP 4: Click the save icon to save the data.
12. Development Goals Element |
Development Goals identify personal development goals for the review period (e.g. staff training).
To Setup Development Goals, follow the steps below.
STEP 1: Click the Development Goals tab.
STEP 2: Add the development goals to the assessment by entering the goal details in text entry fields and then click on the add icon. You can edit a the record by clicking the edit icon and once updated click Update to confirm the changes.
STEP 3: Click the save icon to save the data.
13. Workplace Goals Element |
Workplace Goals are individual goals set for an employee to achieve in the review period. These goals are personalised for the individual.
To Setup Workplace Goals, follow the steps below.
STEP 1: Click Workplace Goals tab.
STEP 2: To add a workplace goal, type the goal in the assigned text box.
STEP 3: Nominate measuring criteria for workplace goals in the 'Measure' text box. Both the Assessee and Responsible Officer can enter measuring criteria. However, after the Responsible Officer endorses the assessment, the Measure text box is made read only.
STEP 4: Click Add to save the workplace goal. You can edit a workplace goal by clicking the Edit button alongside the workplace goal and once updated click Update to confirm the changes.
STEP 5: Click the save icon to save the data.
14. Completing Setup Phase |
To complete the Setup phase follow the steps below.
STEP 1: Navigate to the 'Overview' page of the Setup phase by clicking Overview tab.
STEP 2: Make sure that each element page is filled out correctly. Any elements that were missed will be listed in the Tasks list box and until all the listed tasks are carried out, the system does not allow to complete this phase.
STEP 3: Once the element set up is finished, click Finish to complete the Setup Phase. The elements cannot be adjusted after confirmation.
This completes the Setup phase.
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