Rollover – Rollover Start (Stage 1) 

To begin, navigate to Tools > Rollover>Start to access the ‘Create New Rollover Period’ screen. This is where Stage One of the Rollover Process is initiated. 

  • STEP 1: Enter a 'New System Period' description and check the ‘Create New System Period’ tick box.

The ‘Description’ should describe the next period and will be the reference to the period when it is archived in the future. E.g.: 2014/2015.

Figure 1.1
  • STEP 2: Now click the Create new period button. A message will be displayed notifying the user that the rollover process cannot be reversed. Click OK to continue. Another message will confirm that a new system period is created.

Note: The system does have the ability to ‘rollback’ a stage 1 rollover copy, so therefore it can actually be reversed if really need be.

Figure 1.2

Once a new System Period has been created, tick the tick box ‘Would you like to replicate the current period’s data to the next period’, to copy the data from current period to your new system period. After doing so the page will refresh for you to then go through and tick/untick each of the areas of Camms.Strategy®   which you would like to copy to the next period.

Note: If you do not tick this field, you will be left with a completely blank database to start from. This includes the organisational structure, staff, and planning and is not a common requirement. If you are not sure, then tick the checkbox.

  • STEP 3: You can select the data you wish to copy over to the next period by checking the desired tick-boxes.


What will happen if I select this to copy?


What will happen if I select this to copy?


*Client details will always be copied to the next period.


All directorates will be copied to the next period.

Business Unit

All business units will be copied to the next period.


All staff list and logins will be copied to the next period.


All stakeholders will be copied to the next period.

Related Plan

All related plans will be copied to the next period.

Priority Criteria

All criteria’s will be copied to the next period.

Target Initiative

All target initiatives will be copied to the next period.


All governance will be copied to the next period.

Action Grouping

All action groupings setup will be copied to the next period.

Note: if this is not selected, and you copy over all actions, these linkages will be broken.





Vision/Mission/Core Values

Full vision, mission, and values will be copied to the next period.

Environmental Analysis

All environmental Analysis will be copied over.


All goals will be copied to the next period.


All outcomes will be copied to the next period.


All strategies will be copied to the next period.



Organisational Values

All business unit values will be copied over.


All business unit SWOTS will be copied over.


All business unit Actions will be copied over to next period.


All action tasks will be copied over to next period.

cammsproject® Linked Action

This tick box relates to actions linked to Projects: If an action is linked to a Project in project management, you can choose to copy these over or not. If selected the actions linked to projects will be copied. If not selected, Projects will lose the linkage in the next period, therefore you will need to relink your projects to a new action in the next period if required.

cammsproject® Linked action tasks

This tick box relates to tasks linked to projects: If a task is linked to a Project in project management, you can choose to copy these over or not. If selected the tasks linked to projects will be copied. If not selected, Projects will lose the linkage in the next period, therefore you will need to relink your projects to a new task in the next period if required.

Weight and priorities

All weights and priorities for actions are copied over.




All Hierarchies setup will be copied over to next period.

Hierarchy Level

All Hierarchy levels will be copied over to next period.

Hierarchy Node



Service Grouping

All service Groupings will be copied over to next period.


All services will be copied over to next period.


Strategic KPI links

All strategic KPI links will be copied over to next period.

Organisational KPI links

All organisational KPI linked will be copied over to next period.




Executive reporting

All executive report builds (and all data linked) will be copied to the next period.


Strategic Risk

All strategic risks will be copied over to next period.

Initial (Uncontrolled) Risk

All strategic risk Initial Assessments will be copied to the next period.

Revised (Residual) Risk

All strategic risk revised Assessments will be copied to the next period.

Future Risk

All strategic risk future Assessments will be copied to the next period.

Operational Risk

All operational risks will be copied over to next period.

Initial (Uncontrolled) Risk

All operational risk Initial Assessments will be copied to the next period.

Revised (Residual) Risk

All operational risk revised Assessments will be copied to the next period.

Future Risk

All operational risk future Assessments will be copied to the next period.

Project Risk

All project risks will be copied over to next period.
If the project risks are not copied over, then all actions that are linked to projects within Project management, will have their links broken. Therefore meaning that links between Risk and Project will be broken.

Initial (Uncontrolled) Risk

All project risk Initial Assessments will be copied to the next period.

Revised (Residual) Risk

All project revised Initial Assessments will be copied to the next period.

Future Risk

All project risk future Assessments will be copied to the next period.

WHS Risk

All WHS risks will be copied over to next period.

Initial (Uncontrolled) Risk

All WHS risk Initial Assessments will be copied to the next period.

Revised (Residual) Risk

All WHS revised Initial Assessments will be copied to the next period.

Future Risk

All WHS risk future Assessments will be copied to the next period.

The configuration section is used to change some logic of the data you are copying:

Action/Task Configuration


Action/Task Configuration


Set all Actions to Not Started Status

Ticking this box will set all Actions and tasks to not started status.

*Exclude Actions Linked to Projects

Ticking this box will exclude actions linked to Projects (from Project Management area) from having their status changed. The status will remain as is, not affecting Projects.
If a client is using the Projects > Planning action link, then it is recommended to tick this box so it doesn't affect your project management in projects.

Set Date Range

Setting a start and end date will reset all action and tasks start and end dates within the next period.

Clear Action Progress Comment

If you would like to remove all action progress comments and prevent them from being copied over, please tick this box. If not ticked, all action progress comments will be copied to the next period.

Exclude Existing Action Targets

Ticking this box will remove all existing action targets in the next period – action targets will be blank in the next period. Action targets will copy as default from current period to next period if this is left un-ticked.

Exclude Existing Tags

  • Ticking this checkbox will exclude existing tags used in Actions and Tasks, being copied to the ‘Next Period’.

  • Leaving this checkbox unticked, will copy existing tags from the 'Current Period' to the 'Next Period'.

    • All existing tags used within actions and tasks in the current period will be visible in the next period while in rollover stage 1: in between rollover period.

    • When rollover is completed, tags that were used within actions and tasks in the ‘Current Period’ will be shown in the ‘Archive Period’.

    • Tags that were used within actions and tasks in the ‘Next Period’ will be shown in the ‘Current Period’.

Other known limitations or areas to consider

  • Financials: Financial mapping is currently not part of rollover and you are to contact CAMMS if you have financial integration with CAMMS. CAMMS will then copy mappings between reporting years.  The integration is then to be pointed to update required periods. Please contact CAMMS to help copy over the mappings.

The system has a lot of linkages and dependencies so some of the data will need to be brought over in order to bring over other dependent data. For example, you cannot copy over the Strategies without the Goals and Outcomes.

If you utilise the Integrated Risk Manager, you must select the Environmental Analysis and SWOT fields in order to rollover risks correctly. Failure to do this may make your risk data inaccessible in the Next Period. Risk Rating type does not rollover when performing a standard rollover and the Risk Manager will not be allowed to delete any Risk Rating type after the completion of your system's first rollover, as they are linked to previous system periods.

To ensure that an item is going to be copied across to the Next Period, ensure that the box is ticked on. If you do not wish for the information to come through, remove the tick.

The following data needs to be considered:






Include all framework areas. The following rules will apply;

  • Unticking Framework will disable the following selections

  • Planning > Strategic > Strategy

  • Planning > Corporate > Action sections

  • Service Delivery > services

  • Modules > Risk sections

  • Action/Task Configuration

  • Unticking Directorate will disable the following selections

  • Framework > Business Units

  • Planning > Corporate sections

  • Service Delivery > Services

  • Modules > Operations and Project Risk sections

  • Action/Task Configuration

  • Unticking Business Units will disable the following selections

  • Planning > Corporate sections

  • Service Delivery > Services

  • Modules > Risk Sections

  • Action/Task Configuration

-Unticking Staff will disable the following selections

  • Framework > Directorate/Business Unit

  • Planning > Strategic> Strategy

  • Planning> Corporate > Action sections

  • Service Delivery > Services

  • Modules > Risk sections

  • Action/Task Configuration


Include all framework areas. The following rules will apply;

  • Unticking Framework will disable the following selections;

  • Planning > Strategic Community Planning> Strategies

  • Planning > Corporate Business Planning > Actions sections

  • Service Delivery> Services

  • Operations and Project Risk sections

  • Action/Task Configuration

  • Unticking Directorate will disable the following selections;

  • Framework > Business Units

  • Planning > Corporate Business Planning sections

  • Service Delivery > Services

  • Operations and Project Risk sections

  • Action/Task Configuration

  • Unticking Business Units will disable the following selections;

  • Planning > Corporate Business Planning sections

  • Service Delivery > Services

  • Operations and Project Risk sections

  • Action/Task Configuration

-Unticking Staff will disable the following selections;

  • Framework > Directorate/Business Unit

  • Planning > Strategic Community Planning > Strategies

  • Planning > Corporate Business Planning > Actions sections

  • Service Delivery > Services

  • Operations and Project Risk sections

  • Action/Task Configuration

Custom Hierarchies

Include planning areas except Performance Management; i.e. Strategic and Corporate Business Planning

  • Unticking Planning will disable the following selections;

  • Operations and Project Risk sections

  • Action/Task Configuration

  • Unticking Strategic Community Planning will disable the following selections;

  • All Strategic Community Planning sections except SWOT

  • Planning > Corporate Business Planning > Actions Sections

  • Action/Task Configuration

  • Unticking Goals will disable the following sections;

  • Planning > Strategic Community Planning > Outcomes and Strategies

  • Planning > Corporate Business Planning > Actions Sections

  • Action/Task Configuration

  • Unticking Outcomes will disable the following sections;

  • Planning Strategic Community Planning > Strategies

  • Planning > Corporate Business Planning > Actions Sections

  • Action/Task Configuration

  • Unticking Strategies will disable the following sections;

  • Planning > Corporate Business Planning > Actions Sections

  • Action/Task Configuration

  • Unticking Corporate Business Planning will disable the following selections;

  • Operations and Project Risk sections

  • Action/Task Configuration

  • Unticking Corporate Business Planning > Actions will disable the following sections;

  • Project Risk sections

  • Action/Task Configuration

Service Delivery

  • Include Custom hierarchy sections

KPI Linkages

Include Service delivery sections
Un-ticking Service Delivery/Services will disable the following sections;

  • Planning > Corporate Business Planning > Action Sections

  • Project Risk sections

  • Action/Task Configuration


Include all KPI linkages. Note that KPIs will not rollover. Only KPI linkages to planning and organisational hierarchy will rollover

Action/Task Configuration

Include other modules such as Executive Reporting and Risks. This will rollover all risk details including any linkages and risk solutions

Let's look at the two most common methods of selection for rollover:

  1. The first most common option is undertaken when an organisation has a significant change to their strategic document or a complete rewrite which will result in business plans being developed from scratch.

For this option, the simplest approach is generally to copy only the Framework details and no other fields. This will give you a ‘Blank slate’ to commence developing your plans from for the next period, whilst still keeping the basic information such as organisational structure and staff.   

2. The second most common method is to copy across all fields available. 

  • STEP 4: Once you finish selecting the required fields, click Copy Data to proceed with replicating information to the next period. A message will display notifying that the copying of data cannot be reversed. Click OK to continue.

Successful data transfer indicates the completion of Stage 1 of the Rollover Process. Wait for the page to refresh (please do not navigate away at this stage or you may risk the rollover stage 1 not being completed successfully).

Once completed, the page will refresh back to the home page and you will be able to see the Current period/Next period buttons. The next period is your new system period.

  1. When the page loads, ensure that the ‘show system period pane’ value is ticked. Ticking this ensures that the button will be activated for all those who have security to do so.

  2. If you require ALL users to be able to see next period and have access to next period, you can switch on the ‘Enable System period permission boost’. This means that all users will automatically have this enabled when they log in. If you don’t have this ticked, then the users who are to have security, you will have to setup via the Manage Users > Security area (see below).

  3. Another setting which you may want to enable here is the ‘Make current system period default’. This will ensure that no matter what period you are in when you log out and log back in, it will ALWAYS default back to the current period. 

4. To set up security (if you do not have the permission boost setting switched on) navigate through the Admin> Manage Users. Locate the person/s you want to give access and tick the security level ‘Next business cycle’, and then once saved they will have access.


This needs to be updated

  • To navigate between system periods, simply click on the top menu ‘Current period’ and select the ‘next period’. To navigate back, do the vice-versa.

  • A warning will always be displayed when switching periods so that you don’t accidentally click on it without saving the page you are on. Click OK to continue.

  • You may now start amending your plans and data in the next period, whilst completing your current period reporting. Any changes made in the next period will not change current period, vice versa, except for the performance management area.

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