Incident Actions Register

1. Overview

The Incident Actions Register will display all the Incident Actions recorded in the system and will provide a high-level overview of its status.

Figure 1.1

For each Incident Action the following fields will be displayed:


  • Administrators can edit the register view and search fields for all users within the Incident Settings > Register Configuration section.

  • Only users who inherit the Standard Roles for an Incident, with the respective permission, will be able to view actions related with the relevant Incident in their Incident Action Register once logged in.

    Standard Roles: Incident RO, Incident Action RO, Incident Investigator, Incident Creator, Incident Approver, and any additional Standard Roles created for a specific user will be visible to that user. See section Standard Roles under Framework – Incident Settings.





Action Name

Action title.

Responsible Officer

Staff member that the incident is assigned to via incident details page. 


Status defines whether the action is Not started, in progress, completed, deferred, ongoing.

Start Date

Start date of the action.

End Date

End date of the action.

Percent Complete

Completion % of the action.

Setting a status of 'Not Started' will set the % complete to 0.

Setting a status of 'In progress' will allow the user to enter % complete between 1-99.

Setting a status of 'Completed' will set the % complete to 100.


Description of the action.


Progress comments for the action.

2. Filtering Details

The Filter button at the top-right corner will allow you to search and filter for specific data. The following filters will be available by default.

Figure 2.1

Note: Tick the Save as Default option to save the filter selections as default. This will allow a default selection of incidents to be displayed to the user at each log in.





Action Name

Key word search which will search records by Title of the incident Action.

Responsible Officer

List of staff that allows you to search for incidents by its responsible officer. 


Allows you to search incident actions by current status of the action; whether the action is Not started, in progress, completed, deferred, ongoing.

Start Date

Allow you to search for incident actions by the Start Date.

End Date

Allow you to search for incident actions by the End Date.

Percent Complete

Allows you to search incident actions by Percent Complete.


Key word search which will search records by Description of the incident Action.


Key word search which will search records by Comment of the incident Action.

3. Sorting Details

To sort details in the action register, click on a column in the register grid to sort details in an ascending or descending order. When you click on a column the first time, it will sort details in an ascending order, based on that field. An 'up' arrow will indicate this. When you click on the column a second time, it will sort details in a descending order, based on that field. A 'down' arrow will indicate this. Click on the column a third time to remove any sorting applied.

Note: Currently, sorting will be applied ONLY to Standard fields. Custom fields will not be sorted in registers.

4. Accessing Action Details

Clicking on an Incident Action will take you to the Action Plan details page of the Incident record.

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