Reports | Training Requirements Report

Reports | Training Requirements Report

The data is taken from the development goal element of the Assessment. The report is filtered by Development Goal Category,  Organisational Hierarchy (Directorate, Business Unit, Service Profile) and Reporting Year and the total budget is displayed at the end of each development category. 

To generate this report, follow the steps below:

  • STEP 1: Go to Reports from the Quick Access Menu on the right or from the Mega Menu and click the Training Requirements Report.

Figure 1.1
Figure 1.2
  • STEP 2: Select the Assessment Status.

  • STEP 3: Select the Development Goal Category.

  • STEP 4: Select the level of the Hierarchy you want to filter by [Only 1 hierarchy type at a time].

  • STEP 5: Select the Hierarchy node, or leave as 'Show all'.

  • STEP 6: Select the Reporting Year.

  • STEP 7: Click Preview to view an Adobe Acrobat document of the report via the browser. Use 'Change' to revert to the criteria specification form.

  • STEP 8: Click Export to generate the report in the selected file type. After the report is generated, a browser message window pops up.

  • STEP 9: Click Open to open the document or Save to save the document in the PC.




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